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Hunting & Fishing Some hate mail for you killers...


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    I thought I would pass this piece of hate mail on to you guys because clearly it's not directed at me. My hate mail is more from banned members.

    But Vicki writes:
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have no words to express the revulsion and nausea your site and  the pictures it contains caused me.  In a world were the humans and the wild animals need to survive together to make it all work, you take some sick joy in killing mass quantities of animals not just one or two.  In the world I live in people like you become serial killers or worse. So the idea that you are teaching a 10 year old child how to use a rifle that is meant only to kill from a distance sickens me beyond description.
    In your frenzy to kill I wonder how you would fare with an animal like an African lion, a bobcat or a wolf with your bare hands or if that scares you then a bow and arrow...how horrible to use a high powered rifle with an expensive site much like the ones used against 
    Americans in several wars. to kill truck loads of animals.  what sport it there in that?  YOU and your kind are a cancerous growth on all humanity and like the growth all measures necessary should be used to make you disappear and let us heal.
    "Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren't paved"

    It was titled Replusive...

    You're all animals, and she wants you dead, go figure
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    I was a little lost on the last paragraph there, but yeah you summed it up well except for the part about us being animals. If we were, then we'd probably have her support. I like how she doesn't have the words to describe her feelings there in the first sentence, but then goes ahead anyway.
    I think it's time for elkhuntinguide to post some truckloads of animals pics! Maybe a video montage set to the sound of Drowning Pool.
    I finally saw The Cove on the Green channel last night and fell asleep trying to watch it. What's up with Paul Watson's little wannabe cop outfit?
    Oh and that reminds me, I got my lion tag Fri. I doubt I'll have much luck killing a lion while sitting here on the computer. I should go do something.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    The Good Lord gave me sense enough to develop and use weapons. As far as the lions,bobcat,et al are concerned; let them STFB!
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Fuck she would love to see the pile 29 geese we shot to day. </div></div>

    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    I haven't written a response and didn't plan on it...

    If anything I would just copy of picture of Tony Burke's daughter in front of all the heads:


    and ask her how come she can't be more like this girl, then say something like "you know, pretty"... but honestly I never planned to answer.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    Makes me wonder what she'd say if a coyote/wolf/cougar snacked on her fluffy little dog while out for a walk. Somehow I don't think it would be "Well shucks...that's nature for ya."
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    She brings up some often used interesting points about hunters turning into serial human killers. Seems like it doesn't happen much as all the serial killers that come to my mind are/were metropolitan types that may have grown up torturing animals but were not hunters or gun enthusiasts. One exception might be Charles Whitman and that poor devil had a brain tumor that skewed his train of thought.

    She obviously has issues about her looks as she brings it up and almost apologies for being ugly. I picture a later middle aged constipated frigid self conscious possible lesbian who had issues with her parents and a rough time in grade school, but hey, you can't judge a book by it's contents....right?
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    judging by her "signature", she must be attractive too.

    ok in all fairness, there are some pictures that are, how shall we say, a bit over the top, i'll agree with that. for instance there is a photo of a blue heron that a guy shot with a .22 mag. in the rimfire section. not a good image or legal game there.

    true as hunter's we have the "responsibility" to promote tastefullness in harvested animal pictures to help combat the anti everything crowd.

    but - if a thread is titled "headshots" or a derivitive of such what does one expect to see? if headshots are not your thing, don't look at it Vicki! i don't like whiney, vaginal, "i can't help myself as i am a victim of everything", "i'll sue because i spilt hot coffee on myself", "i can't make it cause i'm too lazy to try" TV shows, so i don't watch oprah or dr. phil. don't like the grotesqueness of a headshot? then don't look at 'em.

    poor vicki, and i quote vicki along with a rebutal:

    "In a world were the humans and the wild animals need to survive together to make it all work, you take some sick joy in killing mass quantities of animals not just one or two".

