Re: SHWW Group
Right now, all I have to say is that I'm disappointed in the direction this is leading. 4 yrs ago I held my 1st BSC match with no entry fees or prizes, other than bragging rights, to see if I could get some people to meet , & shoot with from the area. I was pleased to say the least when about 12 guys showed up, & had a good time. Some I shoot with now on a regular basis, & some I only see when I hold a match or attend one put on by someone else. I was hoping to get some others into setting up their own matches, so I could compete, & have some fun of my own shooting against, & learning tricks, etc. from others. However I have hosted, & RO'd more matches by far than I have been allowed to compete in. I recognise that the MD has the right to place limits on the competitors by his choosing, but IMHO this has gotten out of hand. Like I have said before I have not lost a target during a match because of some magical energy above, & beyond a .308 round. My targets are held up with 2 X 4's, & pieces of pipe I have scrounged up from here, & there, & I shoot them all the time with my 300WM. The week link is the bolts, & the cost of grade 8 vs. grade 5 is pennies per bolt. And a direct hit from a .308, or even a 6X47L might blow one up just as often as a 338L, or 300WM. This is my observation, & opinion.
If you are going to run an occasional "service rifle" match that's fine, & it's up to the MD, but I'll have other plans.
As of right now, I'm not feeling verry generous, so if TSI, or others want to have a primer match before FC they are welcome. I'll not be interested in performing all the work to set BSCIV up.