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TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Well we looked like OJ running thru the airport on the commercials we had 10 minutes to get off the first plane and make it to the second one!!

Mission Success for Team Blaster Drake had some serious moves and thru some serious blocks as we made it about a mile to the other side of airport.

If there is a NFL team needing a fullback Drake is ready that old lady he ran over though may be sueing us!!
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: NOMAD</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well we looked like OJ running thru the airport </div></div>

That must be a sight to behold. Seeing you run through the airport, dropping gloves that dont quite fit with a knife in your hand.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">we had 10 minutes to get off the first plane and make it to the second one!!

Tony glad you guys are on your way. Touch base with me once you make it here.

Hope everyone else is able to make it. I think this is going to be a fun match.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

2/3 of Team Blaster is on the ground with rifles and on their way.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HasgunWilltravel</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: NOMAD</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well we looked like OJ running thru the airport </div></div>

That must be a sight to behold. Seeing you run through the airport, dropping gloves that dont quite fit with a knife in your hand.

I heard the only evidence Nomad leaves behind is the glaze! Stay warm guys and have a blast!
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Congrats to my team mate Kevin Drake for winning the match! Way to go Kevin!
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Congrats to Kevin (Range Rod) Drake. I figured there was a good chance he would do well since he didnt send his rifle in the day before the match for a new barrel. LOL Sounds like We missed a good match. Congrats to all that shot wish I could have been there.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Good match and a great bunch of guys. Just an FYI, it helps when you don’t give up points to this crowd, I was a full minute off this morning across the board. I made an ammo change and thought I had it covered, wrong. I went from #6 to #17 real quick like. We shot 22 stages and had cold, snow, wind, spiders and even a snake. Met a lot of good guys and put faces with others. 2/3 of team blaster is GTG in my book, I'm sure the last 3rd is just as good

Kevin Drake is a hoot and a stand up guy, congrats on the win K.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

I have to say I had one hell of a time. Thanks go out to Terry and Jim and their families for all of the hard work they put into making this match happen. Thanks to Casey for doing a great job of stocking the prize table. I would especially like to thank the sponsors that donated prizes for the match. It really shows your commitment to the sport and the shooters.

Congrats to Kevin for the win.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Thanks Casey for all your hard work, and congrats to KDrake.....throw a eye patch on him and he'll look just like cap'n Jack.....

if anyone wants to know how to keep a casino full of people's attention...just pm NOMAD and he'll fill you in....and he did it fully clothed too!

Terry, Jim...thanks for a well administrated match

all the sponsors that layed out a plump prize table ....thanks for your support.

Lonnie...thanks man!

.....get some pictures up PETE !
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Big thanks to Terry, Jim, Luke, Jess, Logan and Glen for all the work keeping the events rolling quickly. I know it took a lot of preparation to get 22 events in in such a short time. Having targets ready on posters, etc. was a real time saver. Casey, wow, good job scarfing prizes!

The pace was solid for the entire match...as promised not much downtime. The round count was very reasonable, especially considering the number of events. I heard many competitors commenting on the real world / useable type events. I don't recall anyone complaining at all. Well, not true, but I can't blame anyone but me for my own score! I did however narrow down EXACTLY where I need more practice......THINKING!

Nomad...one day...the barrell roll.....no injury.

Congrats Drake!
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Per our promise, the master score sheet is available this morning.

Excel file link shows all competitors, all brake users, all events, total score, rank and percentage of available points.

PDF file is a 21 image file of the raw score sheets from each stage. **There were 22 events but the Mil-X score sheets were already given to you along with the scoring key and targets Sunday morning.

Open this link and scroll down past Wounded Warrior for the file links

Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Congrats again Kevin for some damn good shooting. I'd also like to send out a big thanks to Jim and Terry for putting on one awesome match. It was my first sniper competition, as it was for a lot of us there, but the experience has definitely showed me that I've been missing out on a LOT of fun!! See you guys at the next one!
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Terry, Jim, thanks again for putting on a great match. We all know it took a great deal of your time, and your efforts are appreciated bay all.

Casey, thanks to you for getting the PR out and working with the sponsors.

