Specific/Odd Question - Will 1.75" Diameter Suppressor Fit Inside Cadex Dual Strike Forearm?


Full Member
Jun 19, 2009
Des Moines, IA
I have an SBR'd Remington 700 with a 12" 8.6BLK barrel. I would really, really like to put it in a Dual Strike chassis with a suppressor attached.

The barrel will not clear the forearm, so the suppressor would have to fit inside - same look as their new Seven STARS Covert.

The inside diameter of the Dual Strike is 1.800" and most .338 suppressors are 1.75". On paper, it should fit, but that's such little clearance, I'm not sure it actually will and don't want to spend that much just to find out it was close, but missed it by that much.

Anyone have a Dual Strike and a 1.75" diameter suppressor that they can say for sure will work?

I know I'm shooting for the stars here, but figured this was the place to ask.

Thanks in advance!
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