So... I need one like I need a hole in the head... But... opinions?

An observation of concern to those interested in these guns......

Is GunBroker trying to keep me pissed off with that piece of shit knife on page 2 of the Gold Deals and who buys a GunBroker beach towel?

They need to clean the deal page some so when I refresh I don't have to keep clicking on page 2 just...because.
and the 1911 Forum is making an interesting compilation of info based on similar rack numbers and serial number relationships.

The variations include blue stripe grip safety, white number right grip, red number side of slide, black sharpie left rear of slide and others. Serial numbers appear to be in groups and increase according to rack number.

It should only be a matter of time before guys that served will be able to offer info such as "Those white numbered guns were run by those pussies over in third platoon that never did shit. Any day now they will be coming out with shocker info, just like Barry Manilow, that they could suck the chrome off a Mamaluke"
A MV-22 Osprey just flew over my house.

Seeing one of those in these parts is like seeing a Unicorn.

I thought they were delivering my pistol but alas it flew on by.
Must be some sort of Nav/MC exercise - two CH53s spotted yesterday as well as two Seahawks.

Only reason I saw the Osprey was a call from wifey stating there was a helicopter with two blades flying by her work and I could hear it at the house. I figured it was a 46 or Chinook which aren't so strange to see and than that big lumbering fat Osprey with rotors up came by the house.

Women, absolutely awful at AC recognition.

Ive never seen an Osprey operate with rotors down. I hope they aren't as loud and slow in that configuration. That's a big prop to pull the air.

Marine week in 2010 took the kids into S Boston to watch the USMC put on a show assault. The Osprey came in and landed just off of Castle Island interesting watching the prop wash tear apart an ornamental tree at Ruth Field. The death of that tree is likely why they haven't been back in 7 years. Some Boston liberal was triggered by the tree damage.
Guns firing from over the horizon, ship against ship?

Probably Leyte Gulf except a good part of that was extremely brave tin can Commanders going up against battleships and fighting above their weight.

Lebanon was probably the last real good naval gun engagement against land targets.

Now its whos computer nerds are smarter than the other guys computer nerds.

Probably be an auto loader cannon blowing a Boston Whaler out of the water in the not too distant future in the Starights of Hormuz Im guessing.

Not as impressive as a 16 inch gun though. With a turret full of sweating powder monkeys and tars being directed by the in turret range finder computer to deliver a triple broadside to said Boston Whaler.
The USS Missouri fired 783 rounds of 16 inch against land targets during the first Gulf War...and launched 28 Tomahawk missiles.

On 29 January, the Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate Curts led Missouri northward, using advanced mine-avoidance sonar. In her first naval gunfire support action of Desert Storm she shelled an Iraqi command and control bunker near the Saudi border, the first time her 16 in (410 mm) guns had been fired in combat since March 1953 off Korea.[SUP][30][/SUP] The battleship bombarded Iraqi beach defenses in occupied Kuwait on the night of 3 February, firing 112 16 in (410 mm) rounds over the next three days until relieved by Wisconsin. Missouri then fired another 60 rounds off Khafji on 11–12 February before steaming north to Faylaka Island. After minesweepers cleared a lane through Iraqi defenses, Missouri fired 133 rounds during four shore bombardment missions as part of the amphibious landing feint against the Kuwaiti shore line the morning of 23 February.[SUP][5][/SUP] The heavy pounding attracted Iraqi attention; in response to the battleship’s artillery strike, the Iraqis fired two HY-2 Silkworm missiles at the battleship, one of which missed.[SUP][31][/SUP] The other missile was intercepted by a GWS-30 Sea Dart missile launched from the British air defence destroyer HMS Gloucester[SUP][5][/SUP]within 90 seconds and crashed into the sea roughly 700 yd (640 m) in front of Missouri.
[IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/Msq1Rltt.jpg"}[/IMG2]The USS Missouri fired 783 rounds of 16 inch against land targets during the first Gulf War...and launched 28 Tomahawk missiles.

On 29 January, the Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate Curts led Missouri northward, using advanced mine-avoidance sonar. In her first naval gunfire support action of Desert Storm she shelled an Iraqi command and control bunker near the Saudi border, the first time her 16 in (410 mm) guns had been fired in combat since March 1953 off Korea.[SUP][30][/SUP] The battleship bombarded Iraqi beach defenses in occupied Kuwait on the night of 3 February, firing 112 16 in (410 mm) rounds over the next three days until relieved by Wisconsin. Missouri then fired another 60 rounds off Khafji on 11–12 February before steaming north to Faylaka Island. After minesweepers cleared a lane through Iraqi defenses, Missouri fired 133 rounds during four shore bombardment missions as part of the amphibious landing feint against the Kuwaiti shore line the morning of 23 February.[SUP][5][/SUP] The heavy pounding attracted Iraqi attention; in response to the battleship’s artillery strike, the Iraqis fired two HY-2 Silkworm missiles at the battleship, one of which missed.[SUP][31][/SUP] The other missile was intercepted by a GWS-30 Sea Dart missile launched from the British air defence destroyer HMS Gloucester[SUP][5][/SUP]within 90 seconds and crashed into the sea roughly 700 yd (640 m) in front of Missouri.

