After this last series of posts, I've gotta say I'm so glad you came along. there is so much out there, that without seeing it, we are often left to our own speculations
As you may have seen, we have the "Baddest Sniper Rifle On a Military Action" thread. Many of us have discussed what we saw, but without the benefit of a head to head comparison, there just may be no way of actually knowing. Training to a systems strengths is vital also. A country could field the best sniper rifle in the world. But, without training to the conditions and how to best utilize a weapon, it could render it a lot less useful than it could be.
Not a rifle, but a good example is the P-40 of WWII. With standard U.S. training at the time, the plane wasn't considered viable in combat. But the AVG, followed on by the 23rd FG/14th AF made excellent use of an "obsolete" aircraft. Training to the strengths of the aircraft and utilizing tactics. A sniper rifle is the same. It gives so much more reach than a rifle without the enhancements. In the hands of an incompetent, however, it's meaningless.