    ---well V, that's why seasons and bag limits are regulations added to the SPORT of hunting - to keep the habitat healthy for all critters, one doesn't suffer damage due to another. it's called carrying capacity, and it's determined scientifically. so a legal and ethical hunter will abide by this, as it allows for more animals to survive in a healthy environment. the "excess" animals are taken out of the population so that there is a balance, and a lack of large natural predators (due to urban sprawl and "civilization's" fear of them) creates the need for population control via hunting. to hunt you need a license, and most funding for improving habitat and wildlife reintroductions, wildlife studies, wildlife disease control, and other environment / wildlife enhancements, improvements, and protections are paid for by those same licence fees in concert with federal excise taxes put on the equipment we use.

    how much did you contribute this year to WORTHY wildlife organizations? considering the above, that's abouot $500.00+ for me alone.

    with you being an educated woman (i assume) surley you can see how the relationship of human / animal conflicts and economical / possible life loss of humans also enter into the equation which calls for the calculated removal of excessive population. plus it's pretty damn hard to get a condom on a deer.

    "In the world I live in, (oh yeah V what worls is that?) people like you become serial killers or worse. So the idea that you are teaching a 10 year old child how to use a rifle that is meant only to kill from a distance sickens me beyond description".

    --yeah i've become a serial killer, just did a few today, GET REAL V. it is found that most serial killers never hunted animals at all, and have found to be abused, mentally deformed, or all their lives has had the misinformed views of people (such as yourself) thrust upon them, further putting them into a battle with reality. teaching a 10 year old to use a rifle instills a few things: skill, dicipline, RESPONSIBILITY, respect, patience, dedication and a few other things that usually DO NOT DESCRIBE A SERIAL KILLER- maybe not so much dedication.

    "In your frenzy to kill I wonder how you would fare with an animal like an African lion, a bobcat or a wolf with your bare hands or if that scares you then a bow and arrow...how horrible to use a high powered rifle with an expensive site much like the ones used against Americans in several wars. to kill truck loads of animals"

    --frenzy? to be successful in harvesting game, there is no "frenzy", or else one would miss seeing tracks, poop, and other signs to lead one to the animal. i would indeed fare very well against most animals you described with a bow and arrow, as with the bare hands not so much; that's what seperates us from them- the ability to use ration and tools such as the bow and arrow, spear, knife, rifle, etc. bare hands, that's not being rational. high powered rifle and expensive SIGHT? hey V, didn't you ever want a nice louie voutton handbag? same difference. hold on, i gotta take a break the truck rental place called, my truck for loading animals is ready....

    ....okay i'm back.

    "YOU and your kind are a cancerous growth on all humanity and like the growth all measures necessary should be used to make you disappear and let us heal".

    --WOW! what an opinion. my opinion is that ALL of humanity is a cancerous growth on the earth in general, to include yourself, so do mother nature a favor and be the first to use some measure necessary to make yourself disappear. then we can follow in your footsteps so we can let the animals (that were here before us) heal.

    according to the dictionary:
    sport&#8194; &#8194;/sp&#596;rt, spo&#650;rt/ [spawrt, spohrt]
    1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

    so i guess hunting is a "sport" - requires skill or physical prowess - guess hunting builds a stronger human, and not a cancer at all.

    so vicki in the end, all though i do agree some pictures or comments do not promote a "clean" sport, and with you hopefully being able to comprehend the facts i lay before you, i hope that you realize that your just ignorant.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    I suppose a post from Vicki in the hot GIRLFRIENDS thread posing in leopard skin would be asking too much ?
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    Meanwhile, at some point during the week when she goes grocery shopping, I suspect she will pick up packaged, unkilled meat that grew up in styrofoam and cellophane and never had a heartbeat.

    It was never skinned unceremoniously and thanklessly, it was never kept in an unnatural environ, it was never dispatched after an exceedingly quick period of growth compared to natural means. It was just formed, in cellophane and is food- never an animal or living being.

    Yes, indeed.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    I love asking these people if they would prefer me using a "Low Powered Rifle" with "Crappy Sites" so I can shoot the animal several times and it dies slowly.

