So... I need one like I need a hole in the head... But... opinions?

How is that project going, BTW?
Going great. Haven't touched it in a year. I think I fitted the barrel to the slide. Maybe.

Isn't that the frame where it was found to be a really cool project...

But the materials the frame was made of will kill you if you handle it too much? Mad like a hatter or something like that?

There was a thread awhile back on it I remembered reading through.

im wary of the frame. its not like a project i can go pick up after the kids are in bed, start filing and fit a grip safety, etc. I damn near need a hazmat suit. i have half a mind to do another one also, but just use a blued frame and hone my skills on that one.

OK yep! Put it in a shadow box and start something you can shoot.
Damnit, I should have brought several when they first hit the market at $2-2.5k a peice

$2,500?! I bought 9 of them (5 used, 4 new) for under $1,500 each! I think I bought the used ones the very first day they were on Gunbroker, they were something like $1,300 each. They kept increasing the prices as they dropped batches of 50 at a time. I think they ended up over $2,000 by the time the last batch sold, but I bought mine much earlier.

@USMCSGT0331 awesome! Did you ever FOIA that one? 01070EGA was a 2nd Recon gun, as was 01106EGA, so pretty well bracketed.

I was able to get some unit information about my used M45A1's. The new-in-box M45A1's weren't issued, so, unfortunately, the system didn't show any unit information associated with them. My used M45A1's came back as a mix of MARSOC and Recon.

The pistol in the photo that I posted on the previous page (01080EGA) was used by MARSOC. Pretty cool that it's right in the serial number range of pistols that were in your unit. Hopefully you'll find your issued M45A1 or another low serial number pistol! I actually found my buddy's issued M45A1 a while back. The pistol was with a dealer, and it was sequential to another M45A1. The dealer either wasn't selling them or he wanted some incredibly stupid price for them (I can't remember which), so I couldn't help my friend get his gun back.
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