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"The Pacific"

I finally worked up the courage to watch this.
My words and emotions fail me as I type this.
I am humbled yet again by what men before me did so that I might be a free man.
I will never take my freedom for granted.
If you go to the top of you post to the left of the title you can label it under 'movies'.
I finally worked up the courage to watch this.
My words and emotions fail me as I type this.
I am humbled yet again by what men before me did so that I might be a free man.
I will never take my freedom for granted.
The Longest Day was like that. Watching those Rangers scale the cliffs into German fire...
I found The Pacific to be more about the meatgrinder that the island hopping of the Pacific Theater was rather than than the close relationships of the guys in Band of Brothers. I watched The Pacific once. Band of Brothers is always watchable.
I can see that and I've heard that before. What I found with not being attached to individual characters, like in band of brothers, is a realization of what each and every Marine faced while in the Pacific.
It hit me differently than band of brothers. Comparing the two, I feel, is to do each a disservice
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I finally worked up the courage to watch this.
My words and emotions fail me as I type this.
I am humbled yet again by what men before me did so that I might be a free man.
I will never take my freedom for granted.

The series was based on a few different books. My favorite being "With the Old Breed: at Peleliu and Okinawa". If you have not read the book, you should. The audio book is narrated by Joe Mazzello, who played Sledge in the series.

Amazon product ASIN 0891419195
Having been around the block a time or two I find that Apocalypse Now or Full Metal Jacket are the de facto standards on accuracy of what happens in war time.

The others mentioned in this thread are pretty damn Hollywooded for entertainment purposes.

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During and after every conflict America has ever taken part, civil liberties are attacked and removed back at home by big gov. While these men fought bravely for the men beside them, they weren’t protecting freedom. This is obvious if a man actually takes the time to think through and past the patriotic propaganda manufactured by the same gov’t that forced half of these men into battle against their will using threats of violence such as 20 years of imprisonment and worse.
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I wasn't in WWII but at 16:31 left on episode 2 seems like his belt had no primers in it. They probably would have had an easier time with them in their proper place 🤔
The series was based on a few different books. My favorite being "With the Old Breed: at Peleliu and Okinawa". If you have not read the book, you should. The audio book is narrated by Joe Mazzello, who played Sledge in the series.

Amazon product ASIN 0891419195
Second this. The books that the series is based off of are definitely worth reading.
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I listened to an interview with Eugene Sledge's son. He recounted a story about riding in the car and seeing a squirrel run over. His mom yelled, "Eww!!". Sledgehammer replied, "Shug, I had friends that looked worse than that."

This guy lived through hell. On Peleliu, they were unable to recover bodies due to the terrain, so he watched one of his mates rot in a foxhole for two weeks.

The book was his life's work. The series did not do the book justice.
During and after every conflict America has ever taken part, civil liberties are attacked and removed back at home by big gov. While these men fought bravely for the men beside them, they weren’t protecting freedom. This is obvious if a man actually takes the time to think through and past the patriotic propaganda manufactured by the same gov’t that forced half of these men into battle against their will using threats of violence such as 20 years of imprisonment and worse.
Men, real men, suffered and died so that you can have your fucked up opinion and the freedom to express it.
Men, real men, suffered and died so that you can have your fucked up opinion and the freedom to express it.
If you believe what I said was an opinion, feel free to do a bit of reading to see what the gov was up to back at home while they shipped young men off to die in foreign lands for the interest of bankers and politicians. You probably won’t bother. I can’t make you think for yourself.

I also wouldn’t mind you explaining how any man fighting in a foreign war had anything to do with freedom here at home.
If you believe what I said was an opinion, feel free to do a bit of reading to see what the gov was up to back at home while they shipped young men off to die in foreign lands for the interest of bankers and politicians. You probably won’t bother. I can’t make you think for yourself.

I also wouldn’t mind you explaining how any man fighting in a foreign war had anything to do with freedom here at home.
Well, wade, if you think Japan and Germany winning a World War was a good idea and would not have changed "freedom here at home", there is nothing anyone can say about or change your mind set except:


I don't feel like playing chess with a pigeon named wade.
@37L1 Here is a simple article that may give you at least some idea of reality. It speaks of civil liberties being attacked from the beginning of this country and through to WWII. Even you can probably tackle this article. This was just a quick one I skimmed.

You think the “war on terror” made the US a better place. While these men were somehow fighting for freedom, back at home we got the NSA, TSA, DHS, and the patriot act. Along with that, trillions waisted and laundered back into the hands of the political class and the banks. The American people were poorer for it and now live in a surveillance state.