KD, you the man!

Sponsors, thanks for all you contributed.

I look forward to seeing everyone again at the next match.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Terry, Jim and crew- Thank you very much for a great match that was well run and flowed very smoothly. We all know that a lot of hard work goes into putting a match like this on, and your hard work showed.
Thank you to all the sponsors and companies supporting our events.
Congrats to Kevin and John for thier top finishes! I look forward to seeing everyone again soon! Pics/videos coming soon!

Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Big round of applause for Terry, Jim, Luke, Jess, Logan and Glen for a VERY well run match. Thanks to Casey for for his work on the prize table.

The stages were well thought out, the attitude laid back with no power struggles... I had a really good time. Could have been a little colder I suppose but none of us are in charge of that.

Congratulations to Kevin Drake on keeping the wheels from falling off on the second day for the win. Good shooting buddy.

Terry Cross on the log stage... all your going to need is your rifle and two rounds...
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Thanks to everyone involved for your time and effort to put on an enjoyable event. Thanks to all the shooters for you advice and hospitatily. Thanks to all the sponsors for donating. I am hooked and hope to run in to everyone again.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

It was nice to see so many of you again. It was also fun to match new faces to screen names, and it was a privilege to make so many new friends. I'm glad I had the opportunity to be part of it.

I zeroed four stages. I could have used even half of the points I gave away, but, as they say, that’s racing. I can’t complain: as with any competitive sport, once you learn the fundamentals the rest is won or lost between the ears. Next time I’ll put more between my ears.

I learned much about communication and teamwork from the Oklahoma boys: their system of checking each other’s prep work, advising each other on wind and dope, and comparing notes helped minimize mistakes and bring them up the scoreboard together. It was a pleasure to watch and to learn from a team so committed to helping each other.

Thanks Casey, and William, for your hospitality and your help before and during the match. You guys made a trip to an unknown range feel like a visit with old friends. You are both true gentlemen.

Kevin, congrats, of course, on a well-shot match, but also thanks for taking time during the match to give me advice. Many years ago I shot practical matches where the top shooters would joke with each other, or maybe ignore each other, but they sure wouldn’t share stage tips or strategy with others. You showed me that this sport isn’t like that: here the better shooters help the newer competitors to improve. I hope to one day be able to return the favor.

Terry and Jim, thank you and your 'kin' for all the hard work. I know what it takes to put on a 50-shooter match, and, frankly, I’m surprised it went so smoothly without more range officers, scorers and workers. I’ll share what I told Jim: that the atmosphere of this match reminded me of when IPSC was new - shooters helping each other improve for the sake of growing the sport, with the inevitable politics only a secondary consideration. That's good to see, and it brings me back to a time when competitive shooting was good clean fun.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

First off, a BIG thanks to Terry and Jim (and the other guys) for the great, smoothly run match. It was a blast shooting with a great bunch of guys-some old faces and some new.

Congrats to Kevin and the other top shooters. Everyone should know what a standup guy Kevin is. He gave away points in a tight match. He realized that he was given points for hitting a target when he actually shot at and hit a much smaller target @ 1000 yards. That is a credit to his honesty, as no one knew any better and he easily could have kept his mouth shut and walked away with more points on the stage. Class act in my book.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Gentlemen...thank you. Sorry I'm posting so late. I just got home and had to go out for soccer practice.

This was a great match put on by great people and filled with great friends. Great shooting from John and Tim who were in my group...your positional shooting leaves us all in awe and you guys are true professionals.

Terry and Jim both took time out of there busy schedule of running their business and put on a killer match. Thank you for sacrificing your time so that we could all enjoy each other’s company and test our skills. Casey did a bang up job stocking an outstanding prize table. Thank you Casey.

I was in the second group and got to meet some real good people. The Gentlemen from Oklahoma are class acts all the way around along with Roscoe, Jon, Graham, Sean, Patrick, Kevin D, Nemo, Tony...it is a real privilege to shoot with guys like you.

I would also like to thank Chad Haworth for going above and beyond helping Tony and myself out with getting us to the match and putting us up at his house. Also to Tony McCullum for driving us around the match and grabbing chow for us.

