Well this last year has been hell for me and my eyes I had went blind once due to cataracs but I lucked out and got into one of the best doctors in my area and he fixed that issue. With the new lens I can see like a freaking hawk just cant read a book in front of my face but thats what dollar store readers are for. But this last month I got a major punch to the gut. I've got glaucoma and it has progressed to the point that a third of my left eye is dead and the right is still alive but getting tired of fighting but that little fuckers not giving up. All the doctors here have looked and gave up but my main doctor knowing that shooting and my eyes are my life made some calls pulled some strings and got me into the University Utah and the Moran Eye Center with Dr. Zabriskie. I have sat down talked with him he took a look at things and he told me he really thinks he can save my eyes we are going into emerency surgery Monday night for the left eye were he is going put a tube in threw the top of the eye and feed it to the back so the presure can drain. But things are going to be ok because I'm just to damn mean to give up.