I can also go into the issue with the draft itself which has forced many to die against their will in almost every major American conflict. Man you have to think a little and get past the lies you believe to be true. I can’t do it for you.
Here is a simple article that may give you at least some idea of reality.

You think the “war on terror” made the US a better place. While these men were somehow fighting for freedom, back at home we got the NSA, TSA, DHS, and the patriot act. Along with that, trillions waisted and laundered back into the hands of the political class and the banks. The American people were poorer for it and now live in a surveillance state. Man you have to think a little. I can’t do it for you.
Where did I say anything about the WOT?

Please provide a quote.

OBTW, this thread is The Pacific, not The Desert.


wade jumping to conclusions.
Where did I say anything about the WOT?

Please provide a quote.

OBTW, this thread is The Pacific, not The Desert.

Who said you did? You did voice disagreement in my first post although in a childish way. The GWOT was an example on top of the article I linked that you won’t bother to read as you are satisfied with your gov’t brainwashing telling you what to think. This is one of the reasons I don’t engage with you often. You aren’t able to communicate your views or argue against others’. Carry on.
Who said you did? You did voice disagreement in my first post although in a childish way. The GWOT was an example on top of the article I linked that you won’t bother to read as you are satisfied with your gov’t brainwashing telling you what to think. This is one of the reasons I don’t engage with you often. You aren’t able to communicate your views or argue against others’. Carry on.
I must apologize to idiots and pigeons everywhere for comparing them to you, wade.
My In-Laws (when they were both alive) came from a very remote area of Northern Manitoba. Believe me when I say they came from a uniquely sheltered life. They knew a thing called WWII existed, but truly didn't know anything about it. Nor about a lot of other things, but I digress...

It was them coming over to our house, and watching Band of Brothers and then The Pacific that introduced to them SO MUCH of what the war actually was, and was about, and such. To say that their eyes were opened is an understatement.

And no, we're not talking about 'silver spoon' lifestyle or anything like that. Quite the opposite, actually. Their version of 'cable tv' when it was introduced in the 80's consisted of 2 channels. So they didn't bother, and continued on living their life.

I say all this simply because it seems to me that people base their 'normal' as 'everybody's normal' level and more often than not, don't take into account differences of lifestyle, information access, or outlook.

As you were,,,,,
If you believe what I said was an opinion, feel free to do a bit of reading to see what the gov was up to back at home while they shipped young men off to die in foreign lands for the interest of bankers and politicians. You probably won’t bother. I can’t make you think for yourself.

I also wouldn’t mind you explaining how any man fighting in a foreign war had anything to do with freedom here at home.
Wade, I cant deny that much of what you say is correct. Though I think you're a bit of a 'one trick pony' I cant disagree.

But you're disrespecting the MEN, my father's generation, who fought suffered, and died far from home.

Please, have some respect, and be quiet. I cant say it much more politely than that
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Wade, I cant deny that much of what you say is correct. Though I think you're a bit of a 'one trick pony' I cant disagree.

But for mother God fucking damns sake, you're disrespecting the MEN, my father's generation, who fought suffered, and died far from home.

Please, have some respect, and be quiet. I cant say it much more politely than that
I didn’t disrespect anyone @Maggot. I even acknowledged the bravery of fighting for the men next to them. I can and do respect these men’s experiences even if I don’t agree with why they were there. I watch their stories online often. On the other hand, If speaking the truth offends someone, fuck them. I won’t play into the delusions of others.
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I didn’t disrespect anyone @Maggot. I even acknowledged the bravery of fighting for the men next to them. I can and do respect these men’s experiences even if I don’t agree with why they were there. I watch their stories online often. On the other hand, If speaking the truth offends someone, fuck them. I won’t play into the delusions of others.
Your "truth" is your delusion.
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what wade is referring to is pretty much correct. start with the alien and sedition act of 1798 and follow it all the way thru to the patriot act. the governments of the world have always done everything they can to suppress protest against their made up wars. check lincoln's and wilson's efforts to do so. in ww2 not really necessary here due to to the "surprise" japanese attack on pearl harbor. the protests re vietnam were very different but largely driven by communist agents like bill and hillary. russia in 1905 and 1917? take a look. have read a lot of stuff from ww2 germany and at some point even many waffen SS members were doubting the value of their war and how it was being run. look into the war of the triple alliance. these things are different across cultures but lying and manipulation by government elites to further their own agenda and advantage are pretty much universal across time and place. bet even the roman legionnaires figured out at some point they were getting shafted.
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This is a good YouTube channel that features interviews with WWII vets.