I've been shooting these types of matches for about five years now. The first one you go to is for the challenge...all the matches after that are just for a chance to spend time with such great people. There are some seriously good dudes shooting these matches and I'm grateful for every chance I get to attend one.

Thanks again to the sponsors who donated to the prize table. Give these guy's a call or an email if you can. USO will be getting another call from me soon.

I look forward to seeing you all soon at the next match. Until then...be safe, shoot well.

Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Just a quick note to say what a great match this was. Fun events and very smooth. Thanks so much to Jim and Terry and their progeny for all the hard work.

Also thanks to Casey for the prize table. You went above and beyond reeling in all those sponsors. Thank you emails will go out to them also.

Great to see many of the Usual Suspects, put faces with names, and also to see a BUNCH of never-been-to-a-match-before shooters (or at lest this type of match). Welcome aboard.

...and Congrats Drake, nice shootin!
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Thanks to Terry and Jim for a challenging match. And thanks to the guys that kept the targets changed and everything running so smoothly. Thanks to all the match sponsores for a great prize table. Thanks to Casey for put it together as well. Alot of your guys own time went into this and it showed.

It was good to put faces with names here on the Hide. A great group of guys to say the least.

I learned alot that's for sure!

Thanks again!!
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

This was my first precision rifle shooting match. I have nothing to compare this match to, but I was really impressed with how much I learned about myself and my shooting this weekend. Having never shot a match like this before I didn't realize how much of these matches was mental, not physical. In nearly every scenerio we had to move, load, and make a decision, and fire under time constraints. It was awesome...you had to think...not just shoot. Thank you to Jim and Terry for setting this up where I learned so much in such a short amount of time. I know now what I need to practice....everything!

To use a golf analogy... I feel like I've spent a lot of time on the driving range, but this weekend I played my first round of golf...and learned there's a lot more to it than just hitting the ball as far as you can!

Thanks again, everyone I met was super nice. Thanks to Casey for rounding them up and to the sponsors for donating all the great prizes!

I look forward to the next match!

Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Hey all,

Big THANKS to Terry and Jim... and their boys. I have a feeling we will be facing them as tough competitors soon enough. I can't hardly believe all the time and money these guys just gave to us to make a hell of a match and prize money! Wow!

Anyways, this was the most fun I've had at any match (on and off the range). Casey you wined us and dined us Friday, showed us some of the best steaks and dining with 10 or so fellow shooters who drove from all over the USA to shoot the best gun game in world. Once again Saturday, at the Superior Restaurant you showed off Shreveport's best dining (and Margaritas)experience. Matt, You Nebraska guys, John, my Wing-man, Sorry I forgot so many names, and my fellow Aussies who got me drunk off my ass I appreciate it.

Now getting back on topic Pete, It was great to meet alot of new faces and of course see all you old ugly mugs too. All you guys make it fun! Great shooting by lots of ole hands like Jerry Newman, Jim Paul Brown (The other Badass Oklahoma shooters that really can shoot their asses off and give it 100%) Jeff Badley, Tony G., Chad H., Todd Morris, Pete C.,Bolt and Lonnie just to name a few you who always come to play hard. Just a special mention to Huck Allen who came all the way from Austraila to shoot his first match with a borrowed .308, a bigger thanks to him though
for his prior service in Afghanistan, He was only one of two shooters who got 100% in the milling exercise, I think that say's alot.

Finally congrats Kevin, John, Tim, Bruce and Patrick Morris for your usually boring accurate shooting. Missed shooting with you guys. Patrick, good shooting maybe next time
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Outstanding two day match.
Lots of great people and lots of great shooting.
Thanks to the Long Range Alley facility for hosting one of the finest matches that the Oklahoma crew have had the pleasure of attending.