    She left out "Beaten with an Ugly Stick" in her last line about her looks.I'll bet she is a real Snaggletoothed Babe.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    Sometimes you wish the people they show getting mauled on TV by lions and tigers and bears (OH MY) are PETA activists and after that day, they turn into career hunters. Kinda like a druggy intervention, where they drop the dope and become inspirational speakers!

    And don't tell these level headed individuals, that in a world with no hunting, animals starve to death, fight to the death, and are injured for life because of overpopulation. Disease infested herds of animals, shit throwing monkeys, and a family of one legged dogs who speak latvian.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    lol, that letter is hilarious.

    i had a co-worker tell me i was going to hell this week, not because i cussed or skipped church, but because i was gonna shoot a biblical bird.....the dove!
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    "In the world I live in people like you become serial killers or worse." - Lady, what color the sky is in your world? In the world I live in, people like you become "educators" or worse..."politicians" *shudder*

    "...You take some sick joy in killing mass quantities of animals not just one or two..." - Why does a joy you don't agree with arbitrarily become "sick"? For example: "You take some sick joy in stocking your closet with 50 pair of shoes. How many cows had to die for your sick shoe buying fetish?" See my point?

    As to mass quantities of animals, I don't know of one poacher on these forums. Anyone here who hunts (animals), is licensed and regulated by the government!

    Lady, for the most part I, and many others here, shoot paper and metal targets. With that said, I have witnessed others purposely wound a paper target, just to watch it suffer. I assure you, those type of sick people are not permitted here!

    Every member of this forum is a life member of PETT - People for the Ethical Treatment of Targets. Not to be confused with a radical splinter group called PETA - People who Eat Tasty Animals. (More on them in another missive.)

    Regarding using my bare hands, as some "macho" dare. I have wrestled to the ground and crumpled many paper and cardboard targets with my bare hands! Yes, I have risked horrible paper cuts in the process! I have the scars to prove this! However, this was in my reckless "macho" youth before meeting the gentlemen here and joining PETT. They kindly explained that ripping up targets was cruel and unusual treatment and very immature.

    Now, any targets I "harvest" are dispatched in a humane, civil manor. I have purchased the appropriate equipment including precision optics to ensure a quick kill. I can also assure you that every part of the target is used (especially with the folks I have shot with recently).

    I should mention that I only harvest "free range" silhouette targets, they live their lives in 300 acre plus, beautiful scenic environments with sunshine, lovely gentle crosswinds, their harvest is almost sedate.

    In conclusion, I just know that back at the dawn of civilization one of my ancestors threw a rock at a lion who was attacking your ancestor, all the time knowing his bloodline would live to regret that charity. And now, that day has arrived and I speak for my entire lineage when I say "No good deed will go unpunished!"

    "Le sigh!"
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    Different folkes different strokes ! I personally dont enjoy or take pleasure in seeing pictures of animals blown apart "head shot" or what ever and with some I would ask what is the great pleasure you take from this ? Anyway if you dont like it do what I do and dont look at it ! This womans reaction of total repulsion is understandable "but" one sided as she should maybe take a walk down to the local freezing works and check the mas animal slaughter happening there and then get real about things when she chomps into the next eye fillet smothered in hypocrisy sauce .
    Well personally I didnt even notice those heads at first shot by the very fine sling maker mr TBurkes as his daughter beauty was beaming like the sun and blinding me with her great looks-it just goes to show ya eh! some of us have our priorities right and better taste than others LOL
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    I like head shots because i have not damage to the meat and no tracking to do. She is just another nut job with the internet to complain on
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    I do wonder if she isnt mainly revolted in the fact hunters often post these less than tasteful images of animal destuction as though they were Neanderthal warriors displying their prowess as warriors hunters when in fact they have not fought the beast just slaughtered it," I have done this myself" -really gun versus animal not much contest -spear or bow getting closer.As I said before though different strokes for different folks
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    The emailing woman fails to take into account the necessity of hunting, i.e. culling the herd. Sure hunting is fun and the meat is usually pretty good but just because we have fun doing it doesn't mean it's evil or destructive. Email her back and have her pay a visit to her local DOW office for a quick education. In the mean time:

    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    Oh well, I guess she has her reasons, in the same way all insane people do.
    It's only though modern society that those opinions can flourish, if someone wasn't killing her food for her she'd sing a different tune, or starve/die of malnutrition.

