The Next Trayvon Martin Case?

Well gee I dont know? Maybe the entire fucking history of the south?
Yep there we go. You’d better watch it buddy as one of the most active branches of the klan was in Massachusetts. Also the people up north treated blacks horribly when they moved up there.
Now f off with your high and mighty southerners are racist bs.
You know funny thing about NY. My friend can go and have dinner with his black wife just fine.
When they did the same thing in SC or NC or parts of VA they got dirty looks and odd stares all over the fucking place.
Plenty of racists here in NY, but your shit has been stinking for a long time.
You know funny thing about NY. My friend can go and have dinner with his black wife just fine.
When they did the same thing in SC or NC or parts of VA they got dirty looks and odd stares all over the fucking place.
Plenty of racists here in NY, but your shit has been stinking for a long time.
Sorry for them. I see plenty of mixed couples here. And this shit your dragging around on purpose has nothing to do with three guys trying to stop a suspected thief.
Obviously we have no idea what actually happened (only what the media is reporting as they learn/manufacture it), but I think the two white guys were totally in the wrong till the deceased attacked and went for the shotgun. Pretty much all their mistakes and stupidity Are out the window once they’re fighting over the gun. At that point it’s life or death.

All of you who say you would run towards the people with guns, just like the deceased, are the sheepdawg, bro, meat eater, door kicker wanna be alpha males. I would have gone the other way and kept retreating and egressing till the cops showed, I got away, or they cornered me somehow. Going on offense against armed men? Not likely.
I call any one in their 20s a kid. You seem to be a little too sensetive about that.
He’s a “child jogger”. Don’t you watch the cable news?
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You know funny thing about NY. My friend can go and have dinner with his black wife just fine.
When they did the same thing in SC or NC or parts of VA they got dirty looks and odd stares all over the fucking place.
Plenty of racists here in NY, but your shit has been stinking for a long time.
NY is the most segregated place I've ever been, chicken swinger.
The autopsy report on Mr. Arbery was released. No drugs or alcohol were found in his system. The article below does say something about his past criminal record which has been ignored by the rest of the media. I got on the Glynn county Court's website but could not find anything. From the article it says;

"Arbery had previously been sentenced to five years probation as a first offender on charges of carrying a weapon on campus and several counts of obstructing a law enforcement officer.

According to the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, he was also convicted of probation violation in 2018 after he was charged with shoplifting.

Here is the link to the article:

Like I said earlier, if you take the video at face value, it looks like Mr. Arbery is the attacker. Going along with my past observations, it would seem like the deceased wanted to put up a fight for whatever reason.

I have had a gun pulled on me when I was unarmed. I'm here today to tell about it because I put my hands up in the air and submitted to the asshole. The badass @Petrov may have taken the cocked & ready 1911 from the idiot's hands and done a double tap to the chest and one to the head faster than Jerry Miculek could blink his eye. However, I'm not as big and brave (or possibly stupid) as @Petrov but I'm alive.

Now back to Mr. Arbery. What the McMichaels did was stupid. Nevertheless, their intent doesn't seem to purposely kill Mr. Arbery. However, we still don't know the facts. Yet Mr. Arbery, may well have been a hot-head who was gonna shove that shotgun up some white-boy's ass like @Petrov would do.

It's a tragedy all the way around for Mr. Arbery, his loved ones and the McMichael family. Another tragedy that is repeating itself is the further racial divide tearing our country apart and the side-effect that justice is perverted.

When I was six years old, in 1964, a black teenager that was three times bigger than me, picked me up and threw me head first into an iron fence post. I was six then and didn't know why he did it. My mother saw him do it then called my father who was five minutes away at work.

I don't know what happened to the asshole that attacked me. He, undoubtedly, took off. I was too busy crying like a six year old who's head was hurt and bleeding. My father came and picked me up. What I can remember was, as he was holding me, the entire neighborhood (blacks and whites) came running over to see what was going on.

My Father was pissed - really pissed. I remember that the teenager's father came running up to us and was apologizing profusely for the actions of his son. My Father was not in the mood to receive any apologies and let the other Father know how he felt. The immediate concern was to get me to a hospital and get my head stitched up.

I've been told that I'm very hard-headed. That must be true because there was no skull fracture or life-long debility except for the scar on my forehead.