Big thanks to Terry and Jim for getting way outside their comfort zone and put on match director's hats.
85 or 90 rounds for a two day match and no stages that gave the feeling of being time fillers or barrel burners being done simply to crank up the round count.
The stages tested varouus shooting skill sets to a degree that I have not seen in any of the previous dozen or so matches that the Oklahoma crew have attended. Most matches have their own flavor that test the skill set deemed most important by whomever is thinking up the stages but this one tested every skill set that I was able to list with the exception of true Unknown yardage targets and movers and night fire.
Terry and Jim together did up a format that was both thorough and enjoyable.

For me personally, having the muzzle brakes separate from us "non-braked" shooters was an outstanding thing and I sure hope other matches consider following suit.

The match had much less down time than I have ever seen at a tactical match so I was unable to spend much time getting to know new faces but hopefully we will get invited to another Louisiana match in the future.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fargo007</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This seems like one of those matches a person ought to not miss...</div></div>Fargo, you could even stretch it a bit and say it was a match made in heaven.

Saturday evening stage had many exercises, all with the potential for scoring:

Stage 1)

Start at the Superior Bar and Grill. Brush briefly against the divorced women packing the entranceway. Avoid the inevitable cold bore shot at point blank range, as this is primarily a spotting exercise and there are no points available.

Stage 2)

Be seated at the long table with the other shooters in your squad, immediately next to the live band. Chat with the girl at the next table who is asking 'the guy who looks like Tom Hanks' to grab a volleyball and shout "Wilson!!!"'. Confirm the identity of the shooter by taking a digital photo of Rich. 100 points.

Stage 3)

Starting with two rounds in your pocket, and a five dollar bill, walk from the host stand to the bar in the back, about 45 yards, an order multiple drinks on someone else's tab. Have them delivered to your table. 20 points per drink, for a total of 100 points.

Stage 4)

This is the KIMS part: On the way back, dance with the tall, skinny girl with the crazy eyes who can't keep from pulling up her shirt while rubbing against her blonde friend. 50 points if she whispers in your ear. 50 more points if the next morning you can write down what she said to your spotter and promise never to repeat it to his girfriend. Total: 100 points.

Stage 5)

Mil range the bottle blonde, determine the size of the rack, take an average of the readings for length and width, then interrupt the guy she is dancing with. Survive the encounter without assistance from the rest of the team, for a total of 100 points.

Stage 6)

This one was, I believe, a former military exercise: Stalk the crowd and establish an FFP at the entrance from the bar to the patio. Engage multiple targets at multiple distances, using at least one hold-under
. Run back to the start position, gather your equipment, and follow four movers in two teams of two men each. Cutting the center scoring ring on each target is 100 points per team member. No in-person verification of the other person's score will be permitted on this exercise.

Stage 7)

Not many formal matches have a nav exercise, but this one, apparently, did: find your way back to the range for an 8am start time the next morning.

That's all I can remember of the most challenging courses of fire. The rest was a lot of work with rifles and stuff.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

First of all a big thank you to Terry, Jim, your boys and the rest of the crew for all the time setting things up, running everyone through, very smoothly and safely. This was a great first experience. I am hoping to be able to participate in many more.

Casey, it was a pleasure to meet you. I can't imagine the amount of time spent getting the prize table lined up. Thnaks for your time.

To the sponsors who donated to the prize table, thank you for your amazing generosity.

It was a pleasure to meet a lot of new people and connect faces with handles here on the hide. Russell, Todd M, Rich, RG, Hasgun, Chad H, Jeff B, Pete C, Sean L, Mike P, and several others. I look forward to seeing and shooting with everyone again.

Thanks again for a great match.

Matt Tederman
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Those are great! You might see some of those at the next Rifles Only match. Venue will be the Country Luau, or, at Frank's discretion, The Office.

I will not, though, RO events at The Office - that's too high-risk an AO for us old guys.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Matt, nice to meet you and the guys from NE. Good shooting at the match! Save us a long-range twelve point next fall, will ya?

Lindy, LOL! Nick and I would have loved to make it down for a visit to Rifles Only afterward. We had driven the bulk of the way and it would have been only another seven hours or so. But, duty called (and the older I get the less I'm sure of what duty means, but I digress...).

