Happy Fourth!
So I’m going to be doing my first Tactical Games this year and I’ve been shopping for a scope that is fast for under 300m that can also take a beating. I don’t want to spend a fortune on a scope that will potentially get trashed in the process. Was looking at the T4Xi on BDU which is priced right (for me) at a little over $600, but then the 900G’s of impact resistance of the T5 caught my eye. A bit of a stretch money-wise but I love the chunkier knobs and the more robust build. Both are priced well on BD. Thoughts? Alternatives?
So I’m going to be doing my first Tactical Games this year and I’ve been shopping for a scope that is fast for under 300m that can also take a beating. I don’t want to spend a fortune on a scope that will potentially get trashed in the process. Was looking at the T4Xi on BDU which is priced right (for me) at a little over $600, but then the 900G’s of impact resistance of the T5 caught my eye. A bit of a stretch money-wise but I love the chunkier knobs and the more robust build. Both are priced well on BD. Thoughts? Alternatives?