Good stuff. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Man what if that shitty little silk worm made it through.

Id like to see some BB kick ass on the seas today. I visit the Massachusetts every once in a while and those things are marvels of engineering and manufacturing.

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1999 - USS Miami (SSN-755) became the first submarine to conduct combat operations in two theaters since WW2 (Operation Desert Fox and Operation Noble Anvil).

I was stationed in Groton at the time and my neighbor was aboard for that Med Run. Seems to me they shot somewhere around 33 total Tomahawks. They were in LaMod for a 4 week upkeep after their first strike mission against Iraq in Desert Fox when they got the callout after 4 days to re-arm and head off for additional strike missions against Milosevich's infrastructure.

The days of a "conventional" naval battles involving gunships going toe-to-toe are long gone. WW2 solved that with the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Battles of Midway, Coral Sea, Phillipine Sea all showing that the over-the-horizon strikes from carrier-borne aircraft were far more effective than the gun vs gun engagements. Nowadays long-range missile and submarine engagements are the "fleet killers". If you cannot control the air above the ocean or the depths below it, you won't be able to send ships or troops across it.
So a handful of these have come on the market... these are USMC Recon/Special Ops 1911's.


They are USMC marked. M45A1 Colt's. $1350.

I can't imagine that these aren't a good investment. U.S. stamped. NM barrels. CQBP spec. Carried by USMC Spec. ops. in Afghanistan.

This has to be a pistol worth owning...




Anyone else notice the last 3 digits of the S/N?
I have to say I did not notice the last three digits. As I not a collector can you explain the significance?

To the battleships, they are certainly a marvel of engineering. My favorite is the Nevada. She was decommissioned and sunk in the Bikini island atomic tests. It took two atomic bombs to sink her. She isn't as powerful as the Missouri, Wisconsin or Iowa, but she was there for the whole shebang in WWII, including both major European invasions. In both occasions she went within 3000 yds. of German shore gun batteries and slugged it out toe to toe with them. There's a lot more, but you will have to read it yourself.
I have a number of jumps out of some of them, as well as helocasts. How much fun did we have?
I was locked up away from technology today, I'm guessing no new releases?

I was wrong. They released more NIB. You cant buy if you already bought one. Last sold about 1630 just under $2800.
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The Free Market has decided that the price where supply meets demand is $2995. There are 36 more available on GunBroker for this price.

Thanks, Alfred Marshall

Well, in that case you all have at least covered your bases. Although, IMO, the ownership of such a piece far exceeds a dollar value. Aesthetic value is much better than dollar value.
Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick (seems Eastery to me...) they are showing that my gun shipped! After ONLY a month!

Wow, in almost 20 years on Gunbroker.... I have NEVER had an item shipped so late... with such pathetic communication. And this is from their "Gold' seller service.

I won't be leaving good feedback on this. I will give honest feedback on the gun itself. I think it will be great. But I am going to.... SKIN the GB Gold fulfillment entity. Very, very unhappy with their communications.


Yes, they really sucked. However, their ineptitude actually worked in my favor. When I accidentally ordered two instead of one, they said they cancelled the accidental order. Well, it kept showing up on my summary page as awaiting payment, so two days later I went ahead and paid for it...$1349. Gun is at my dealer awaiting pick/up. Sir H, the first one I received was pretty nice, showing only moderate wear, as opposed to being beat to hell. I know I hammered a few nails with my Gov't issue 1911.
Wait... you mean you bought yours AFTER I bought mine... live 1500 miles further away and you HAVE one now.


Well, I agree. You ended up with an 'accidental' huge win of a second one that pays for the first and second one... and then some.

Hopefully, they sent me a good one!

My buddy Jim says "Hi" and autographed a book for you today. Another Berlin guy joined us for breakfast this morning. Some great stories among great friends! I'll send the book along with your Scout patch and your Snek patch... I have them both here for ya!


Yes, there is no rhyme nor reason to how they ship. And no,... I have two now. All I can say is [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/XCrAVg6.jpg"}[/IMG2]
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%$#@ing hell... I saw it. It's perfect. It's amazing. Smooth as glass. And for the first time in my life I was put on a 3 day hold for approval. Never before has this happened.

Anyway... I also have the blue marking on mine. So now REALLY want to know what it means!

It's everything I hoped. Lovely.

