I live about 105 miles ENE from Loveland, and NO, I am not going to tell you how many hours drive it is for you Shitheads that give directions that way, but that is a different rant.
The local News channels out of Denver have been playing the videos of this incident over and over, but edited, and there is quite the uprage going on up in the Loveland area now. It really cranked up after the video of the Cops involved laughing and fist bumping while watching their own tapes and showing Granny handcuffed to a bench in a cell hurting to say the least and pictures of her injuries have shown up as well. It is not easy to watch.
There is a SGT involved that checks it out and seems to be GTG with it all. That tends to tell me that there are problems deep in that Agency.
The proper mindset required to do that job is not in place there, as far as I am concerned, with how that SGT. reacted.
@Texasflyer had quite a few posts early on in this thread defending LE and I think he is one of them and walking the Thin Blue Line and standing up for anyone with a Badge, right, wrong or whatever. They have a Badge and never fuck up, or if they do, they will not admit it. A big problem to me.
Texasflyer did later on admit that he had not watched the videos and said , maybe he made a mistake but I do believe that was nothing other than sarcasm and ridicule and he was doing nothing other than what I believe that down in Texas that is called "Spoutin" or someyhing like that.
To me, Anyone, that can defend how that whole bin of shit went down, video editted or full time, has a very basic problem and is the root of a lot of evil.
Foul Mike