After I reached adulthood, my Father told me that he went to the boy's house that evening and told the other Father if he ever saw his son again, that he would kill him. I never saw the asshole kid again. He's probably in his mid seventies now. Don't you know that I'd like to see how he feels if I picked him up and throw him into an iron fence post.

I say all this because, despite the fact that I was attacked by a black asshole, that I harbor no ill feelings to anyone of color. I take each person individually. BTW, both my parents have never harbored any ill feeling towards any group of people of color. They taught me likewise.

Now let's talk about another six year old boy. Does anyone remember the two cops that killed a six year old boy in Louisiana in 2015? The cops were black and the boy was white.

Where was the white outrage? Where was the guilt of the black community over this boy's death? Why don't we put on white robes and hoods and go burning crosses in the N------ yard? How come we didn't see the picture of the six year old boy all over the news and internet because some trigger-happy-asshole cops thought they would be heroes for shooting a white guy? Why didn't we see the pictures of the asshole N------ cops all over the news for what they did to the little white boy? They way whites (especially southern whites) are portrayed in the media, you would have thought David Duke could have won reelection in the clan and held a membership drive and got more new members than Kalifornia has democrats. Why didn't that happen?

I can answer all of the above questions. Asshole cops (who happen to be black) don't fit the leftist MSM narrative. Below are a few videos about what happened.

Now if those videos don't frost your balls then read the article below. One of the asshole cops has been released from prison early. If I was the father, I'd rent a bill board along the main drag where this asshole lives with his picture and a message which says, "He killed my son!"

I could go on. What about the asshole cop (who happens to be black, Somalian and Muslim) that killed Justine Damond. Mohamed Noor killed her on July 15, 2017. Yet it wasn't until eight months later that a warrant was issued for his arrest. Everyone seems to be acting like they got a burr up their collective asses cause it took three months to charge the McMichaels. Noor had a history of abusing his authority as a cop, but the MSM will leave that out.

Where was the outrage for the fact that it took eight months to charge the asshole? He only got 12 1/2 years in prison. Where is the outrage? Watch this asshole get released early. Will there be any outrage then?

I can answer those questions as well. It's because an asshole cop (who happens to be black, Somalian and Muslim) doesn't fit the leftist MSM narrative.

Rant over for now.
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I'm all for the 2nd Amendment as you all know, however, chasing down idiot burglars isn't self defense at all.
If you need a shotgun for a fist fight you instigated, well that's messed up!
We will see how this plays out? Most people do not run towards men with shotguns, that's strange to say the least?...
Was he an addict? Either way this was messed up how these guys handled this!
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Can you outrun a truck or a bullet?

Go watch the video. Ahmaud grabbed the gun and got shot, he literally did it to himself the first time. I'm not saying these two guys are not totally fucked, they are. The optics of two fat white guys chasing a black man down the street in a pick-up truck are terrible. If they had audio of them screaming "WHoooeeeeee, git him Bubba!" then this shit show would be complete. Innocent or justified, it looks bad, it looks like manslaughter at the very least.

But, we have to ignore a lot of information to make this fit the media dynamic. We know for a 100% certainty the media will lie, edit to distort and instigate this to create race riots in order to distract from actual issues, like Pedo-Joe running for president. The crimes against Mike Flynn and so on. The leftists always fall back to race baiting bullshit and the African American community goes for it, hook ,line and sinker.

Ahmaud was a thief, 100% chance he wasn't jogging and accidentally "jogging" into people's yards to try car and truck doors or prowling on construction sites. There are a string of 911 calls about his activity on this jog. If he was innocent, he could have simply called 911 as he jogged and reported the white guys. If he had honorable intentions he could have called 911. 911 is not racist, 911 is not for whites only. 911 calls are welcomed from anyone and responded to based on type of emergency.

I promise you if a black man called 911 and said, "two fat honkies with shotguns are chasing me down the street I need help!" Cops would come just to see this shit show for themselves. But he did not. So, This is not racist, it is basically stupid in action. These guys acted like they were dealing with any tweeker they catch in their neighborhood, they forgot the criminal was black and therefore stopping him from stealing was racist.

