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Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rotortuner</div><div class="ubbcode-body">they are coming out of the woodwork. To bad its at the end of the "shooting season" hahaha.

CJG </div></div>

Oh hell no!!!! SHWW is all about the rain, sleet, hail and wind!! It is actually easier to read the wind in the Sol Duc when it is raining!!! It blows enough to move the water in tha air and you can see every change in direction!

Gotta break them in like we did Tribe!!! Herd of Elk, hail, rain, wind, shooting from under the vehicle to try to stay dry!!!

There will be a free for all shootout with newbies in the Sol Duc as soon as hunting seasons allow!



I just need to get my canopy back on!!!
Re: SHWW Group

thats alright. i cant make it on saturday i have that safety class for work i have to attend. its to bad, i think saturday will have the best weather this weekend.
Re: SHWW Group

well speaking of wet weather, Danska and i went out today and did some load work/shooting. the day was a sucessful one for both of us. we founds some killer loads for are rifles and banged some steel at 800 and 1100 yards. well joe hit the steel at 1100. i made 2 nice groups on both sides of it, the wind just did not want me to contact that damn target. well anyways i figured i would share some range pics of the day.



Re: SHWW Group

Nice! You can see our makeshift rain cover, it worked quite well. I brought my portable reloading set-up, and dialed in a decent peforming load. The wind wasn't blowing too hard at all, but it kept picking up from nothing to just a little so that 1100 yard section was pretty challenging.

The 208 A-MAX and .308 found a happy match I believe, Mayday's .300 WIN shot one big hole with his 210 Bergers. I loved being able to load 20 of the same load that worked for me up so we could bang some steel after our development stuff.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mayday</div><div class="ubbcode-body">well speaking of wet weather, Danska and i went out today and did some load work/shooting. the day was a sucessful one for both of us. we founds some killer loads for are rifles and banged some steel at 800 and 1100 yards. well joe hit the steel at 1100. i made 2 nice groups on both sides of it, the wind just did not want me to contact that damn target. well anyways i figured i would share some range pics of the day.



Portable reloading, I love it!

Note to self, figure out a compart & portable reloading system!
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tribe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...Seriously, that's like 6 or 7 new names in the last week....

FWIW, this is a list of SHWW poster children. I know I skipped a few names from SHWW posters that are way outside the PNW, but overall I think I captured everyone "local".

Market Garden
Jim the Plumber
Semper Kill
f9 wine
SniperCJ (made our 1st batch of T-shirts. Dallas, TX)
pro sessions
The Etruscan
Storm Tactical
Anchor Zero Six
Michael N
Pat M
Derek Myers
Captain Kirk

yes, lots of new folks recently. Think it's the T-shirts?

Re: SHWW Group


There is a little bit better shot of my portable set-up. Its a cheap lee press, all I use it for is seating my bullets. I just bring fully processed brass with me throw a charge off the Harrell and seat. Like I said once I figured my charge weight I loaded a bunch up, hit 9/10 @ 800 (missed the first because of a dope guess). Normally I shoot a private range so no one minds me loading there, but out here its even better. The only hard part is finding a little table or something to clamp to. If you have any questions let me know.
Re: SHWW Group

happy b day big. yeah i bet tomorrow will be better weather, it was spotty rain and light wind gust today. we hid your steel in the bushes a little better so the bow hunters wont stumble across them. i will pm you the locations.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bigwheels</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I wish I could have made it today. It was my birthday after all, but I had to work, & do some shoping for the home. </div></div>

Happy Birthday Bigwheels!
Hope we can meet up for some more shooting! What general area of the state was today's shoot?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tribe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Holy crap Ranger.... how long did that take?
to f-ing long! Care to proof read the list?
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: danska</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

There is a little bit better shot of my portable set-up. Its a cheap lee press, all I use it for is seating my bullets. I just bring fully processed brass with me throw a charge off the Harrell and seat. Like I said once I figured my charge weight I loaded a bunch up, hit 9/10 @ 800 (missed the first because of a dope guess). Normally I shoot a private range so no one minds me loading there, but out here its even better. The only hard part is finding a little table or something to clamp to. If you have any questions let me know. </div></div>
lots of reloaders envy here. really nice job on that.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ranger1183</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: danska</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

There is a little bit better shot of my portable set-up. Its a cheap lee press, all I use it for is seating my bullets. I just bring fully processed brass with me throw a charge off the Harrell and seat. Like I said once I figured my charge weight I loaded a bunch up, hit 9/10 @ 800 (missed the first because of a dope guess). Normally I shoot a private range so no one minds me loading there, but out here its even better. The only hard part is finding a little table or something to clamp to. If you have any questions let me know. </div></div>
lots of reloaders envy here. really nice job on that. </div></div>

Thanks! I must tell you that a friend came up with the design, but I couldn't find a way to do it any better. I have another larger Lee press I'd like to use but it mounts up a bit longer and is harder to get mounted correctly.
Re: SHWW Group

A super easy way to mount the reloading setup would be off of a 2" reciever hitch. Make it long enough so that it sticks the press at about the same heigth as the tailgate and you would have a work bench that could mount to any truck or reciever.

