Maggie’s Socially UNacceptable Humor


They don't call it the world's oldest profession for no reason... The feminists along with their neckbeard simp orbiters who got most of their "survival knowledge" from anime and useless MSM advice columns will find their time during a true SHTF situation brutal, and explosively short. True SHTF is not like in 99% of the pop movies made on the subject. It will be like that video of the psycho kid from PA last week who beheaded his own father and then ranted for 14 minutes online. It will be THAT kind of unpredictable and bizarre. With psychos of all makes and models around you, no one you can trust. It is something that most survival minded outdoors types like us TRY to prepare for and at least have a surviving chance. Those who actually WANT to live in such a world are either genuine psychopaths, or edgelords and attention whores who think they look cool bragging about it.
And you aren’t getting one. You’re just going to have to get over it.
How does it feel to be such an inept loser you have to believe a set of ideals you can't defend?
Were you parents really that bad, or did they try to instill morals and a work ethic and it just didn't take?
You keep asking for something you don’t deserve. Who’s the liberal now?

Take your retarded demands to someone who cares what you think.
On every forum I've been on, around election time we get a new batch of lefty losers trying to spew their nonsensical BS. They can never answer direct questions and can't survive w/o government subsidy, while they try to say how their ideology is superior.