Honestly, they would have been better served by staying on the phone to 911 and following him back to his crib. Not a single one of their neighbors is going to donate to their legal defense and most will refuse to even write letters in support of them for fear of being called racists or targeted by communists for violence. I bet the kid goes in for manslaughter and the dad gets probation for three years, they lose everything they own in lawsuits including the homes they were protecting and Ahmaud gets a holiday named after him or a city park which will be a center for drug activity in four years.
Well this story is from Ohio.

A freind of mine that is a perfect outstanding citizen got himself in some deep shit one night and was looking at doing some serious time.

He has half dozen equipment buildings full vintage motorcycles and a couple buildings full of scrap copper and aluminum.

He came home one day and caught 3 guys loading a one ton dump truck to the sky with copper.
He pulled up in his own driveway, the 3 guys were inside the building.
He proceeded to shooting one of the tires out so the truck couldn't go anywhere .

Walks into the main building and calls the Sherriff.
By the time the Sherriff gets there these 3 came up with a story about my buddy trying to kill them.

That night was a valuable lesson for me and my freind as it cost him a week in jail and about 50k.for a good attorney.
If it wouldn't have been for his good name,my families name and 50k he'd still be in prison cause he was looking at 10 to 15 years.

Shit does happen and sometimes the wrong people get hosed

Anymore we have cameras everywhere, I will not stick my neck out since I've got to much to lose.
Well this story is from Ohio.

A freind of mine that is a perfect outstanding citizen got himself in some deep shit one night and was looking at doing some serious time.

He has half dozen equipment buildings full vintage motorcycles and a couple buildings full of scrap copper and aluminum.

He came home one day and caught 3 guys loading a one ton dump truck to the sky with copper.
He pulled up in his own driveway, the 3 guys were inside the building.
He proceeded to shooting one of the tires out so the truck couldn't go anywhere .

Walks into the main building and calls the Sherriff.
By the time the Sherriff gets there these 3 came up with a story about my buddy trying to kill them.

That night was a valuable lesson for me and my freind as it cost him a week in jail and about 50k.for a good attorney.
If it wouldn't have been for his good name,my families name and 50k he'd still be in prison cause he was looking at 10 to 15 years.

Shit does happen and sometimes the wrong people get hosed

Anymore we have cameras everywhere, I will not stick my neck out since I've got to much to lose.

Your friend exposed corruption and did not know it. Those cops are probably getting a nice split with the copper thieves and probably picked out a couple of motorcycles for themselves to boot. They were pissed he ruined their plans. He is lucky he could afford a lawyer.

I used to live in a nice neighborhood in the middle of a nice city, across the street from a rental. The people who lived their abandoned the home and stuck one of their parents paying the mortgage, so he rented the place to drug dealers. Nearly, every Thursday, a City of Sp****e cop would swing by, go inside and bang one of the two whores the drug dealer kept for amusement, pick up an envelope and they would shake hands on the porch as he left. About two hours later, serious drug traffic would crowd the street for 24 hours a day until the drugs ran out on the next Tuesday or Wednesday. This was a regular event.

Every call anyone called Crime Check or 911 they got zero response. Go to the neighborhood COPS station to report the problem and get the same bullshit. "we have never had a complaint about that house", we have never heard of a problem there", blah blah blah blah. This went on for two years. Two different drug dealers from that house got smoked around town. On fucker got deaded behind a bar in the middle of town, 44 mag to the dome. When the dealer got smoked or picked up by a neighboring agency, the drug gang would ship in another one, two different hoes and a new pitbull in a few days.

Lady next door called over 330am drunk drama in the street, cops arrived and pointed her house out to the drug dealer, his druggie slaves spent an hour throwing beer bottles at her house. This shit was constant. I had a buddy worked for a neighboring agency, he used to park his Crown Vic in front of my house to keep them guessing. One day I'm walking out of the house and the pitbull comes charging across the street, I told my buddies, to hold their ears and drew my sidearm. The hoodrats started screaming and surprisingly enough that shit dog turned and ran back. The doper got the message, I strongly suggested he buy a funking leash and keep his shit on his side of the street .

Cops protected this house, cops showed up to side with the drug dealers against Mexican traffickers who were out in the street one night. A no shit 8 on 6 armed stand off in the street, cops arrived, Mexicans casually walked to their cars and drove off. No words were exchanged, no one was arrested. Every person on the street was visibly brandishing a gun, I saw three AK's and two shotguns on the Mexican side. I had a belt fed rifle set up in my house and two buddies from up the block moving into a flanking position in case this shit turned my direction.

