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Suppressors The SOCOM Suppressed...


Apr 4, 2011
For your enjoyment...
BTW, I am not H20Man or Smith Ent.
Just a loyal customer.
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Re: The SOCOM Suppressed...

Is there a way to lets say... buy a reduced power spring for the socom to run it suppressed? Or perhaps a larger gas port, and lighter op rod?

I'm just curious if its possible to make a suppressed socom cycle everytime with sub loads.

or am I just pissing in the wind?
Re: The SOCOM Suppressed...

I've heard both stories, that it's virtually impossible to without super-modifying the rifle, and that "all you need is an adjustable gas plug and to anneal the spindle valve" I've also heard that you can drill a hole in your gas piston or make a groove to allow for the pressure, but I'm no expert, so I can't tell you whether or not it is or isn't possible. My sources say no, but that doesn't make it a fact. Do some research on it and you may find a way. Here's some links to help get you started.

Suppressing the M14

M14 Sound Suppressor
Re: The SOCOM Suppressed...

Did you not tighten down the Vortex before installing the can?
Didn't see a wrench deployed. That could result in a baffle strike as it loosens from recoil.
Re: The SOCOM Suppressed...

Were you shooting hand loads or EBR subsonics. What company made the can and what model. That was about the same if not better than me shooting a gemtech M4-02 with EBR ammo. Looking to do the samething with my scout here very shortly. Getting the SAGE EBR stock hopefully soon. Went with the multi cam and its has been back ordered 2 weeks or so but cant wait till it comes in.