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Hunting & Fishing Snow, here, is like cheating.......


Full Member
Jun 18, 2006
LOVING this Late Season snow we have here in SW VA. Snow here, as it's always been, is much like cheating.

With a little time off from work I went across the road to the Meat Locker today to start burning some remaining doe tags this last week of season, which payed off this evening with a big fat one about an hour before dark.

But, I wound up doing a little woof huntin' first, this morning......

Damn lamb killin' bastard walked by me at 15 feet, right into a 240 grain XTP, via 110 grains of FFg and Knight KP1.

Being stupid, can be lethal......



Re: Snow, here, is like cheating.......

This winter is following same suit as last winter. Been a long time, here, since we've had snow/cold hang around for much of the winter season. Before we had to leave in 10/01 for a while, we hunted often in just a t-shirt, or light coat, November/December. Mornings and evenings were usually chilly, but the days mostly warm. Precipitation was mostly rain this time of year, with a once in a while ice storm. Snow when it hit was always light flurries and a dusting was gone by mid day. Whenever it did snow to any measureable amount, it caused the critters to get instantly stupid, and lose any grasp they had on reality. Late Muzzleloader was a treat with snow on the ground because, if you were wearing whites, the deer simply couldn't register you as a threat. Was often a matter of them literally running circles around you. As long as you kept into the wind it was fairly easy to cut tracks, catch up, and kill something.

Spot and stalk with snow on the ground, here, is a blast. I'd be out there now but my bad leg is being phucking retarded today, so I'm sitting here on a heating pad waiting for the meds to kick in so I can get up and walk around. We'll get after 'em later today.

Calling for warmer temps and rain by Thursday so much of this is going to melt.....
Re: Snow, here, is like cheating.......

My buddy who owns the farm across the road where I hunt, and where I killed this woof, stopped in last night to express his appreciation, and to invite us to his shindig on New Year's Eve.

Said the state trapper came by last week to leave off some motion detector/flashing light/car alarm devises he could put out for now to discourage the lamb killing behavior, but wouldn't/couldn't be around until next week with any lethal means of help.

It's the recent cold/snow weather that has the 'yotes up in there right now, and likely the easy meat on the farm has caused them to move over there to hunt. All summer this batch of 'em had been up in the river bluff ridge behind me and really not bothering anything over on the farm until the weather got cold this fall.

I've killed two, the state trapper baited in three during October, and another guy has killed one or two...but it's still evident that there's a pile of 'em running around. Last count my buddy has lost 32 lambs/sheep this year, some of which were definately due to the coyotes.
Re: Snow, here, is like cheating.......

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tripwire</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My buddy who owns the farm across the road where I hunt, and where I killed this woof, stopped in last night to express his appreciation, and to invite us to his shindig on New Year's Eve.

Said the state trapper came by last week to leave off some motion detector/flashing light/car alarm devises he could put out for now to discourage the lamb killing behavior, but wouldn't/couldn't be around until next week with any lethal means of help.

It's the recent cold/snow weather that has the 'yotes up in there right now, and likely the easy meat on the farm has caused them to move over there to hunt. All summer this batch of 'em had been up in the river bluff ridge behind me and really not bothering anything over on the farm until the weather got cold this fall.

I've killed two, the state trapper baited in three during October, and another guy has killed one or two...but it's still evident that there's a pile of 'em running around. Last count my buddy has lost 32 lambs/sheep this year, some of which were definately due to the coyotes. </div></div>

If you boys like to hunt snow, you ought to come up here to NoDak. I was doing a late season (ends today) pheasant hunt earlier this week on snowshoes. In three days of hard hunting, we got eleven birds and two raccoons. Since then we've gotten two blizzards with about 10+ inches of the white stuff. You will quickly learn to dislike it. I've a drift in my back yard that is nearly 5ft high.

I can relate to the yote/sheep problem. We have a neighbor who used to raise sheep when I was a boy. Back then there were no coyotes around. When fur prices tanked, the yotes came back in big numbers. Due to losses to yotes, this guy switched to cattle. This in relatively open country where nearly every farm truck has a loaded rifle in it......

The Kaiser