I figured out Code Enforcement was not under the scheme controlled by the local PD. I got the entire neighborhood to file complaints, I provided the addressed, stamps envelopes and paperwork, all they had to do was sign. It was officially a nuisance house and the owner did not have an in-state landlord so it was an illegal rental. Code Enforcement saved the day. Three cop cars showed up the day they were packing it up. They literally helped a guy with a felony warrant pack a pick up truck with furniture, in uniform, in front of the deputy I had sitting in my living room watching. He was dumbfounded. In the end, nothing happened to the crooked cops.

They side with criminals because some of them are criminals with badges and the rest of them know it and do not care.
Now that more information has come to light, legally speaking this case is simple and hinges on the answer to two questions:

Was his crime trespassing or burglary? In Georgia burglary pertains to a dwelling, even if not occupied. Since the house was being renovated and pretty open, it’s going to come down to if it is legally considered a dwelling. If so, there is also the *intent* portion of the law that must be satisfied.

If it is not legally considered a dwelling, it’s a misdemeanor and that doesn’t allow these two men to perform an arrest.

If it is deemed a felony, we move to the next question:

Can they articulate why they feel they had probable cause *at the time* to believe he committed a felony.

If it was a felony AND they can articulate their probable cause, then they were two citizens attempting to perform a legal citizens arrest. The subject fought back and they shot him in self defense.

If it was not a felony OR they cannot articulate their probable cause, then they are two people who chased someone down with guns an a truck. The subject they chased has a right to defend himself from these two people.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see them request a bench trial. As I believe this will be determined on the basis of the legal opinion of the house being a dwelling or not (felony vs misdemeanor).
Boston 1974 @Petrov Racism has and will always exist. Sometimes people even see it when it is not there. Black people are just as racist as any white people. They just don't get the press. No money in it.

You know funny thing about NY. My friend can go and have dinner with his black wife just fine.
When they did the same thing in SC or NC or parts of VA they got dirty looks and odd stares all over the fucking place.
Plenty of racists here in NY, but your shit has been stinking for a long time.
You know the funny thing about St. Louis. I can be in a neighborhood I lived in for 40 years and never moved and get and be told why are you here. Works both ways
The REAL New Trayvon Martin Case...

Screenshot_20200512-070543_Google News.jpg

CNN: Eight years after Trayvon Martin, another 17-year-old is killed in a Sanford, Florida, stand your ground case
CNN: Eight years after Trayvon Martin, another 17-year-old is killed in a Sanford, Florida, stand your ground case.
The prosecutors and the media said the same exact things some of you guys are in the George Zimmerman murder trial.

He was acquitted by a jury of his peers. I guess they were all racists as well.
Zimmerman was far from INNOCENT. He initiated the interaction and was getting his ass kicked by a teenager. He was not in danger until he tried to be a Punisher. These guys are worse since they outnumbered the victim, ambushed him and they brought the weapon. If you are going to bring out a weapon, you better be ready and willing to use it and willing to take responsibility for using it.
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Zimmerman was far from INNOCENT. He initiated the interaction and was getting his ass kicked by a teenager. He was not in danger until he tried to be a Punisher. These guys are worse since they outnumbered the victim, ambushed him and they brought the weapon. If you are going to bring out a weapon, you better be ready and willing to use it and willing to take responsibility for using it.

The law allows you to put yourself in danger as long as it’s done lawfully.

Again, the only story we have is Zimmerman’s, but that’s the story we have to go with. In that story he did nothing illegal and was attacked. He used his weapon for self defense as he was having his head smashed pretty good.

Was it *smart* to follow him on foot? Probably not. Was it illegal? In the context of his story (the only eye witness story), nope, not illegal at all.

These two men will have to face the same question, except there’s more information available from more sources than just their recounting.

It may or may not have been a legal detention/arrest they were attempting to perform.
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Now that more information has come to light, legally speaking this case is simple and hinges on the answer to two questions:

Was his crime trespassing or burglary? In Georgia burglary pertains to a dwelling, even if not occupied. Since the house was being renovated and pretty open, it’s going to come down to if it is legally considered a dwelling. If so, there is also the *intent* portion of the law that must be satisfied.