Memoirs of WWII

Memoirs of WWII is a short film series dedicated to preserving the history of the Second World War and the memory of those who served. The series will bring this important part of our history to life by relaying true, personal stories through quality production and compelling narrative.

Through the personal accounts of real life World War II veterans, our goal is to honor their sacrifice, and to grant younger generations an understanding of what it was like to live through the war and what lessons can be learned from it.
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Wade, I cant deny that much of what you say is correct. Though I think you're a bit of a 'one trick pony' I cant disagree.

But you're disrespecting the MEN, my father's generation, who fought suffered, and died far from home.

Please, have some respect, and be quiet. I cant say it much more politely than that
Fuck off with your liberal bullshit.
You don't have to read anything that you don't want to. Telling someone to not speak their opinions because it hurts your feelings? Hmmm, been a lot of that going around the last few years.
The first amendment is not limited to just what you believe. And don't even try that bullshit that this is Frank's house and the 1st doesn't apply.
European theater was civilized combat and all the pain and suffering of the Pacific theater can be attributed to one vile piece of shit Doug MacArthur.

How he was hailed a hero by the American public and instead not hanged by the neck for deserting his command in the Philippines is beyond comprehension.

Between the Pacific and Korean lost cause that man single handily destroyed the lives of millions of American men.
Fuck off with your liberal bullshit.
You don't have to read anything that you don't want to. Telling someone to not speak their opinions because it hurts your feelings? Hmmm, been a lot of that going around the last few years.
The first amendment is not limited to just what you believe. And don't even try that bullshit that this is Frank's house and the 1st doesn't apply.
Go swallow the load in your mouth. dickwad.

Where did I say in any way about it being Frank's house? Thats youre imagination working over time. Come back to reality.

If you have any reading capabilities you'd see I asked him politely. @wade2big and I have had private conversations and despite our differences, I respect him Far more than I do you're miserable, arrogant, repetitive, kind of bullshit.
Fuck off with your liberal bullshit.
You don't have to read anything that you don't want to. Telling someone to not speak their opinions because it hurts your feelings? Hmmm, been a lot of that going around the last few years.
The first amendment is not limited to just what you believe. And don't even try that bullshit that this is Frank's house and the 1st doesn't apply.
Right, so, freedom of speech is also freedom to deal with some consequences.

Go to the par of town that is predominately black and start calling people the n-word. Freedom of speech, right? What is going to happen?

Well, for one thing, you are not going there and even if you were in the part of town where a lot of black people live, you are going to curtail speech. Not that you would ever use that word and I am not implying that you ever do.

I am just saying that free speech also has some consequences. You can, in fact, yell fire in a crowded theater. If there is a fire, you are a hero. If there is not a fire, you are now a guest of the city police. Or, in Wade's world, you will be killed on site by whatever self-appointed vigilante who decides who lives and dies by his or her rules.
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I am just saying that free speech also has some consequences. You can, in fact, yell fire in a crowded theater. If there is a fire, you are a hero. If there is not a fire, you are now a guest of the city police. Snip.
You just described how gov doesn't allow free speech and how your boys in blue are part of the problem. There is only free speech but……

It’s also funny you mention free speech in this thread. Do a bit of looking into what the government thinks of free speech when these evil fucks are trying to manipulate and brainwash the ignorant masses before during and after wartime in the good ole USA. There is no free speech.
You just described how free speech doesn’t exist. There is only free speech but……

It’s also funny you mention free speech in this thread. Do a bit of looking into what the government thinks of free speech when these evil fucks are trying to manipulate and brainwash the ignorant masses before during and after wartime in the good ole USA. There is no free speech.
People are free to discuss different theories of the wars and whether not people were of valor in those wars. And others a free to dislike disrepecting the people who fought in those wars. So, yes, there is free speech and there are consequences.

Just like you can continue your world view where you want to. A consequence is that a lot of times, your invitation to parties gets "lost in the mail" or "trapped in a spam filter in a server somewhere."

Also, of the wars involved, we did not start war against Japan. We did not start war against Germany. Yes, we knew about Japan's designs to attack America. There is even the notion that a woman cracked the japanese code and intelligence was intercepted about Japan planning to attack Pearl Harbor. But we did not make Japan attack Pearl Harbor. They attacked us and that was wrong.

