Sniper Rifle Game


Jun 9, 2011
Hey guys,

I'm currently working on a sniper rifle game, well the menu and stats screen currently. I have found the range, mag size, recoil and weight for each of the 16 rifles but am having trouble with the rate of fire. Any ideas how I can get this?
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Accuracy International L69A1
Barrett M82A1
Barrett M95
China North QBU88
Dragunov SVD
Dragunov SVU
GOL Sniper Magnum
Heckler & Koch PSG1
Intervention M200
McMillan Tac 50
Remington 700
SV98 Snaiperskaya
VSS Snaiperskaya
Walther WA2000
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Sniper rifles don't really have a sustained rate of fire, it's more of a recommendation but if you wanted to include one, for the semi autos you can include the one used by Knights Armament on the Mk 11, it's a good consideration.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">In training and peacetime, the rifle should never be fired with unnecessary rapidity or past the point where the barrel/sound suppressor cannot beheld comfortably in a bare hand because it is too hot. Although the mechanism itself is capable of a very high and rapid rate of fire, abuse of this capability will lead to premature barrel wear, loss of match grade accuracy and premature suppressor failure.

MAXIMUM SUSTAINED RATE OF FIRE for Maximum Barrel Life: Five rounds per minute for four minutes, two minute cooling (boltopen). After 100 rounds, allow rifle to fully cool before repeating. Clean bore during cooling periods to increase barrel life and provide the bestaccuracy with subsequent shot groups</div></div>

Heat can be the enemy of accuracy over the long term, so you don't want to let them shoot too much, but again, it's a bolt action in a machine gun world, so never say never. Guys can easily shoot 5 shots in under 20 seconds, accurately with both a bolt action and semi auto, so exactly what the number is, that is hard to say.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game


thanks for the quick replies. What I'm getting at is that the Barrett M95 is slower than firing the Dragunov SVU. Is this to do with the rifle being semi automatic or bolt action? I found the cyclic rate of fire for the Barrett M82A2 which is 10rpm? Sorry to hastle I'm confused with this and the recoil stat which is simply based on the rifle being bolt action or semi automatic.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

No the Barrett is a .50 the SVU isn't.. a .50 is a serious recoiling rifle, so it's much slower, plus you can't really shoot a Barrett fast, you can, but odds of hitting anything decrease dramatically. Both of those are semi auto.

Wiki usually gives some good details if you need it.

In your list, stuff like the PSG-1 is semi, the M40A3 is bolt action, while rates of fire might be different, you can shoot a bolt action pretty fast, although a semi will be fast, again the bigger question because barrel life and caliber, in most cases the smaller calibers will be faster, the big ones not so much.

People generally don't refer to rates of fire with a sniper rifle, that is a machine gun thing and why you can't find much on it. Precision fire isn't a "rate" thing.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Ok makes sense, so if you was creating a stats screen which stats would you pick? Range, magazine size, recoil and weight I picked as want to give player as much info as possible.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tkellogg</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What are the 16 rifles? that will help </div></div>

It doesn't matter about the freaking rifles. Most of the games cram as many rifles as they can into a game without any mention of ballistics, wind, elevation, temperature, and I'm scratching the surface as far as things that MANY video game developers have left out.

Why am I pissed? Sniper's Hide usually gets some kid who comes in after playing these games with the notion that it is a game of laser tag.

I would appreciate it if you were to focus more more about the bullet getting to the target than the collection of rifles in the armory.PM me if you need help with this.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tkellogg</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What are the 16 rifles? that will help </div></div>

It doesn't matter about the freaking rifles. Most of the games cram as many rifles as they can into a game without any mention of ballistics, wind, elevation, temperature, and I'm scratching the surface as far as things that MANY video game developers have left out.

Why am I pissed? Sniper's Hide usually gets some kid who comes in after playing these games with the notion that it is a game of laser tag.

I would appreciate it if you were to focus more more about the bullet getting to the target than the collection of rifles in the armory.PM me if you need help with this.</div></div>

You mean a P90 can't kill me over and over from 300+ yards away... online the P90 deadly accurate, is that not true of real life ? Its very effective on Stargate the series.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Will consontrate on getting these rifles as accurate as possible for now but would like to know your ideas for which to use. Will keep everyone updated on the progress just need to get easy things out the way. Oh and got arma lol
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tkellogg</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What are the 16 rifles? that will help </div></div>

It doesn't matter about the freaking rifles. Most of the games cram as many rifles as they can into a game without any mention of ballistics, wind, elevation, temperature, and I'm scratching the surface as far as things that MANY video game developers have left out.