I'll probably pick it up when my C-prefix 700 in 300 WM comes in next week... but that is for the Mk13 thread.

What's a few days when I've waited this long...


%$#@ing hell... I saw it. It's perfect. It's amazing. Smooth as glass. And for the first time in my life I was put on a 3 day hold for approval. Never before has this happened.

Anyway... I also have the blue marking on mine. So now REALLY want to know what it means!

It's everything I hoped. Lovely.

I'll probably pick it up when my C-prefix 700 in 300 WM comes in next week... but that is for the Mk13 thread.

What's a few days when I've waited this long...



From the 1911 Forum. Take it with a grain of salt regards the blue marking......

Originally Posted by Goldfinger978 [IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"View Post","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","title":"View Post","src":"https:\/\/\/images\/buttons\/viewpost.gif"}[/IMG2]

As promised in the other post. I was able to get in contact with my Marine Raider Brother who's currently deployed that can back up the whole story about the 1911's.

The blue "rack" numbers that's been found on some, including mine, weren't actually rack numbers but suite numbers. He informed me that each Operator is assigned their own suite number that pertains to ONLY his weapons, i.e. sniper rifles, assault rifles, shotguns, rockets, mortars, pistols, optics, machine guns etc... He couldn't really elaborate on the ones with red numbers along the slide but he was 100% sure about the ones with blue numbers near the hammer.

"The 1911 was all that they carried all throughout Afghanistan and Africa and PACOM. That 1911 was what we carried up until master year when we got issued our glocks."
More speculation concerning the blue stripe......


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Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by dbarn [IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"View Post","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","title":"View Post","src":"https:\/\/\/shooting\/images\/buttons\/viewpost.gif"}[/IMG2]
I'm guessing that you also mean black because mine is CO5 in black near the hammer. What about the blue stripe on the grip safety? Hopefully we can tie the "suite" number to the operator one day. Good info.

The ones that are black with that start with a letter with a blue stripe down the grip safety have been identified as pistols used at the schoolhouse for training.
I want to hear from a legit source regards how the people issued these felt about them.

Did the guns fail to perform? Did they jam up? Were there issues? Were the guns a hindrance?

I understand the weight savings, increased round count, and logistics benefits of the Glock. Im not arguing which is a better combat pistol on those merits but sometimes attitude, belief and desire can prove more important than what on paper would seem to indicate which is best.

A Hi Point carries more rounds is it a better pistol than a 1911?
The schoolhouse designation makes a lot of sense. Blue is, after all, the universal military designation for a training 'anything.' And would also explain why the ones I have seen with the blue marks tend to show a lot of wear commensurate with doing 'tap rack bang' drills and other clearing exercises endlessly until it becomes embedded in muscle memory.

Best explanation yet! Until we 'know' otherwise, that seems to make the most sense.


Got out of qualifications early and mines at the FFL. I think Ill just go pick my NIB up.

Edit add - and I have a cargo pocket full of .45ACP so perhaps a trip to the range is in order.

A cherry will be broken.

Is that first bullet a $1000 value loss? Time will tell. I don't give a rats ass.
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10 years of shooting Commanders you would think there is no difference moving on to this gun.

The girls are right men - size matters and the 3/4 inch extra length and the girthy mass of the rail make the M45A1 a soft shooting animal.

I wish I had never sold my 1991A1 in a fever of stupidity. Who the hell sells a 1911?
I wanted a 1991A1 in the worst way back when. Then someone showed me it had a bunch of problems. Pretty much like the series 80. After that I quit pursuing owning one. Too bad, as some people I know really liked them.
I wanted a 1991A1 in the worst way back when. Then someone showed me it had a bunch of problems. Pretty much like the series 80. After that I quit pursuing owning one. Too bad, as some people I know really liked them.

The big roll mark on the side and GI sights sucked but for its plain jane parkerized finish it was a pretty durable service pistol.

The 1991A1 is a series 80 with the firing pin lock. Ive never been bothered by the extra parts. My commanders are without the lever while the M45A1 has the lock. My uneducated finger cant feel the difference.

I bought mine just after I got out of the Marine Corps in 1991. I think I paid $400. Same day friend that was with me bought a Colt Python with a 6 inch barrel. Being a used gun I think he paid $350 or there abouts :mad:. I sold my 1991A1 trying to scrape money together to get my first 1903A1. Had I not been impatient and just waited a paycheck or two I could have had both. At the time though I thought all I needed was a Garand for my semi auto, a 1903 for my bolt gun, a Commander for my personal pistol and my work gun. Silly me putting limits on myself. My friend ended up giving the Python to his father and he still has that gun as far as I know.

I have a nice GI 1911 .22 caliber conversion that needs a lower to ride. Its parkerized sweetness matched nicely the 1991A1. I shot way more .22 out of the 1991A1 than .45 ACP.