The Queen's Funeral... I could not stop watching!


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
So had HRH Elizabeth II's funeral playing in the shop basically all day while fitting up a crankshaft and some other stuff.

OMFG... listening to the commentators and 'play by play... ' was utterly killing me! I know it's supposed to be a somber occasion and that there is a whole lot of tradition and whatnot. It's what royalty does. But it just was a riot at a certain level listening to the details...

Some excerpts, but from memory. So I may be a bit off:

"Now we see the procession approaching Westminster Abbey. The new King and his Consort Queen are riding in the Rolls-Royce that was a gift to the Queen on her Coronation. Note the Saint George Slaying the dragon Mascot which is traditionally on the car when it is occupied by the Royal Head of state. Only on rare occasions is this tradition changed, such as during the funeral of Princess Margerat when the coat of arms on the roof of the car was replaced by a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, a tradition dating back to 1973 and recognizing that the Princess was known to consume a dozen drumsticks at a time.

"RIding in the car is King Charles III, and his Royal Consort Camilla. We understand that in private he refers to his loving wife as "my little Seabiscuit." Oh wait... the car is stopping. Camilla is descending from the car. What is happening here? This is most unusual. Ah, there, I can see it. They are giving her some oats. Note that the nosebag that she is now wearing was made by Asprey, which has had a Royal Warrant since 1457 when they made the Royal cudgels and supplied gimp suits used on princes imprisoned in the tower.

"Now we are pulling in front of the Abbey... you will remember that earlier in the day this was the site of the ritual circumcision of a stoat, a royal tradition that only applies with the death of a queen and dates back to Boudicca, during Roman times. Though we do note that the ceremony, until this year, has never been filmed or photographed as it was not performed during the funeral of Queen Victoria as there was a severe stoat shortage due to the Boer War.

"Charles is descending from the limousine now. By tradition he is wearing the Royal Codpiece, first worn by Charles 1 during his usurpation of the throne from his cousin Delbert the Unknown. The Codpiece was actually lengthened during the reign of Queen Victoria as it was known that her husband Albert was exceptionally well-endowed for a king, resulting in Victoria's Royal Motto "Albert carus multum cibum stipant." Charles, we understand may have it shortened after his coronation, though William is likely to object citing his genetic links to his great great uncle.

"Oh dear, it seems Camilla has tripped on the curb broken her leg. Yes, the vets are coming in now and we think she may have to be shot. We will have to follow up on that.

"Now we move to the edge of the Thames where, by tradition, the Queen's body will be catapulted across the river in a ceremony dating back to the reign of Oliver Cromwell. The trebuchet that they will use for this ceremony was actually present at the battle of Agincourt and was known to have slain at least 35 French Knights. The tradition, as many know, was rather tastelessly lampooned by the Flying Circus which launched cows and large wooden rabbit, dishonoring a tradition that has roots in the English Civil War... And there she goes! Yes, the trebuchet has worked perfectly and she has spiked the landing. Well, we knew she would! Well done to Her Majesty...

"Meanwhile, the Funerial Soccer Riot is progressing well at Wembley Stadium. This act dates back to 1066 when, at Hastings, a soccer riot broke out between the British and Norman teams restulting in Gaston the Bald taking over much of England and some excellent Salmon water in Scotland. It seems that Manchester United fans do have the upper hand and are now burning Harrods.

"The queen now has been laid to rest, by tradition with her feet elevated exactly two firkins above her head and the sarcophagus is being sealed with a mixture of Hylomar Land Rover Head Gasket adhesive and pub cheese. She will remain in this position until the next queen ascends to the throne when she will be flipped over, by tradition, using the Royal spatula, kept in waiting at Windsor Castle for just suck an occasion.

"Well, that concludes our BBC-6 broadcast for today... We return you to Corgie Grooming from High Wyckomb... This has been Myron Blivetsphincter and I just want it known that I didn't get my free bank holiday today, and would rather be home pinning butterflies to my wall."

Damn I love listening to the British. I may have to see if I can get to be a commentor at the Coronation. Because I just know it's going to be epic! Maybe I can do a podcast... History buff and all!



I kid, but I only skimmed 2 paragraphs 😆
So had HRH Elizabeth II's funeral playing in the shop basically all day while fitting up a crankshaft and some other stuff.

OMFG... listening to the commentators and 'play by play... ' was utterly killing me! I know it's supposed to be a somber occasion and that there is a whole lot of tradition and whatnot. It's what royalty does. But it just was a riot at a certain level listening to the details...