If it is not legally considered a dwelling, it’s a misdemeanor and that doesn’t allow these two men to perform an arrest.

If it is deemed a felony, we move to the next question:

Can they articulate why they feel they had probable cause *at the time* to believe he committed a felony.

If it was a felony AND they can articulate their probable cause, then they were two citizens attempting to perform a legal citizens arrest. The subject fought back and they shot him in self defense.

If it was not a felony OR they cannot articulate their probable cause, then they are two people who chased someone down with guns an a truck. The subject they chased has a right to defend himself from these two people.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see them request a bench trial. As I believe this will be determined on the basis of the legal opinion of the house being a dwelling or not (felony vs misdemeanor).
I don’t disagree with your analysis (largely the same as the prosecutor who recused himself), but it’s from the narrow perspective of :

When we all know the truth is a completely twisted and completely distorted view of reality made by this:

Government officials, exactly like a lot here, have completely made up their minds from a brief, shaky video aNd a media narrative. It always leads to this, and has since the beginning of time:

You know funny thing about NY. My friend can go and have dinner with his black wife just fine.
When they did the same thing in SC or NC or parts of VA they got dirty looks and odd stares all over the fucking place.
Plenty of racists here in NY, but your shit has been stinking for a long time.

They didn't give them dirty looks for being a mixed race couple. They gave them dirty looks for being down here from NY.
I don’t disagree with your analysis (largely the same as the prosecutor who recused himself), but it’s from the narrow perspective of :

When we all know the truth is a completely twisted and completely distorted view of reality made by this:

Government officials, exactly like a lot here, have completely made up their minds from a brief, shaky video aNd a media narrative. It always leads to this, and has since the beginning of time:


Agreed. That’s what I wouldn’t be surprised to see them opt for a bench trial.

Bench trials with a judge are usually the best idea when it comes down to a very technical legal opinion.

Good example was the Freddie Gray in Baltimore. The cops accused in the case opted for bench trials an the verdicts came in pretty quick and easy in their favor. So much the prosecutors office dropped the charges for the rest as they were getting humiliated in courts.
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I lived in NC for a while. Loved it. Folks were great, fun and nosey as hell. My neighbor was a proper SC good ol' boy. Went to the Citadel and even though I was slightly older called me 'boy'. Helped me a ton with my yard, we built an archery target together and one of the first questions he asked me when we moved in was "I see you got two young boys. You gonna teach 'em to shoot and hunt?". He took me and my oldest out on his boat where my kid got his first ever fish.

Southerners can be all about their culture and history and not be racist. I'm not white, I very much resemble the 'enemy' in the eyes of some, but I never felt scared or worried in NC or SC. Now, when I took a wrong exit on the 405 heading into LA. That shit was worrisome.

No culture or people are free of bigotry towards others. It's human nature and part of our evolutionary conditioning. Part of being civilized is having the critical thinking skills to seperate instinct and flash judgements from actual actions and behavior. It's called being grown up. There are some here who think being thoughful is akin to weakness or 'liberal'. There're part of the problem to the solution they think they represent. Whatever, the average human IQ is barely above room temperature.
They didn't give them dirty looks for being a mixed race couple. They gave them dirty looks for being down here from NY.


Yes, you are that easy to spot. That and you drive like shit with your fucking Dark Blue / Orange-yellow plates.

Florida SUCKS from Nov - April while the fucking NY snowbirds are here driving like shit and acting like they're all that.
And 12 % of the population is responsible for 50% of crime. Stats are so inconvenient.

How many of them (in America)owned slaves in the last 150 years?

Why exactly, would slave ownership by a long dead person who owned slaves prior to 1863 have anything to do with this problem?

None of the people in question was an adult or even a teenager in the Jim Crow era of the south, so why would this have anything to do with Jim Crow?

This is where leftists always run too, blame whitey and bring up slavery. Try and associate some bullshit from two fucking centuries ago with a present day problem and insist on ignoring the obvious criminal behavior of the thug who got his wig pushed back.

To a non-communist there are several signs we are dealing with a typical thug got smoked event.

