Sig Kilo 2200MR Performance.


Full Member
Nov 22, 2010
Southern MD.
I recently picked up a Sig Kilo 2200mr off of a fellow hide member and I just wanted to share my experience with how it as worked so far. The weather was perfect today so I hiked up to the top of Tumb Butte in Prescott today to see what the thing would do and honestly I'm impressed.

The furthest I was able to laser pine trees was only around 1300 yds which at first had me skeptical. The longest I was able to laser a house was 1950 yds. The issue is, I noticed many houses in the area are finished in earthy tones which I think would impact the range finder. What I was really impressed with, was hitting street signs. I was able to laser a street sign at 2950 yds. I would come back to that sign and the reading was the same every time. Anything that was fairly reflective, I had no issue lasing out past 2000 yds. It kinda turned into a fun game to see how many street signs I could pick out and laser. Overall I'm impressed. The used prices on these things are really hard to beat.