Only on episode 2, but this podcast is really starting to grow on me! I'll continue to listen to this for sure.
I think it would be really interesting if you did a full podcasts on working dogs. More of how you got into it, what a day in the life of a dog trainer is like, what these dogs are used for, a conversation in regards to home defense dogs - do's and don't s of that, common mistakes, a conversation on different breeds for home defense, etc. This is a topic that seems to pop up from time to time in the bear pit here on the hide, lots of differing opinions and they always turn into long threads.
Also, just checked pocket cast and couldn't find your podcast on their app? I'm not sure if I'm just retarded or if it isn't "live" yet. Had to suffer through Podbean for these two episodes.
See if this works. I really dont like the interface as the content provider of that app but i know that tons of people use it. I tried to find it myself by the search function and couldnt find it. Had to be signed in to my account to find it. Try this link.
Web Player - Pocket Casts
Listen to your favorite podcasts online, in your browser. Discover the world's most powerful podcast player.

I plan on doing a few dedicated working dog episodes and when i nail down a bullet proof way to do interviews and have them recorded in MP3, i got some folks to talk working dogs with.