1. They whip out his 7th grad school picture and he was 28 years old.
2. They get excessively upset when you ask about his criminal record.
3. They always insist the thug was doing something innocuous. Poor Tray was getting Skittles, forgot to mention Skittles are part of a concoction druggies love.
Lean, also known as Purple Drank and Sizzurp, is a mixture of codeine cough syrup, soda, and hard candy. It is among the prescription opioids causing addiction Poor Amhaud was just out for a jog....................................until we finally get the truth in court, maybe.
4. Every single thing, a 911 call or a witness who can and eventually will put this case on a more honest footing will be threatened by leftists with death or violence. If any information on them becomes public, the media will encourage the violence or try and interview the wotness, during the interview they will imply the witnesses are racists or somehow at fault and the media person doing the interview will encourage violence against the witnesses.
Zimmerman was far from INNOCENT. He initiated the interaction and was getting his ass kicked by a teenager. He was not in danger until he tried to be a Punisher. These guys are worse since they outnumbered the victim, ambushed him and they brought the weapon. If you are going to bring out a weapon, you better be ready and willing to use it and willing to take responsibility for using it.

Dear God where do you leftists get your bullshit news or information? Other than the conjunctions in that statement nearly every fucking word is an outright lie or completely wrong. Jesus Christ, read some actual case information on occasion.
Dear God where do you leftists get your bullshit news or information? Other than the conjunctions in that statement nearly every fucking word is an outright lie or completely wrong. Jesus Christ, read some actual case information on occasion.

LOL, Not a leftist you dolt. Please share with us all how Zimmerman was an upstanding citizen when he started playing cop and ended up getting in over his head. And even after beating this one, he kept acting like an ass.
Tray Tray was a thug, never said he was not. But Zimmerman created the situation and ended up having to kill someone after he got in too deep. BTW, I got all the real information, not the initial news . Where did you get yours? Storm Front ?
Now that more information has come to light, legally speaking this case is simple and hinges on the answer to two questions:

Was his crime trespassing or burglary? In Georgia burglary pertains to a dwelling, even if not occupied. Since the house was being renovated and pretty open, it’s going to come down to if it is legally considered a dwelling. If so, there is also the *intent* portion of the law that must be satisfied.

If it is not legally considered a dwelling, it’s a misdemeanor and that doesn’t allow these two men to perform an arrest.

If it is deemed a felony, we move to the next question:

Can they articulate why they feel they had probable cause *at the time* to believe he committed a felony.

If it was a felony AND they can articulate their probable cause, then they were two citizens attempting to perform a legal citizens arrest. The subject fought back and they shot him in self defense.

If it was not a felony OR they cannot articulate their probable cause, then they are two people who chased someone down with guns an a truck. The subject they chased has a right to defend himself from these two people.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see them request a bench trial. As I believe this will be determined on the basis of the legal opinion of the house being a dwelling or not (felony vs misdemeanor).
Well done....
LOL, Not a leftist you dolt. Please share with us all how Zimmerman was an upstanding citizen when he started playing cop and ended up getting in over his head. And even after beating this one, he kept acting like an ass.
Tray Tray was a thug, never said he was not. But Zimmerman created the situation and ended up having to kill someone after he got in too deep. BTW, I got all the real information, not the initial news . Where did you get yours? Storm Front ?

Man, if I could have only loaned your mother the $200 bucks for the abortion. Here is the classic part of your response. Like every other member of the Leftist led Hitler youth..........................the first thing you guys always do is call everyone who disagrees with you a NAZI. That's kind funny actually, since you vote for totalitarian candidates in every election and base most of your opinion on leftist propaganda. Did you change your name from "88'r" to 5x5 for a reason?

Anyway, I never said, Zimmerman was anything other than obnoxious . But, Zimmerman was actually the on-duty neighborhood watch guy that night. He joined the other assholes in his community to try and reduce the level of crime from guys like Tray. He was actually on the phone to 911 when Trayvon left his front porch, walked back out to the sidewalk and attacked Zimmerman and that is all audible on the 911 recording. Zimmerman never approached closer than 25 yards to Tray, Zimmerman never spoke with him and Zimmerman never confronted him. Zimmerman simply followed him at a discrete distance relaying his observations to 911.