Some excerpts, but from memory. So I may be a bit off:

"Now we see the procession approaching Westminster Abbey. The new King and his Consort Queen are riding in the Rolls-Royce that was a gift to the Queen on her Coronation. Note the Saint George Slaying the dragon Mascot which is traditionally on the car when it is occupied by the Royal Head of state. Only on rare occasions is this tradition changed, such as during the funeral of Princess Margerat when the coat of arms on the roof of the car was replaced by a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, a tradition dating back to 1973 and recognizing that the Princess was known to consume a dozen drumsticks at a time.

"RIding in the car is King Charles III, and his Royal Consort Camilla. We understand that in private he refers to his loving wife as "my little Seabiscuit." Oh wait... the car is stopping. Camilla is descending from the car. What is happening here? This is most unusual. Ah, there, I can see it. They are giving her some oats. Note that the nosebag that she is now wearing was made by Asprey, which has had a Royal Warrant since 1457 when they made the Royal cudgels and supplied gimp suits used on princes imprisoned in the tower.

"Now we are pulling in front of the Abbey... you will remember that earlier in the day this was the site of the ritual circumcision of a stoat, a royal tradition that only applies with the death of a queen and dates back to Boudicca, during Roman times. Though we do note that the ceremony, until this year, has never been filmed or photographed as it was not performed during the funeral of Queen Victoria as there was a severe stoat shortage due to the Boer War.

"Charles is descending from the limousine now. By tradition he is wearing the Royal Codpiece, first worn by Charles 1 during his usurpation of the throne from his cousin Delbert the Unknown. The Codpiece was actually lengthened during the reign of Queen Victoria as it was known that her husband Albert was exceptionally well-endowed for a king, resulting in Victoria's Royal Motto "Albert carus multum cibum stipant." Charles, we understand may have it shortened after his coronation, though William is likely to object citing his genetic links to his great great uncle.

"Oh dear, it seems Camilla has tripped on the curb broken her leg. Yes, the vets are coming in now and we think she may have to be shot. We will have to follow up on that.

"Now we move to the edge of the Thames where, by tradition, the Queen's body will be catapulted across the river in a ceremony dating back to the reign of Oliver Cromwell. The trebuchet that they will use for this ceremony was actually present at the battle of Agincourt and was known to have slain at least 35 French Knights. The tradition, as many know, was rather tastelessly lampooned by the Flying Circus which launched cows and large wooden rabbit, dishonoring a tradition that has roots in the English Civil War... And there she goes! Yes, the trebuchet has worked perfectly and she has spiked the landing. Well, we knew she would! Well done to Her Majesty...

"Meanwhile, the Funerial Soccer Riot is progressing well at Wembley Stadium. This act dates back to 1066 when, at Hastings, a soccer riot broke out between the British and Norman teams restulting in Gaston the Bald taking over much of England and some excellent Salmon water in Scotland. It seems that Manchester United fans do have the upper hand and are now burning Harrods.

"The queen now has been laid to rest, by tradition with her feet elevated exactly two firkins above her head and the sarcophagus is being sealed with a mixture of Hylomar Land Rover Head Gasket adhesive and pub cheese. She will remain in this position until the next queen ascends to the throne when she will be flipped over, by tradition, using the Royal spatula, kept in waiting at Windsor Castle for just suck an occasion.

"Well, that concludes our BBC-6 broadcast for today... We return you to Corgie Grooming from High Wyckomb... This has been Myron Blivetsphincter and I just want it known that I didn't get my free bank holiday today, and would rather be home pinning butterflies to my wall."

Damn I love listening to the British. I may have to see if I can get to be a commentor at the Coronation. Because I just know it's going to be epic! Maybe I can do a podcast... History buff and all!


I had a bad night's sleep or I'd have been up earlier, but I got in on it around the time they came into Buckingham. I watched BBC network which was actually good coverage.

Personally, I was amazed that 1) everybody did their part to damn near perfection (all the "troops" so to speak). 2) Nobody seemed out of wack in any of the crowds either. Compare that to what the USA has become where we can no longer celebrate July 4 because it offends somebody (and generally not the British!!!).

I also though of how this could be a milestone for Western Civilization. And, whilst checking the internet I ran across this article:

I'll never defend her sons, one of which for sure was on Pedo Island and the other obviously had the hots for a below age woman. But, me thinks over 70 years she did quite well staying out of trouble herself. And hey, if Reagan liked her, so much the better. I don't think the USA will have a friend of her caliber again - certainly not a constant for 70 years.