We also got into Europe because we had allies there and also, WWII did get to our shores. We sunk U-boats off the Texas coast in the Gulf.
People are free to discuss different theories of the wars and whether not people were of valor in those wars. And others a free to dislike disrepecting the people who fought in those wars. So, yes, there is free speech and there are consequences.

Just like you can continue your world view where you want to. A consequence is that a lot of times, your invitation to parties gets "lost in the mail" or "trapped in a spam filter in a server somewhere."

Also, of the wars involved, we did not start war against Japan. We did not start war against Germany. Yes, we knew about Japan's designs to attack America. There is even the notion that a woman cracked the japanese code and intelligence was intercepted about Japan planning to attack Pearl Harbor. But we did not make Japan attack Pearl Harbor. They attacked us and that was wrong.

We also got into Europe because we had allies there and also, WWII did get to our shores. We sunk U-boats off the Texas coast in the Gulf.
This response had nothing to do with the post of mine you quoted and nobody in this thread disrespected any vets.
Yes, it did.
But go ahead and knock the chess pieces off the board, drop a big and acidic poop on it and declared that you have "won."
Free speech debate can only be had in the context of government. You went off the rails for some reason. Any how read into what gov thinks about “free speech” specifically when propagandizing people to support fighting foreign wars instead of just saying I’m flinging shit and disrespecting vets by telling the truth instead of continuing the gov led delusion. At no other time is civil liberties ever attacked and destroyed as when men are “fighting for freedom”overseas.

I posted a link a few posts back to get someone started and gave examples of my own. Read @mosin46 post #33 as well. Do some reading and learn. Get out of your feelings.
Free speech debate can only be had in the context of government. You went off the rails for some reason. Any how read into what gov thinks about “free speech” specifically when propagandizing people to support fighting foreign wars instead of just saying I’m flinging shit and disrespecting vets by telling the truth instead of continuing the gov led delusion. At no other time is civil liberties ever attacked and destroyed as when men are “fighting for freedom”overseas.

I posted a link a few posts back to get someone started and gave examples of my own. Read @mosin46 post #33 as well. Do some reading and learn. Get out of your feelings.
It's not about feelings. In fact, I don't have feelings. Most were burned out by others a long time ago. Others have been surgically removed.

Stomp, stomp, poop, poop, I win, I win.
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It's not about feelings. In fact, I don't have feelings. Most were burned out by others a long time ago. Others have been surgically removed.

Stomp, stomp, poop, poop, I win, I win.
Here is our difference. The OP said he believes American soldiers, in this case WW vets fought and died for his freedom. I disagree and clearly laid out why I do so. Now you can disagree. It’s how you are doing it that’s unhelpful and discourages conversation.

You and @37L1 on the other hand are in ya’lls feminine (feelings) and instead of disagreeing with me and explaining why and how I’m wrong, you guys just say I’m wrong without reason and then say I’m flinging shit when in fact you are.
don't think anyone here is questioning the valor and sacrific of the men engaged in any war. applies to WWs,vietnam,1812,falklands,korea,punic,napoleonic,etc etc. the argument is about what they thought they were fighting for and what their rulers got them to think they were fighting for. yes,some wars are fully justified morally. the US has even been involved in a few. W1,WW2,vietnam and iraq are not among them.
every WW2 vet i have known,like my father, believed and did until their end that they were fighting for america,democracy and freedom.
many vietnam vets i know have come to believe that they were "brain washed" into believing those same things. most have let it go,many are still angry about it and being dumped and shit on when it ended.
fighting euopean WW2? allies,are you kidding? stalin and churchill manipulated the US into war to preserve their respective empires. france? what good has it done america after the 18th century? we paid them back with 116,00 deaths in '17/18. in payment they drug us into SE asia.
there is zero chance hitler and mussolini could have been any danger to us in west.hemis. they couldn't build "the bomb" and couldn't make a bomber capable of even bombing western UK. yea,sunk some ships off tampa and lost a bunch of subs doing it. their naval incompetence was a game loser for them. 80% of german combat deaths were in the east. that was never gonna improve and leave them any spares for other adventures.
fighting WW2 in asia has a different story. was about territory,markets and resources. we had the resources,didn't need the territory (and markets?). japs grabbed resources and territory in asia and were dying by the thousands to grab markets in china. a lot of jap hate and china love here because of our wonderful christian converting freaks. kinda like in peru,mexico and so. pacific.
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