So you blame the neighborhood watch guy for crime, okay. Then you base your opinion of his guilt or innocence on how he acted after he was found not guilty. I bet he is a "white Hispanic" in your eyes. As if his minority status diminishes because he appears closer to white than your version of what minorities should look like in your racist version of America.

How many troll accounts do you have here anyway?
Man, if I could have only loaned your mother the $200 bucks for the abortion. Here is the classic part of your response. Like every other member of the Leftist led Hitler youth..........................the first thing you guys always do is call everyone who disagrees with you a NAZI. That's kind funny actually, since you vote for totalitarian candidates in every election and base most of your opinion on leftist propaganda. Did you change your name from "88'r" to 5x5 for a reason?

Anyway, I never said, Zimmerman was anything other than obnoxious . But, Zimmerman was actually the on-duty neighborhood watch guy that night. He joined the other assholes in his community to try and reduce the level of crime from guys like Tray. He was actually on the phone to 911 when Trayvon left his front porch, walked back out to the sidewalk and attacked Zimmerman and that is all audible on the 911 recording. Zimmerman never approached closer than 25 yards to Tray, Zimmerman never spoke with him and Zimmerman never confronted him. Zimmerman simply followed him at a discrete distance relaying his observations to 911.

So you blame the neighborhood watch guy for crime, okay. Then you base your opinion of his guilt or innocence on how he acted after he was found not guilty. I bet he is a "white Hispanic" in your eyes. As if his minority status diminishes because he appears closer to white than your version of what minorities should look like in your racist version of America.

How many troll accounts do you have here anyway?

Ironic that the first thing you do when someone disagrees is attempt to label them as a “leftist”. You do this religiously.

Pot meet kettle.
Man, if I could have only loaned your mother the $200 bucks for the abortion. Here is the classic part of your response. Like every other member of the Leftist led Hitler youth..........................the first thing you guys always do is call everyone who disagrees with you a NAZI. That's kind funny actually, since you vote for totalitarian candidates in every election and base most of your opinion on leftist propaganda. Did you change your name from "88'r" to 5x5 for a reason?

Anyway, I never said, Zimmerman was anything other than obnoxious . But, Zimmerman was actually the on-duty neighborhood watch guy that night. He joined the other assholes in his community to try and reduce the level of crime from guys like Tray. He was actually on the phone to 911 when Trayvon left his front porch, walked back out to the sidewalk and attacked Zimmerman and that is all audible on the 911 recording. Zimmerman never approached closer than 25 yards to Tray, Zimmerman never spoke with him and Zimmerman never confronted him. Zimmerman simply followed him at a discrete distance relaying his observations to 911.

So you blame the neighborhood watch guy for crime, okay. Then you base your opinion of his guilt or innocence on how he acted after he was found not guilty. I bet he is a "white Hispanic" in your eyes. As if his minority status diminishes because he appears closer to white than your version of what minorities should look like in your racist version of America.

How many troll accounts do you have here anyway?

Poor Lil Racist, You seem to have a problem with black people. And you started the labeling , not me. You seem to forget that your Boy Zimmerman was following someone who visited his future mom there and had not done anything except walk to the store while black. And Zimmerman was not on " duty" , he was driving home from running an errand when he spotted a black guy . The neighborhood watch was not official either, just something some of the residents put together.
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To label Zimmerman a racist is to be ignorant of the facts. Shortly prior to the shooting Zimmerman had let a black lady and her child stay with him and his family because their home had been broken into. The lady was scared. Zimmerman did it by the book. Called it in, followed at a discrete distance, which by the way, was a public road and so no-one has the right to expectation of privacy. It was Trayvon who doubled back and attacked Zimmerman. Zimmerman pulled his firearm after he was under attack and not before he'd taken injury and was basically having his head pounded into the road.

Dude, I don't care what color or creed, if you're sitting on my chest and using my head to crack walnuts I'm going to do everything I can to defend myself and I'm not going to play triage with my methods or wonder on the optics of it all.

Trayvon wasn't doing anything 'while black'. Trayvon was NOT a victim, he was the reaper of his own choices. Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and got killed for his unprovoked assault. He also boosted hoodie sales, which became another dumb thing about the whole event. Hoodies are a must have item of shoplifters and CCTV avoiders, it's uniform now for them.