My take of course.
I hope the head gasket sealant doesn't blow before they get her in the dirt.
Old bat has to be swelling up and more than a bit of ripe by now.
How many days has it been since she took the checkered flags?
I was thinking the same. Maybe they took the Lenin route.
Enough to start smelling

There was one point when the pallbearers were going up the steps into the abbey and the casket was yanked pretty harshly downward... Somebody MIGHT have stumbled a little bit there... Could have been a lot worse, with traumatic results for the attendees... After all, Westminster Hall is not exactly a refrigerated storage compartment.

ETA: The Queen's body mass was on the small side so there would probably not be too much bloating. The REAL eye openers were the massively overweight loners who passed in absolutely deplorable hoarder hovels in the height of summer with broken AC systems. Had a few of these when I did commercial hazmat cleanup years back. Even though by the time we rolled up the county coroners' guys already picked up the bodies, but not until after they went kaboom and up to 50% of the body was still in the room, all over the floor and walls...
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I’m sorry if this was stated already or if I piss anyone off but when the priest talked all I thought of was the priest in the Princess Bride movie. “Mairwage” / “Wuv… t-woo wuv”…
I laughed my ass off.
You and me both!!! That was the inspiration for the commentary...

Oh the lisp...

Do you think the undertaker squeezed her royal tits .
Word was she had a jumbo shrimp ion her pussy! The undertaker went to hollering at prince Charles. Charles came in and said, what’s all the fuss about! The undertaker told him she had a jumbo shrimp in her pussy. Charles looked and said you dumbass, that’s no shrimp, that’s her clit! Undertaker looked at Charles and exclaimed” it sure as hell tasted like shrimp”!
Id be waiting on bated breath if it was old joe that kicked the bucket I might even have to spair a couple of min to indulge in a drink or 3 just to make sure that devil really died Id have to watch that show to the happy happy end .
I hope the head gasket sealant doesn't blow before they get her in the dirt.
Old bat has to be swelling up and more than a bit of ripe by now.
How many days has it been since she took the checkered flags?

She doesn't go "into dirt" - she is going into Windsor Castle (technically above ground) below-floor level crypt with the rest of her family. Keep in mind she was embalmed within a few hours of her death in-house; and she was being transported in a lead-lined coffin (tradition for Royal family).

A well-embalmed body does fine for ten days (some people are actually viewed even after 2 weeks), so I'm not too concerned about an explosion in such a short-time; the lead-line coffin would certainly prevent leakage. Keeps moisture out, remains supposedly "last a little longer"/less prone to leakage...I wouldn't be surprised if there was a cooling device under the coffin too when she was laying in state as opposed to transit.

I don't know how the Windsor burial arrrangement is similar/different from modern-day mausoleum architecture as we know it with vents and drainage lines that actually prevent a build-up of decomposition gases that prevent explosions, but I don't think there is a risk of "explosion" in the short-term.
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The only thing I found of interest in the whole "procession" was how King Charles had removed the Queen's initials from Prince Harry's and Prince Andrew's military uniforms - since they were in no longer in active duty service of HMS. Charles was really making a statement of how things were going to be forward for these two "traitors" of the family. Prince Harry was reportedly extremely upset and depressed (remember he had a "history of mental health issues" ) that grandma's initials weren't on his uniform - Charles made it clear he "didn't have royal duties" because his wife manipulated him to turn his back on the family. So, he earned it by being a schmuck. Andrew earned it by shaming the family with his pedophilia and settlement w/Virginia Guiffre.
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She doesn't go "into dirt" - she is going into Windsor Castle (technically above ground) below-floor level crypt with the rest of her family. Keep in mind she was embalmed within a few hours of her death in-house; and she was being transported in a lead-lined coffin (tradition for Royal family).

A well-embalmed body does fine for ten days (some people are actually viewed even after 2 weeks), so I'm not too concerned about an explosion in such a short-time; the lead-line coffin would certainly prevent leakage. Keeps moisture out, remains supposedly "last a little longer"/less prone to leakage...I wouldn't be surprised if there was a cooling device under the coffin too when she was laying in state as opposed to transit.

I don't know how the Windsor burial arrrangement is similar/different from modern-day mausoleum architecture as we know it with vents and drainage lines that actually prevent a build-up of decomposition gases that prevent explosions, but I don't think there is a risk of "explosion" in the short-term.

