There are some red flags in that article that make me think that the guy that wrote it is full of shit.
1. First of all, he backs up his claims by linking to youtube videos.
2. He claims that because its piston operated, its not reliable if you throw it in the mud. Which I have serious doubts about because being piston driven is part of what makes the AK so reliable. So, wtf?
3. Then he assumes Army went with a piston for health and safety reasons. Yeah, I'm sure thats it, and it has nothing to do with the SUPPRESSOR on the damn muzzle. That comment alone was enough to light my bullshit detector up to full glow.
4. He then claims the whole thing is a waste because 6.8 can't defeat level 4 body armor, and as proof links to a youtube video showing a level 4 plate exhibit like an inch of backface deformation the size of a softball. Yes, it didn't go through, but holy balls I wouldn't want to get hit with it.