Race is not relevant, the media did everythig that they could to Zimmerman, they even invented a new class of human - White Hispanic - in order to nail Zimmerman. I'm in no conflict in saying that it was a justified self defense situation.
To label Zimmerman a racist is to be ignorant of the facts. Shortly prior to the shooting Zimmerman had let a black lady and her child stay with him and his family because their home had been broken into. The lady was scared. Zimmerman did it by the book. Called it in, followed at a discrete distance, which by the way, was a public road and so no-one has the right to expectation of privacy. It was Trayvon who doubled back and attacked Zimmerman. Zimmerman pulled his firearm after he was under attack and not before he'd taken injury and was basically having his head pounded into the road.

Dude, I don't care what color or creed, if you're sitting on my chest and using my head to crack walnuts I'm going to do everything I can to defend myself and I'm not going to play triage with my methods or wonder on the optics of it all.

Trayvon wasn't doing anything 'while black'. Trayvon was NOT a victim, he was the reaper of his own choices. Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and got killed for his unprovoked assault. He also boosted hoodie sales, which became another dumb thing about the whole event. Hoodies are a must have item of shoplifters and CCTV avoiders, it's uniform now for them.

Race is not relevant, the media did everythig that they could to Zimmerman, they even invented a new class of human - White Hispanic - in order to nail Zimmerman. I'm in no conflict in saying that it was a justified self defense situation.

Careful man you are going to get labeled a racist for being informed on the events. ;) Next thing you know a guy with the moniker, SxS or Schultzstaffel or maybe he tries to hide it as 5x5, the NAZI types are so tricky these days, will start calling you a "racist". hahaha It really is all the pathetic lefties have in their discussion repertoire.
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Ironic that the first thing you do when someone disagrees is attempt to label them as a “leftist”. You do this religiously.

Pot meet kettle.

Yes, when they regurgitate the CNN/MSNBC/DNC party line as their "opinion", the name "leftist" fits the bill perfectly. It does not take a lot of effort to see where they get the garbage they spout as fact. When pushed they'll insert a story about having a relative in WWII makes them a veteran to color their anti-military opinion or a story about the time they unknowingly ate a venison burger at a bbq makes them practically a hunter.

It's always interesting how you find a guy like SxS with twenty posts on one of his several his troll accounts popping up in places like this. He might own a gun, probably a mid-1950's pump gun with a Cutts Compensator and maybe a Fudd rifle or a bottom shelf AR platform. They pop up all over the place. In the end they are just part of a rather large leftist troll movement out here in the ether, they are signing up on every gun, shooting and hunting board.

In this case, they spout the whole, Zimmerman was a white-Hispanic racist who attacked poor Trayvon for no reason and a racist jury let him go, if you support your right to self-defense then you are racist too. Which was exactly what MSNBC was spinning during the trial. Do you get bonus points from Bloomberg for throwing a, "wanna be cop" or maybe a "wanna be Rambo" comment in their? It sure seems like it.
Let’s cut out all the filler and look at the current evidence that has been released/leaked. We have a man walking through the neighborhood, he stops at a house under construction to look around, no current evidence that he stole anything from that house. He hangs out for a bit and continues walking down the road. 2 guys see him, they “think” he may be the person responsible for the break in and gun theft that took place at the end of last year in the neighborhood. They grab some guns and hop in the truck to go “talk” to him. With no solid proof at that time that the man walking through the neighborhood had committed any crime doesn’t that make the guys in the truck the aggressors? If you are deemed the aggressor in GA can you still claim self defense? I don’t care who you are, if a car comes rolling up and guys jump out with guns it’s going to get your adrenaline pumping. The only person who knows why he lunged for the shotgun is dead so we will never know why he chose to do so. Scared for his life, crazy, wanted to kill those guys for pulling a gun on him? Who knows, your guess is as good as mine. If the homeowners have video of the thefts taking place it hasn’t been released yet, even if they have video is it clear enough to prove with out a doubt who the thief is?

On the other hand let’s say that good quality video is found of the guy breaking into the house and stealing the gun out of the truck, hell for good measure let’s say the cops find the stolen gun in his bedroom. Is this even admissible in court since the proof that he was the neighborhood burglar came to light after his death?

I understand people are sick of the thieving and thuggery going on in their neighborhoods but rolling up on someone with guns drawn because you “think” they are the bad guy isn’t the way to be going about it.
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