Show me the base of your press or how close you could mount the thrower and the press and I can probably make you somthing that would kick ass for field reloading.

Don't forget about the Quuigley reloading style also. LEE makes a system that you use powder dippers and a hand predd similar to a primer seater. That's how the old timers would do it....and they were around $20 a pop....I missordered them from Cabelas when I was first looking for a cheap beginner set of dies!!!
Re: SHWW Group

Hi guys, just want to say hello for my first post, I am a long time friend of the other newbie "beretta682" and live in port orchard. love to shoot long range and always looking forward to meet other shooters.
I may need a coupple t-shirts too
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: danska</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Awesome. That gives me some ideas of using it witn my vehicle. My jeep dosent have any thing good to mount to.

Is it heavy enough to keep from rocking around or do you secure it somehow? </div></div>

I will bring FL resized cases, so I am just charging and seating, not any resizing or brass prep out in the field.

Kirk R
Re: SHWW Group

Yeah I'm doing the same, so I think I could set something up just like yours for doing it in my car. If I'm at the range it dosen't matter as I have a bench to c-clamp to, but I don't always have Mayday's truck to use
Re: SHWW Group

Well, akmike & I did some shooting yesterday. The wind was blowing pretty hard, but you just gotta do it. He's well on his way to a LR addiction. Got his first hits @ 400/700, & 760. Wind was too much for 900 tho. His trace was right on target 'till the last couple hundred yds, & then it banked hard right like a jet fighter. Was something to see. We'll do it again when the wind isn't blowing so hard, & we'll get him out to 1K.
I did a function test of my 338WM hunting rifle @ the 400 yd steel, but knocked it out with 1 shot. Now I have to figure a better way to hang it. Yanked the bolt holding the chain right out!
Had a good time.
Re: SHWW Group

Pics of the layout of the land?

Good to have you back Scott!!!

Reminder that if you want a SHWW Tshirt to let me know before October.

Currently I have:

Tribe: XXXL Long Sleeve BonB, Gray, Green
Ranger: XXL Long BonB (2) XXL Short BonB (2)
Jcvibby: XXL Long Tan, XXL Short Green
AlanH: XL Short Black
Mayday: L Short Black, XL Short Green
Ditch82: L Short Kakhi L Long Kakhi
MJH: L Short Green
akmike: M Long Gray

If I missed anybody, I am sure I did....let me know. The black Tshirts will have silver screenprint unless you request BonB (Black Screen on Black Shirt). I will aquire priceing the first part of October.
Re: SHWW Group

Big thanks to Bigwheels, I had a great time, was hard to stop
smiling especially after hitting achmed at 700. The first round hit at 400 was cool too(since I hadn't shot past 200m previously). Thanks for all the tips and info, my brain was spinning at some points but I figure it'll just take time and more shooting.
Re: SHWW Group

glad to meet everyone who came to the shoot this weekend , seemed like everyone had a great time , including a few guys new to shooting lr comp . it was a great time for me since i just edged out diggler @ the end

pics to follow later
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 264win</div><div class="ubbcode-body">glad to meet everyone who came to the shoot this weekend , seemed like everyone had a great time , including a few guys new to shooting lr comp . it was a great time for me since i just edged out diggler @ the end

pics to follow later </div></div>

I have to admit it was hard to keep up with a guy who makes 24 out of 28 hits on steel between 500yds and 650yds in the last 2 stages. way to demonstrate how its done.

thanks everyone for coming out and give it a shot. it was good to practice in the wind.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: diggler44</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> 24 out of 28 hits on steel between 500yds and 650yds</div></div>

What were the last two stages?
Re: SHWW Group

about half prone, half barracade/improvised shooting positions all at 10x10" hanging plates with 7-11mph wind. along with a few hanging balloons that were doing some real dancing. i tried keeping pace with 21 of 28 hits buts i think the pressure got me, yeah thats it.

you definetly missed out tribe you would have love the course, definetly better than last time.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aubie</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Here's some google map coordinates to a sweet spot I found in the Olympic Forest today:


Could have probably gotten 150-200 yards open range but we shot a little closer to the area that was already setup for targets. Place was trashed so we picked up quite a bit but still lots of old appliances and junk we couldn't haul out.


You are awesome! Ive been to that exact same spot a few years back with a buddy of mine when I was still in the Army. He drove, and I couldnt remember how to get back out there! Thanks and good luck in Tenn!
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: akmike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I forgot, I'd love to get a shirt.
Med.Grey Long.
Let me know who and how to pay.
Mike </div></div>

Same here, though Ill take the standard Black short sleeve w/ silver print.

Put me on the list!

I can paypal payment if need be.

On another note, it looks like I came back to the forum just in time to find Ill miss another weekend meet

Damn shift work.