    Either would be preferable to her sitting with a box of tofu behind her computer. Emailing.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    I sincerely hope she is following this thread.

    Dear Confused Vicki,

    I don't get it. Just like someone complaining about the content of a TV show or in your case the content of a web forum, if you don't like it then change the channel or don't click on it. Instead you must have clicked through thread after thread to further repulse yourself in some sick sado-masochistic manner. Your actions are both laughable and sad at the same time.

    How did you find this website? Not by accident, I'm sure. If you find this site or any other similar site so repulsive, go away. I don't go clicking on websites I find repulsive, but at least I have a hint of intelligence unlike you. More likely your actions are from the influence of some organization. So what are your next marching orders? Sending emails to people who drive cars because of the CO2 emissions? They do squish a lot of bugs driving around so fast and all, those serial killers!

    If the objective of your email was to somehow sway the users here, then you seriously wasted your time and did nothing more than give us something to laugh about and shake our heads in amazement that someone with such a mentality could exist. Go find your audience somewhere else in that wonderful world you live in.

    Those of us here in the real world will continue to hone our skills, take game in a full legal and environmentally sound manner, and on the occasions that we are called on to stand in the way of evil people, know that we have the skills, mindset, and fortitude to do so.

    It was the hunters that were called on over the history of our great nation to win our independence and repel invaders wishing to do evil to us, and it is the hunters that either stand ready, have already stood in the way of evil, or currently serve doing the same. We would prefer it if you would just say "thank you" and go on your way rather than sending your ration of foul words and ill wishes.

    You wished death upon my kind. I wish you a long life so you may eventually gain enough wisdom to see how confused you really are.


    A lifelong hunter and defender of freedom.

    P.S. If hunting turns people into serial killers, is that why the murder rate is so high in rural America? Oh yeah, it isn't.... Another flawed philosophy of yours.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    I guess I will add again to this: this morning I was on my Elliptical trainer so I had some time to think.

    It dawned on me as I was looking out through the pastures around me, that I can see through my windows, that all of nature are serial killers as she states. I was watching out the window when a beautiful red Cardinal landed on my shed roof. This is what got me started thinking of her email. That beautiful bird had in its mouth a worm that it had caught and was eating it there before me. That beautiful bird too must be a serial killer as he must kill to be able to eat.

    I also watched last week when a rabbit in my yard got taken down by a neighborhood cat. He too must be a serial killer. Why are rabbits, deer, and other herbivore/prey animals around for. They are food for other carnivores and omnivores in nature.

    The human being is at the top of the food chain for a reason. We can build weapons to defend ourselves from other predators. As she stated what would happen if we went up against a lion, we would die and that is why we are at the top of the food chain because we are smart enough to make weapons to defend against the predators and kill them if needed.

    If it is thought, like most vegetarians I know, that we as humans don't have to hunt anymore because of grocery stores; where does all that meat in the grocery come from? Some one killed it to bring it to the table. When ever I put a hamburger on the grill the first thing that happens is that it exudes blood. So, if her contention is that we are all serial killers then she is correct. We do have to kill to survive. Vegetarians also kill too by destroying living plants.

    It is interesting how people seem to forget why humans have eyes close together - it is because we are PREDATORS and not prey.

    just my morning rant and thanks for listening

    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    Condescending Vicki,

    Thank you, for the kind words. I now see the time I spend preforming the tasks your Government ask and taught me how to do, were not in vain. Working in -38* to +126* weather was not all that fun even in my younger days, but the task had to be done they said, to allow the unborn to keep the American dream alive.