I would like to make it to the Cup, as I've never been to one and I think I can get the time off this year. I do expect the Cup to be tougher, though. By that I mean that the targets at the Cup will likely be smaller, but that's not a criticism of the Louisiana match: the targets were realistic and a 75% took the win. In my opinion that's a close to perfect ratio of easy vs. hard at this stage of development of the sport. What do I know?! But, I mean, hey, if the top guys aren't shooting it clean it's a challenging match.... Anyway, what I liked about this LA match was the variety: there were very challenging shots, but also lots of partial points available for the new guys and guys like myself who couldn't hit a barn door that weekend.

Good job all around.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Graham</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Fargo, you could even stretch it a bit and say it was a match made in heaven.

Saturday evening stage had many exercises, all with the potential for scoring:

Stage 1)

Start at the Superior Bar and Grill... </div></div>

LOL Graham, I went to Superior the Friday after thanksgiving with my wife to watch our friend Keith Horton play, as we are both from there.

It was just exactly how you describe it, and exactly how I remember it growing up.
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Good morning all.

I was already behind at the shop before this event, so I have been trying to get my head above water for just a minute to post on this thread.

We had a safe match! Thank you to all the attendees and staff.
We had fun! Thank you to all the attendees and staff.

My goal was to shoot some events that I thought would be a challenge and fun to shoot if I was the competitor. I wanted to stress positions other than prone, weapon handling and problem solving under time constraints. In the real world, your mental load is much more complex than staring at the reticle and squeezing. I wanted to make you allocate at least part of your thinking to another task so that you could test how well your rifle handling and scope manipulation are engrained.

The other goal was to make each event and scoring the same for all 50 shooters. Some events were very tough and I think some were too easy. I was consoled by knowing that everybody was presented with the same task each time though. This is why we elected to skip the last two events on the Assault Deck. Those would have been 2 of the most fun events at the match but would have to been run 1 shooter per run. No way to get everybody through in the same light conditions. Drizzling rain coming in made the final decision easy even though I didn’t like dropping two events that took the most labor to set up in the first place. Maybe next time.

I also wanted to offer as much feedback to the shooters as possible. Getting scores quickly and making targets available was a priority. Half the time I forgot to throw it in but when I remembered, I tried to overview the point of each event. Every event was meant to make you test something else in your skill sets.

Overall, I am happy with the way the events executed. I definitely made some administrative errors and would handle the match brief and some course briefs differently if I had to do it over.

One of the drawbacks of being there but not shooting was that I couldn’t visit with my friends and other new shooters that I had not met before. Also running things by shooter number was smooth but kept me from learning the new names and being able to make the connections between those names and faces. I was always concerned about keeping it going and getting some more events crammed in. We had at least 6 or 8 first time competitors. I hope we and your brother competitors made you feel welcome and that you will stay with this discipline.

Lisa Bynum and Lisa Sisk should be given big hugs next time you see them. Scoring the paper targets, prepping the targets and keeping track of the score sheets was tough work and intense. I can assure you that after I ran to the camper and put 650 scores into my laptop Saturday night and another 550 scores in Sunday afternoon, my ass was whipped and I was cross eyed (more than usual). So thank both Lisas next time you are at R.O. or their counterparts at any other serious rifle comp. They work very hard for you.

Besides, they are totally HOT and it would be an excuse for a hug.

Congratulations to Kevin Drake (my stunt double).

Thanks for trying to breed me at the awards Tony. I now know where we stand and am totally comfortable in my manhood.

Jim and I would have much preferred shooting this match than putting it on. Besides enjoying shooting, we would have had the incredible good fortune to shoot against some of the best rifle drivers in the country. We never saw that coming when we started trying to put this together.

Per my talk at the awards, Jim and I are honored and humbled that you would travel from Michigan, Ohio, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and goodness knows where else to spend your hard earned money and even more valuable free time just to be with us. Trusting us with this and seeing you having a good time is what made all this work worthwhile.

We also had several local shooters that are very capable and experienced but have never had the opportunity to really test their selves against their counterparts from literally other parts of the U.S. This was a rare and thorough opportunity to see how you compare in the big picture. We can all go to the local range and get a warm fuzzy about skills and capabilities. Big fish in a small pond syndrome. . . . Much more respect among everyone once you stick your finger in the spokes of a serious comp rather than reading about it,etc.