Why am I pissed? Sniper's Hide usually gets some kid who comes in after playing these games with the notion that it is a game of laser tag.

I would appreciate it if you were to focus more more about the bullet getting to the target than the collection of rifles in the armory.PM me if you need help with this.</div></div>

You mean a P90 can't kill me over and over from 300+ yards away... online the P90 deadly accurate, is that not true of real life ? Its very effective on Stargate the series. </div></div>

Just for you Frank.

Re: Sniper Rifle Game

You would almost have to give us an idea of how this game is going to look/operate.

For example: The different stats must effect play in order for them to mean a damn thing when it comes to making a selection. Thinking along the lines of MW2 the L69A1 has become my weapon of choice because it hit's the hardest. (1 shot to upper body...done) But they made sure they added plenty of simulated recoil making it slower to get back on target than say the WA2000 which (In their world anyhow) has less recoil, hence bumping up it's fire rate.

I would focus on what caliber these rifles are in real life, and adjust their stats and performance accordingly. Give the bolts the upper hand in accuracy and the semi's less recoil to "bump-up" their fire rate.

Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tkellogg</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What are the 16 rifles? that will help </div></div>

It doesn't matter about the freaking rifles. Most of the games cram as many rifles as they can into a game without any mention of ballistics, wind, elevation, temperature, and I'm scratching the surface as far as things that MANY video game developers have left out.

Why am I pissed? Sniper's Hide usually gets some kid who comes in after playing these games with the notion that it is a game of laser tag.

I would appreciate it if you were to focus more more about the bullet getting to the target than the collection of rifles in the armory.PM me if you need help with this.</div></div>

There was a game that had realisticish ballistics awhile back called Sniper Elite. Evan had mill dot ranging. But i would like to see a more modern game that is more realistic and less point and shoot.

What would this game before (Xbox,PS3,computer or phone app)
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Does anyone know how to work out the cyclic rate of fire? Have thought about it but this is something that will help the player chose a rifle. Have also thought about MOA but not sure how easy to find this is either.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

It isn't about rate of fire, or cyclic rate. I don't think you really read what Lowlight, the creator of this website and all around gun guru, told you.

With precision rifles it's about accuracy. They are not machine guns. You do not worry about cyclic rate of fire with a scoped rifle. You worry about getting each individual round onto the target.

Now let me explain the business sense of your project. With videogames that have no realistic accuracy in terms of precision rifles(Call of Duty) you will not have people playing them for very long. There will be a period were people will play it non-stop, but after a certain period they will grow bored with it and give it up.

Those games with a higher realism, in regards to precision rifles typically develop a dedicated fanbase all their very own, and players have even played games for years and years because of that realism.

Ant. I could've explained all of this if you sent me a Private message. I'm more than happy to help, but you need to dig a little deeper for more knowledge and have a bigger desire for research on your end.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

What would be cool is to build in a shot dispersion to represent accuracy and have that vary by range, by caliber, and by rifle. To borrow from Litz, you could use TOF to represent the deterioration of accuracy over range. You could also have shot dispersion increase with a hot barrel or be a little off for a cold bore.

And then also have "clues" about wind... simulated mirage, foliage movement, flag angles. To build a realistic simulator would be cool, but I wonder if the technology is there to be able to program it. Or as mentioned above, if players care.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Spin D would be an awesome "power up" extra, you find a bottle drink it and you get a magazine worth of shots with no drift. Point of Aim / Point of Impact. LOL

you can have a cut away scene where you drink it and do my spin, then back in action. Awesomeness.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Has anyone else tried Shooterready?

Not so much a game as a good simulator for practicing milling, wind, etc.

Not perfect, but it has some decent value. There is a 'limited' function free version at the above Web site. The paid version gives more options as far as setting up scope, etc.

I played with this a lot when I first got my M/O billet. And the instructors down at BW recommended it. I sort of quit using it, but this reminds me I should go have some fun playing it. The program is worth the few $$ to buy it. IMHO, worth a look.

I'll be interested to ultimately see a game you are working on, even though I am not really a gamer.

But, dude, where's the Sako TRG-22 on that list? Have we no standards? (he says as he dons his Nomex anti-flame suit.)


Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Spin D would be an awesome "power up" extra, you find a bottle drink it and you get a magazine worth of shots with no drift. Point of Aim / Point of Impact. LOL

you can have a cut away scene where you drink it and do my spin, then back in action. Awesomeness. </div></div>

If anything is put into the game it should be CKA as the spotter, and Boltripper as the CO.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Now let me explain the business sense of your project. With videogames that have no realistic accuracy in terms of precision rifles(Call of Duty) you will not have people playing them for very long. There will be a period were people will play it non-stop, but after a certain period they will grow bored with it and give it up.</div></div>

MMMMMMmmmmmm, I don't know about that. Bogging a game down with to many horse shit details will only appeal to a very select/small group of followers, if at all. There would not be nearly enough action. I would venture to say that 95% of the gamers out there know nothing of ballistic coefficients, full value wind, coriolis effect, barometric pressure, temperature, humidity, etc, and couldn’t give two shits about it. When I feel like dealing with all that, I break-out the real McCoy.

SpinD as a perk to solve the above issues does=win though.

From a business standpoint, if you’re looking for a “dedicated fanbase who will play for years”; you need to come-up with a game that has more action, detail, and high-end graphics than you can handle, make sure you can play it online with people all over the world simultaneously, and you have yourself a winner. They will play it for years while you’re making money hand over fist selling its sequels...LOL, if you need a little operating cash between sequels, just sell some extra Map packs.

Let me put it to you like this ArmaHeavy: There were over 400,000 players online last night (A Wednesday night to boot) and you can bet your ass we will be crushing their servers this Friday when we are all downloading the latest Map-pack at $10 a pop. BTW, the group of friends I teamed-up with last night were from No. Cal, Chicago, Minnesota, Texas, Rode Island, and So Cal. The ability for all of us, all over North America to be able to play, communicate, and strategize live/at the same place/time, is about as fun as it gets.


Re: Sniper Rifle Game

If you are asking what I think you are then the best thing you can do is find a range near where you are and go observe shooters.

The rate of fire depends on several things.

Precise=Slow For single round for extreme accuracy
Functional= Not as slow For accurate fire on multiple threats
Chinese Hordes=Fast Quick as You can run the gun and get any kind of debilitating hit

As a side note the optic involved will also play into this. High magnification is generally slower on follwup shots at distance.

Heavy rounds = heavy recoil result in slower shot to shot recovery

Bolt action with internal magazine= slowest reloads
Bolt action with detach mags= better reload time
Semi auto's with detach magazines= best reload time
Belt fed weapons = Accuracy limited and also cause medical conditions First known as "God Complex" second known as penis erectis.

You Tube can be a big help for seeing much of this. But watching an experienced shooter is better and seeing it in person is best.

Hope this is what you need.
By the way I am available to test finished product for you. Just let me know.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Hey guys,

Right sorry about slow short replies am using mobile for next 2 weeks thanks to sky broadband. Will read all comments, credit all helpers and eventually use you all as testers if possible.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

When we need gun stats at work, we use
I've found most of the info up there to be very helpful. But you can always count on a game designer to pick that one Russian prototype weapon that there's no real info on.

Mind if I ask what game engine you're using?
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Get on the armaholic forum for ARMA, some of the modders there have done all the work for you. Especially the guys that did the ACE Combat mod. You want real it's there.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

I would also recommend that you buy shooter ready, they have a new version out. Spend an hour a day for a couple weeks going through the training and scenarios. Once you've done that you should have a good idea about some of the things involved in long range shooting. Once you have that foundation you'll have a much better idea about how realistic you can be and still be a game versus a simulator.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

as a shooter i would love to have a great game with all the stuff you have to deal with in real life. as a street cop and a sniper i like the fact that gamers dont have a clue about what a real gun does. hell half of them dont even no what a saftey is cause most if not all game ever have you mess with it
but good luck with ur game man hope you post some screen shots so we can check it out.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

If you come up with a game that involves complete REALISM, and not another arcade game ,in which you shoot next to the guy and it kills them, I will start playing my PS3 instead of using it as a Bluray player. I would be happy to accept a game for testing, but only if it is realistic. One thing I would like to see is when you shoot at someone, you actually have to hit them. Some games seem like the bullet is the size of a basketball, and there's no way you can miss them. Make it an actually challenge instead of how many points you can get by killing over 100 people in a game...
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: AntBirch</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I found the cyclic rate of fire for the Barrett M82A2 which is 10rpm? </div></div>

I can assure you that you can dump a magazine with the Barrett in well under a minute. Now hitting something while doing it, that's a whole different story.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

I think what the OP is trying to accomplish with the rate of fire, is to make the guns have pros and cons. If each firearm didn't have both, there would be no decision to make, everyone would choose the Barrett 50 for every mission. I think the OP will have to assign a follow up shot time to each gun that is semi realistic. To make an accurate follow up shot with a .308 should be quicker than a 50, he's just got to find a way to assign values for that. BTW, I don't play video games, or don't consider myself anything but a noobie as guns are concerned.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Maybe it would look something like this?