    Now reading your words I'm sorry I knew how to hunt before I entered the service, but you see that was the fault of my Father and Grandfather, as they were cement finishers and money paying work in Indiana was sparse in the 1950's winter time. I hope you now see it was not my fault I learned to hunt. Like you now, I wanted to live a little longer to turn the world away from all the wrongs I Perceived, and hunting for the table was the only way to do it.

    I'm also sad to report while learning to hunt at such a young age, that same skill set allowed me to preform my Military tasks to a higher level.

    Perhaps your right Americans need to stop all the killing. I prefer to see dead from natural causes. Inbreeding, sickness and being hit by electric cars is a much better way for animals to die. Besides I don't believe they eat and infect as much Human food as the media reports anyway, do you?

    Now as to killing other people your right, it is just plain wrong, but all threw our history, we were forced to preform that task as well. Here again I'll take the blame as my kin folks did set off the Pin'ta and they were the scum of the earth per many higher life forms like you.

    In my defense I'll say learning those hunting skills allowed me to preform every task I was given. I don't complain when higher life forms like you voice out, because I know it was those hunting skill sets that keep me alive and able, to preserve your right to free speech no matter how far from reality your mind takes you.

    Perhaps you will get traction with the younger crowd, but if someone ever has a box cutter or gun to your throat, think about folks like me. We'll be the hunting type, that will turn him/her off like a switch, with that high powered scope an weapon you so hate. If you prefer it different, just have them kill you and not waste my time, and your tax money.

    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    Aside from all the standard ignorant arguments and other self-generated (by her) pablum we hear from the anti-hunting lobby everyday, the first thing I noticed about her message to Frank was poor grammar and punctuation; which made it really difficult (for me) to understand.

    It is always a good idea, when writing someone with whom you disagree, to concentrate on a correct, concise, and coherent base of argumentation. Also, grammatically correct letters to those whom I disagree with will maintain respect, because even if my argument is poor, when its not written in a 5th grader's voice I can be taken semi-seriously. The author missed the mark again in this respect.

    All in all, her message seems to be standard uneducated, small-perspective drivel. She obviously has no clue what the hell she is babbling about and should be duly ignored passed this forum.

    Thanks for sharing, LL. Some of these posts are freaking hilarious!
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    Firstoff, if shankster's gay midget porn is protected by the 1st amendment, hunting pics should be ok!

    Unfortunately, there are quite a few people out there like our dear twat, Vicki. People like her are why the NAZI's can march a segment of the population off to gas showers. This is basically what she advocated in that e-mail for our, ah, destiny.

    I hate people like this.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    I remember taking the MMPA while testing for a Civil Service Position. There was a question on the test that said "I Like Killing Animals". After walking out of the test there were several friends standing around discussing the mind fuc# test and recounting questions, and someone asked me if I check the answer yes to that question. I replied that I checked NO. Everyone was like WTF all you do is kill stuff. My reply:
    I don"t like killing animals......... I love killing animals.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    In your frenzy to kill I wonder how you would fare with an animal like an African lion, a bobcat or a wolf with your bare hands or if that scares you then a bow and arrow...how horrible to use a high powered rifle with an expensive site much like the ones used against 
    Americans in several wars. to kill truck loads of animals.  what sport it there in that?  YOU and your kind are a cancerous growth on all humanity and like the growth all measures necessary should be used to make you disappear and let us heal.
    "Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren't paved"

    All I have to say about this is.....WOW.
    Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: In2b8u</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I remember taking the MMPA while testing for a Civil Service Position. There was a question on the test that said "I Like Killing Animals". After walking out of the test there were several friends standing around discussing the mind fuc# test and recounting questions, and someone asked me if I check the answer yes to that question. I replied that I checked NO. Everyone was like WTF all you do is kill stuff. My reply:
    I don"t like killing animals......... I love killing animals. </div></div>

    As hilarious as that is, hunting for me is about the hunt itself. Even if I do not get to harvest any game. Although, I really do enjoy reaking havoc on coyotes.