I don't disagree with you. I just fucking HATE you. You are a total hypocrite scumbag.
I hate you as much as I love all my black brothers who embrace being an American and who make the most of all their opportunities just like the rest of us. I hate you as much as I love my black brother Carlitos who I deer hunt with. The only real enemies I have in my own country are communist morons like you, and the faster you get your little leftist revolution the faster things will all be set right.
I completely expect you to pretend like you're some Ibrahim Kendi, anti-racist. There is no one more racist and wicked than you. You have it completely and 100% backwards. There ARE NO RACES in Homo Sapiens, period. There is only superficial skin color, and it is YOU who are trying to make this the central and most important feature of all human beings, so you only have yourself to blame for this X1000.
Any racism or hate you see here is entirely YOUR doing. Your beliefs are 100% racists, and you are a fucking idiot. That you are going to get back the evil shit you're dealing only shocks idiots like you. Those of us who are actually not racists, and want race relegated to be no more important than the color of your eyes, fucking hate racist morons like you with all our being. You are the worst enemy every American has, and the more successful you are the closer we come to being able to confront and rectify the rot you represent.