Manufactuer Accuracy (M.A. which probably ranges from 3" to 1/4")

(((M.A x distance) x shots fired) x assigned recoil) + atmospherics = 'cone of accuracy'

That way it would be reactive to game play and weapon choice.

I'm sure you could throw in 'speed fired' as an additional multiplier / reducer to COA.

Newbie contribution.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Instead of Rate of Fire they need a "cone of accuracy"... just sayin. </div></div>

If the engine he is using is anything like the one I use at work, he should have control over "cone of accuracy", power, penetration, rate of fire, and a degree of fall off for all previously listed.


Forgot to mention accuracy modifiers based on stance, as well as player movement. Most modern game engines support most if not all of this stuff.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Here is an exerpt from Jeff Coopers Commentaires
Vol. 13, No. 1 January 2005

"We are on the verge of abandoning The Project. You may recall that was the task of putting 20 shots into a 20-inch circle in 20 seconds at 1000 yards. The goal itself may be too difficult, as some people insist, but the problem is more administrative than physical. I simply do not have the staff necessary to set up the task, and I do not know anyone who has. However, if any of the faithful wish to pursue the problem, please go ahead, starting at closer ranges and moving out. On one occasion back at Big Bear, I got a clean score at 630 yards on our steel there which measured 16"x18". I did this with a G3, which is a very sound weapon if you can install a good trigger in it. Of course 630 yards is a long way short of 1000, but then I do not consider myself a candidate for the ultimate honors. Somebody else may be, and I would like to see him show me."
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Snipering is not about action, it is not exciting. In the generally accepted definition.

It is about patience and attempting to either control or account for a ton of variables.

If you make a game that is less point and shoot and more calculating and controlling variables, you could have a winner. Think of Flight was not an action packed shoot em up game, it was more about making sure everything was working together, it was slow, meticulous and people loved it.

Any real Sriperizing game should include...

Ballistic Coeficients
Muzzle Velocity
Ballistic Solutions
Wind and the Effects thereof
Scope Adjustments for Range in both mil and MOA
Variable Power Scope
Bullet Trace...only on occation, when the shooter is lucky
Trigger Control
Some milling for range, but let em use a laser most of the time
Sitting at the screen, waiting for a target to present itself, going over all the variables that are required to make an effective shot
Target identification and no shoot target presentations

Play with Shooter Ready, do a lot of reading here, attend a comp or two.

If the above are all met, you will have a winner both in shooter circles and inaverage gamer circles. All the above are make this sport so challenging and frankly, some freakin fun. Point and shoot and automacically hit target is boring, both in real life and in gamming.

Food for thought, good luck in your endeavor.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

What would be really fun but really hard and expensive would be a controller that is a gun. not like the old Nintendo but something with a scope that you could dial or hold and a trigger that could tell if you are slapping the trigger and if you are correctly following through. Put a picatiny rail or a bipod stud so we can use our bipods. A bolt to cycle would be nice but not necessary. They could be like Guitar Hero where you can pick your favorite guitar controller. Make an M40, M24, AW, Barrett ect.

Ya I know its a pipe dream.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Captain Moroni</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What would be really fun but really hard and expensive would be a controller that is a gun. not like the old Nintendo but something with a scope that you could dial or hold and a trigger that could tell if you are slapping the trigger and if you are correctly following through. Put a picatiny rail or a bipod stud so we can use our bipods. A bolt to cycle would be nice but not necessary. They could be like Guitar Hero where you can pick your favorite guitar controller. Make an M40, M24, AW, Barrett ect.

Ya I know its a pipe dream. </div></div>

Already have it

Re: Sniper Rifle Game

I have been waiting for a modern day game, based on the similar physics to Sniper Elite on PS2. That game was somewhat ahead of its time. There are plenty of other games out that I like besides MW and BO that offer problem solving without a lot of shoot em up action. You may not apeal to the whole COD crowds, but there is definately folks that will go for this. My suggestions...
Weapon specs:
Max Effective Range
Mag Capacity
Supressors and the added weight
Multiple ammunition types
-standard ball
-Match grade
-AP or API for ones like the .50s
Ballistic data

Then environmental factors

Do something for fieldcraft where the player would custom taylor a ghille to suit the map, camoflage the rifle. Customizable things also keep people interested as well.