To me, throwing yourself against other serious rifle drivers and especially if you are in their Area of Operations (i.e.: Unfamiliar turf for you!) you will find out PDQ how you stand in reality. It is my opinion that this is the ultimate catalyst for us to grow our art.

Staying isolated in small cells guarantees duplication of problem solving and stunts the evolution of abilities. We all drive one another to higher levels. Tough but a good thing.

I am very, very proud of our shooters that finished lower in the finals. All of you, including the 50th place finisher, kept excellent attitudes and hopefully were strengthened by the competition. The 50th place finisher is light years ahead of someone that didn’t take the time to get there and test themselves.

Thank you. Have a good week and I hope to be shooting against you next time.
Truly, I am very fortunate to know you and blessed to have my job related to this art.

Everybody stay safe.

Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

My wife grinned when I read her your note, Terry.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The 50th place finisher is light years ahead of someone that didn’t take the time to get there and test themselves.</div></div>

Got that right! It never rains on the Internet...
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Hats of to Terry Jim and Casey.

Job well done you did a great job and let us beat us up with the COF. Nothing was impossible and every time i missed I was like yep i need to get back to the basics on that one.

Everything went smooth, it was a blast, I really enjoyed the on the spot scoring and feedback so that I could evaluate my shots and learn from each drill. That was a nice touch.

As always I enjoyed seeing all my shooting buddies and meeting and making more great friendships.

As we have said before not only is this sport made up of great shooters but guys that truely strive to get better and help others to get better as well.

Then add all the comic relief and ball busting its the most fun you can have with a gun anywhere.

Great job to all the shooters hopefully you loged some good data and learned from your misses.

Congrats Kevin Job well done and I know more are in your future.

I also want to give a shout out to my homegirl Sean Little AKA as Shankapotomous.

You can be my wingman anytime!!

Great Job again!!
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

First off- Thanks to Terry and Jim for getting together a very well coordinated and very practical rifle match. This was very well worth the 16 hour drive from Michigan to make the shoot. None of the stages are what I would call difficult, but challenging, for sure.

Like many others, I blew relitively simple shots, and as William put it, you can not drop any points to this crowd and compete. I blew a few simlpe stages, and zeroed several stages beause I was off a rotation on the scope, there goes a posible 400 points, and ruined my second day in 3 stages. But, what I learned was priceless!

Jim and Terry put on a hell of a match, and thank you guys so much for making a smooth weekend.

William Roscoe, thank you for the true hospitality and friendship you displayed to Graham and I, as well as others post, and during that match, you sir, are a true gentleman.

Casey Simpson, thank you for taking care of alot of us out of towners, and showing us the finest time imaginable so far from home. Great food, great folks, and a time worth remembering. Cant wait to do it again next year.

All the other competetors that helped out newbs and shared information, Kevin Drake, talked with Graham and I while waiting to shoot individual shots, and learned what match shooting is all about, consitency. As Graham stated, we learned how a team communicates, and that was priceless to see and observe, and gives us something to shoot for, you guys had your shit together! Congrats!

Every match I shoot, I look forward to the next one more, and had the time of my life, with so many great guys!

Here is to the Superior Bar and Grill crew on Saturday night (raises Cpt. Morgan glass high in the air), Rich Emmons is my hero, on and off the range! Thanks for the great times guys, and this will be talked about for years and years at matches to come. Hope to see the Nebraska crew again, and share margaritas at the next match!

Thanks again to Casey for making us feel so welcome, and stop what he had going on to take care of us for the weekend. Great times were had by all!

Nick Painter
Re: TerryCross/JimClarkMatchDec 5/6LongRangeAlley

Glad your Lisa liked that Lindy. You need to let her out of the camper more often. .. . . . . and yes, You're hot too.

Below is a low res image that one of the attendees emailed me. I am sure my son Luke took a couple of high res group photos. I will snag him when he is through with finals tomorrow and post the photo as well as a downloadable file for those that want it that way.
