Some 50 at 50 Ammo Testing Results


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May 19, 2018
Southern California
I used to use multiple 5 shot groups to ammo test. However certain rabble rousers here have made me decide to try 50 at 50. Groups were shot outdoors over the course of about an hour and a half at 50 yards. Groups 1-4 were different lots of Eley Match. Group 5 in the middle is my old standby lot of Center-X (down to 100 rounds).

  1. I'm sold on the method
  2. I'm going to really miss that lot of Center-X
  3. I'm not nearly as good a shot as I'd like to imagine


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Doze off?

Not really.

Y'er hanging on edge waiting to see if the next shot will be a stray and ruin the hole. :(

Frank...rabble rouser? Really? I prefer instigator. ;)

So when are ya' gonna take a run at the Grid? :cool:
Maybe once I can buy test lots of Center-X or some of the nicer SK stuff. So perhaps in 2025 or so once the ammo market comes back...
very impressive. i get 10 shot groups like that,i am happy. 50 shot groups aren't in my future. i have about 15 bricks of one thing or another but shooting those would run me out of anything i found that was as good as the center x you show. just planning to try my stuff,enjoy it and save the best for 200yd tries.
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