So they don't have Prince Albert in a can?
She doesn't go "into dirt" - she is going into Windsor Castle (technically above ground) below-floor level crypt with the rest of her family. Keep in mind she was embalmed within a few hours of her death in-house; and she was being transported in a lead-lined coffin (tradition for Royal family).

A well-embalmed body does fine for ten days (some people are actually viewed even after 2 weeks), so I'm not too concerned about an explosion in such a short-time; the lead-line coffin would certainly prevent leakage. Keeps moisture out, remains supposedly "last a little longer"/less prone to leakage...I wouldn't be surprised if there was a cooling device under the coffin too when she was laying in state as opposed to transit.

I don't know how the Windsor burial arrrangement is similar/different from modern-day mausoleum architecture as we know it with vents and drainage lines that actually prevent a build-up of decomposition gases that prevent explosions, but I don't think there is a risk of "explosion" in the short-term.

The foul one is now dissapointed! He loves explosions😂
So had HRH Elizabeth II's funeral playing in the shop basically all day while fitting up a crankshaft and some other stuff.

OMFG... listening to the commentators and 'play by play... ' was utterly killing me! I know it's supposed to be a somber occasion and that there is a whole lot of tradition and whatnot. It's what royalty does. But it just was a riot at a certain level listening to the details...

Some excerpts, but from memory. So I may be a bit off:

"Now we see the procession approaching Westminster Abbey. The new King and his Consort Queen are riding in the Rolls-Royce that was a gift to the Queen on her Coronation. Note the Saint George Slaying the dragon Mascot which is traditionally on the car when it is occupied by the Royal Head of state. Only on rare occasions is this tradition changed, such as during the funeral of Princess Margerat when the coat of arms on the roof of the car was replaced by a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, a tradition dating back to 1973 and recognizing that the Princess was known to consume a dozen drumsticks at a time.

"RIding in the car is King Charles III, and his Royal Consort Camilla. We understand that in private he refers to his loving wife as "my little Seabiscuit." Oh wait... the car is stopping. Camilla is descending from the car. What is happening here? This is most unusual. Ah, there, I can see it. They are giving her some oats. Note that the nosebag that she is now wearing was made by Asprey, which has had a Royal Warrant since 1457 when they made the Royal cudgels and supplied gimp suits used on princes imprisoned in the tower.

"Now we are pulling in front of the Abbey... you will remember that earlier in the day this was the site of the ritual circumcision of a stoat, a royal tradition that only applies with the death of a queen and dates back to Boudicca, during Roman times. Though we do note that the ceremony, until this year, has never been filmed or photographed as it was not performed during the funeral of Queen Victoria as there was a severe stoat shortage due to the Boer War.

"Charles is descending from the limousine now. By tradition he is wearing the Royal Codpiece, first worn by Charles 1 during his usurpation of the throne from his cousin Delbert the Unknown. The Codpiece was actually lengthened during the reign of Queen Victoria as it was known that her husband Albert was exceptionally well-endowed for a king, resulting in Victoria's Royal Motto "Albert carus multum cibum stipant." Charles, we understand may have it shortened after his coronation, though William is likely to object citing his genetic links to his great great uncle.

"Oh dear, it seems Camilla has tripped on the curb broken her leg. Yes, the vets are coming in now and we think she may have to be shot. We will have to follow up on that.

"Now we move to the edge of the Thames where, by tradition, the Queen's body will be catapulted across the river in a ceremony dating back to the reign of Oliver Cromwell. The trebuchet that they will use for this ceremony was actually present at the battle of Agincourt and was known to have slain at least 35 French Knights. The tradition, as many know, was rather tastelessly lampooned by the Flying Circus which launched cows and large wooden rabbit, dishonoring a tradition that has roots in the English Civil War... And there she goes! Yes, the trebuchet has worked perfectly and she has spiked the landing. Well, we knew she would! Well done to Her Majesty...

"Meanwhile, the Funerial Soccer Riot is progressing well at Wembley Stadium. This act dates back to 1066 when, at Hastings, a soccer riot broke out between the British and Norman teams restulting in Gaston the Bald taking over much of England and some excellent Salmon water in Scotland. It seems that Manchester United fans do have the upper hand and are now burning Harrods.

