Re: SHWW Group
Suppressor prices are often quoted as "plus-plus", i.e. the total price of the can includes the can, state sales tax, and the $200 one-time tax stamp. So a $495 suppressor ends up costing $495 + tax + $200, about $750 in my area. Your tax rate is probably different than mine.
If you buy from a stocking dealer there is no transfer fee, or shouldn't be. The Form 4 is similar to a 4473, the one you fill out for evey firearm purchase.
So: Go down to the local emporium, pick out your new suppressor. Fill out paperwork, pay for the can, and write a check for $200 to Uncle Sam. Then wait, and wait, and wait.... You can't take the can home until your Form 4 returns with the stamp on it. (It's just like a postage stamp, though bigger and more expensive.)
My first one took 30 days from check cashing to stamp in hand, my last one over 6 months. Part of the delay was that the BATFE kicked back the trust the dealer was using for some reason. After being reworded by the store's attorneys and some negotiation with the BATFE, the trust was accepted and my Form 4 in hand a couple weeks later. For that reason I'm confident my trust will hold up.
If you're a Washington resident I'd go buy one today, before the rush.