You will never get things perfect. But it would be fun. I would cut the list of rifles in half. Most folks will pick their favs with no attention to the other 12-15 rifles.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Let people pick what country to be from, and give a few +/- on stats accordingly. Many countries have used men and woman as shooters, camo variations, hight and build could also be added to stats. A 5 foot 90 lbs chick is gonna have a harder time handling the big .50's than say 6'5" bubba at 325 lbs., But the chick would stand a far better chance at sneaking through the woods and hiding in the shadows. As far as camo, Arctic camo would not go over so well hiding in a Italian vinyard in July, and try sneaking up on a polar bear wearing all brown/black in January.
Just a few thoughts in hopes of a more technical game. Jeff

Screw the PS2, 3 or what. How about one for the computer again? Tired of buying a new game machine to play one game. Stopped that long ago. Still playing Rainbow 6 Raven Shield and Athena Sword, on my computer.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 3fingervic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think what the OP is trying to accomplish with the rate of fire, is to make the guns have pros and cons. If each firearm didn't have both, there would be no decision to make, everyone would choose the Barrett 50 for every mission. I think the OP will have to assign a follow up shot time to each gun that is semi realistic. To make an accurate follow up shot with a .308 should be quicker than a 50, he's just got to find a way to assign values for that. BTW, I don't play video games, or don't consider myself anything but a noobie as guns are concerned. </div></div>

The "cyclic" rate of a weapon is completely mechanical and is a term used to describe what it is capable of. It has nothing to do with follow up shots, handling recoil or how fast a person can accurately shoot it. Maybe the OP just had his wording wrong.
Re: Sniper Rifle Game

Hey guys,

Many thanks for all the information and ideas. I can&#65533;t give away too much about the game right now but I will keep you informed on the game. This is a solo project no company or team. I have below 24 sniper rifles. I want to find out the cartridges each sniper rifle uses and what the effective range of that sniper rifle is with that cartridge. (The range is in the brackets.) Any help with this would be appreciated as I&#65533;m still waiting for my broadband to me set up and using a mobile phone to find out all information. Oh just so you know I&#65533;m not using all these rifles I just want to gather the information so that I can make informed choices of which to use. Thanks in advance for any help.

Accuracy International AS-50
.50 BMG (1500)

Accuracy International L115A3
.300 Winchester Magnum (1100)
.338 Lapua Magnum (1500)

AMP Technical Services DSR-1
.308 Winchester (800)
.300 Winchester Magnum (1100)
.338 Lapua Magnum (1500)

Barrett M82A1
.50 BMG (12.7x99m, NATO) (1800)
.416 Barrett ()

Barrett M95
.50 BMG (12.7x99m, NATO) (1800)

Cheytac Intervention M200
.408 Chey Tac ()
.275 Chey Tac ()

Gol-Matic GOL-Sniper System
7.62x51mm NATO (800)
.300 Winchester Magnum (1100)
.338 Lapua Magnum (1500)

Heckler & Koch PSG-1
7.62x51mm NATO (800)

Izhmash Dragunov SVD
7.62x54mmr (800)

Izhmash SV-98 Snaiperskaya
7.62x54mmr ()
7.62x51mm NATO ()

Knight&#65533;s Ardament M110 SASS
7.62x51mm NATO (800)

Marine Corps M40A3
7.62x51mm NATO (800)

McMillan Tac-50
.50 BMG (12.7x99m, NATO) (2000)

Nexter FR F2
7.62x51mm NATO (800)

Norinco QBU-88
5.8x42mm ()
5.56x42 ()

PGM Ultimate Ratio Hecate II
.50 BMG (12.7x99mm NATO) (2000)

Remington 700
.300 Winchester Magnum (1100)

Remington M24A3 SWS
.338 Lapua Magnum (1500)

Remington XM2010 ESR
.300 Winchester Magnum (1100)

Russian Ministry Dragunov SVU
7.62x54mmr (400)

Sako TRG-42
.300 Winchester Magnum (1100)
.338 Lapua Magnum (1500)

Steyr SSG-69 PIV
7.62x51mm NATO (800)
.243 Winchester ()
222-250 Remington ()

Tula Arms Plant VSS Vintorez
9X39mm (400)

Walther WA 2000
7.62x51mm NATO (800)
.300 Winchester Magnum (1100)
7.5X55mm Swiss ()