"The queen now has been laid to rest, by tradition with her feet elevated exactly two firkins above her head and the sarcophagus is being sealed with a mixture of Hylomar Land Rover Head Gasket adhesive and pub cheese. She will remain in this position until the next queen ascends to the throne when she will be flipped over, by tradition, using the Royal spatula, kept in waiting at Windsor Castle for just suck an occasion.

"Well, that concludes our BBC-6 broadcast for today... We return you to Corgie Grooming from High Wyckomb... This has been Myron Blivetsphincter and I just want it known that I didn't get my free bank holiday today, and would rather be home pinning butterflies to my wall."

Damn I love listening to the British. I may have to see if I can get to be a commentor at the Coronation. Because I just know it's going to be epic! Maybe I can do a podcast... History buff and all!


You.sir, are a genius! John Cleese has nothing on you.
The only thing I found of interest in the whole "procession" was how King Charles had removed the Queen's initials from Prince Harry's and Prince Andrew's military uniforms - since they were in no longer in active duty service of HMS. Charles was really making a statement of how things were going to be forward for these two "traitors" of the family. Prince Harry was reportedly extremely upset and depressed (remember he had a "history of mental health issues" ) that grandma's initials weren't on his uniform - Charles made it clear he "didn't have royal duties" because his wife manipulated him to turn his back on the family. So, he earned it by being a schmuck. Andrew earned it by shaming the family with his pedophilia and settlement w/Virginia Guiffre.
Yup... I think the Queen was more tolerant of Harry and Andrew's behavior than Chuckles will be.

I will disagree that Harry had a history of mental health issues. If he did, he hid them well. His reputation was as one of the toughest officers in the British Army. If he had not turned down a billet, there is no doubt he could have passed SAS selection... but he knew they would never let him deploy and he'd have simply taken a slot away from an officer who could be useful in the field.

The only 'mental health issues' have surfaced when he let a stupid, only-semi-good-looking half-breed Hollywood cunt start cleaning his cock... at which point she turned him into a hamster.

He needs to cut that twat loose, go buy his guns back from Holland and Holland, buy a V12 Aston Martin and have the Catalytic Converters Removed and start porking a MAGA chick. HIs mental health issues will go away and we can put him to work stacking globalists.

Mental health issues? His biggest Health issue is that Commie twat he is saddled with.

Yup... I think the Queen was more tolerant of Harry and Andrew's behavior than Chuckles will be.

I will disagree that Harry had a history of mental health issues. If he did, he hid them well. His reputation was as one of the toughest officers in the British Army. If he had not turned down a billet, there is no doubt he could have passed SAS selection... but he knew they would never let him deploy and he'd have simply taken a slot away from an officer who could be useful in the field.

The only 'mental health issues' have surfaced when he let a stupid, only-semi-good-looking half-breed Hollywood cunt start cleaning his cock... at which point she turned him into a hamster.

He needs to cut that twat loose, go buy his guns back from Holland and Holland, buy a V12 Aston Martin and have the Catalytic Converters Removed and start porking a MAGA chick. HIs mental health issues will go away and we can put him to work stacking globalists.

Mental health issues? His biggest Health issue is that Commie twat he is saddled with.

Any man that allows a woman to mentally and physically disarm and turn him into another Leftist sheep is a cuck. Fuck Harry.

I've dated naturally beautiful, low maintenance, left leaning hippy chicks that didn't like me using certain terms and names to describe others but were great in the sack and fun to go camping and hang out with before Trump and politics exposed the Left for what they are.

Now, I wouldn't allow them back in my house, much less my bed. They are the enemy and disgust me.
Any man that allows a woman to mentally and physically disarm and turn him into another Leftist sheep is a cuck. Fuck Harry.

I've dated naturally beautiful, low maintenance, left leaning hippy chicks that didn't like me using certain terms and names to describe others but were great in the sack and fun to go camping and hang out with before Trump and politics exposed the Left for what they are.

Now, I wouldn't allow them back in my house, much less my bed. They are the enemy and disgust me.
We are in violent agreement!! He handed his balls over to a half-breed Hollywood cunt... he is a cuck.

He can redeem himself if he throws her under a bus... buys his Purdey's back... Gets a HMMWV... Starts banging half the Swedish Bikini Team... And starts drinking Black Coffee from the Skull of a Senussi.

That should bring him back into the fold. Until then... he is a cuck. In fact, since he was a 'man' before he was a cuck. He is a Triple Squared Cuck.

But he is welcome back. If worthy.
