Photos The Start of My Bug Out Kit

Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

Man I have to disagree with the guys who want to ditch the Bowie knife. I have been a fan for a long time & carried one many places. This after being around guys who knew alot more "stuff" than me. If you can ever get ahold of a hand made one, they are much lighter than you'd think & balance beautifully.
Just my $.02.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How do I miss these? </div></div>

You're in the Motivational Pic Thread too much? Lol
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

Agreed, one is plenty, two is a stretch but fine if they're both the same caliber and one is light-weight. And if the goal is survival, I would switch out the rifle for a Ruger 10/22 takedown with peep sights, should be a capable bunny killer out to 75 yards and a hell of a lot lighter.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

i personally think the pictured kit is more of a bug-IN kit, meant to defend a common point. it is NOT a mobile, flexible, survival platform. immediate concerns are weight, redundancy, multiple ammo and battery platforms (how many of each size battery and extra ammo are you carrying?)

My BOB kit is MUCH lighter, will NOT be pictured on the net but also consists of items with most bang for the buck, least weight and most flexibility. knives? good gerber folder (my EDC Fairbarn) with a backup fixed blade (also EDC so i don't "forget to grab it", and a backup lightweight fixed and folder IN the BOB. One multitool (SOG), one hand crank multifrequency radio/scanner, 2 flashlights, both LED, and both take AAA OR AA batteries (neat little adapter to put AAA's in), food in the form of nutrition bars. NOT protien bars, but a general meal replacement high on vitamins and calories, with a good deal of fiber. Water storage - a collapsible bladder with a large fill hole and threaded insert so i can remove the nozzle and use the threaded ring to lock the bladder to a clear plastic tarp for water collection. Various forms of water purification. A cook kit using a collapsible Coleman cup and field expedient alcohol burning pop can stove which stores inside the cup. The cup is entirely self contained, pack-able, and SILENT. 150 feet of 500 para-cord - indispensable. Along with the paracord, i have a few yards of 1/2" wide 900lb nylon webbing - VERY strong stuff. a few other little do-dads, and it all fits into a sling style backpack for comfort and mobility. One thing few folks think about is how quiet the pack is also. My pants swishing and boots hitting the ground make more noise than the pack and it's contents. Money is useless in SHTF, so i have some barter goods too. a couple packs of smokes, and candy to start. Fuel for the stove is easy to come by and with the proper tools in the field and a little know how, making one's own ethanol or methanol is not hard, just takes time and local resources.
Most of what goes into a BOB is not carried in the BOB, but in the operators head. I battle daily with documenting some of the shit in my head for family members but i also think that should i be unable to continue and my family is okay, if someone got ahold of my knowledge, would this represent a bit of compromised OPSEC putting my family in near-immediate danger?

My BOP (bug out plan) also consists of a couple cached items in key locations. again, items that are light weight, inconspicuous, useful, flexible, adaptable, and most of all, the cache items add to quality of life - they are not NECESSITIES. Some cached items include ammo, additional foodstuffs (long term survival - rice, beans, freeze dried vacuum packed protiens, vitamins, gatorade/electrolite mix pouches, etc)

17 days to apocalypse
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

Trade all the crap except the bowie knife for meth. Between the meth and the bowie you'll be able to bug out for 5+ days no problem, not need to sleep or wear warm clothes, and not have to carry all that heavy shit around. The meth is also a good SHTF currency.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: _9H_Cracka</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Trade all the crap except the bowie knife for meth. Between the meth and the bowie you'll be able to bug out for 5+ days no problem, not need to sleep or wear warm clothes, and not have to carry all that heavy shit around. The meth is also a good SHTF currency. </div></div>

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: _9H_Cracka</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Trade all the crap except the bowie knife for meth. Between the meth and the bowie you'll be able to bug out for 5+ days no problem, not need to sleep or wear warm clothes, and not have to carry all that heavy shit around. The meth is also a good SHTF currency. </div></div>

Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HighGroundMan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would go more ultrlight. Rifle, pistol, ammo, multitool, first aid kit, headlamp and pack full of food and water. I would "borrow" the rest from the dead bodies I come across. You have a lot of great gear. Hope someone trusted is coming with you to help carry it. </div></div>

I don't give much thought to this sort of thing, but handling dead bodies seems unwise. Especially if the "bugout" reason happened to be a disease.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Clark</div><div class="ubbcode-body">1) Passport
2) Krugerrands
3) US dinero
4) Car that can get to an international airport

Should Einstein have bought a Mauser and shot it out with the <span style="font-weight: bold">Verimark</span>?

Or was that boat ride to New York a better idea?


Word. Those South African retailers be some vicious mofos ...

Try <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">Wehrmacht.</span></span>
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

I have fleshlights and cached all over my kimbop locales, when I'm really buggin out quick like I have a man satchel next to the door with a weeks supply of tenga eggs
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You know, instead of making fun of the poor effort, we should be trying to help make it better. Here's my contribution:


That is hilarious!

OP, you're forgetting to include a sniper veil. How else do you plan on remaining invisible from the "walkers" and "biters?"
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: _9H_Cracka</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Trade all the crap except the bowie knife for meth. Between the meth and the bowie you'll be able to bug out for 5+ days no problem, not need to sleep or wear warm clothes, and not have to carry all that heavy shit around. The meth is also a good SHTF currency. </div></div>

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object> </div></div>
great scene

Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

My problem with this kit is you have the security part somewhat done but have not covered any of the true survival essentials fire, food and water or at least for any length of time. Also you need to consider that in our day and age emp strikes are pretty much going to happen which means all electronic gear will be useless so have a backup plan such as topographical maps with the bug out locations marked. I have a lot of survival knowledge and hands on training if you have any questions feel free to ask. This is a good start by the way but you need to keep building get a good water purifyer and a magnesium bar for fire starting also a magnifying glass will never run out like matches will and works very well to start a fire.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

Assuming this is a joke:

All bets are off no matter what you are carrying if you are in Bat Country.

You need more STUFF with batteries. And make dam sure they are D cells. Yeah, thats the ticket......

Only 3 handguns? So one on your hip, one in the middle of your back and one on your ankle?
Real men have at least one shoulder holster too.

If you need a gps to find either direct or alternate routes to where you are going to hide out, odds are you will never make it out of Dodge.

Assuming you are serious:

Dont ask this question here unless you have your pants down and are grabbing your ankles.

There are ample Military (and other) legitimate survival manuals available to you for free throughout the internet. You obivously have not read any of them and you need to. For the time spent here asking this dick whiped stupid question, you can actually get an answer for yourself that will cover your needs.

or, if you dont want to do some legit research for yourself, you can water the whole thing down to a bottle of vodka (or your favorite) and 1 round for that Para:D

Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Joseph Harris</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Watch "Red Dawn". You'll learn everything you need to know. </div></div>
Lol yea and a couple you didn't I am really curious if that is how he came up with this BOB he forgot to put the unlimited hidden ammo in the bag
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

Nice! I agree with having a 9mm and 45acp pistol. You never know what you will find after everything goes down. If you have the most common calibers, then your odds of running across a supply of ammo will better your chances of getting what you can use.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

Love these topics.

All these "bug out" and SHTF kits....

How many have actually taken the time to prepare their minds and bodies for survival.

Ooops. Can't show that in a photo on the internet.

My suggestion is a small kit to cover the basics (water gathering, fire starting, shelter building, food gathering), something for self defense and then LEARN how to live off the land. If you live in a city, learn how to get out without any powered assistance or public transport.

Stay physically fit and train your brain.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

Me thinks he was serious. So he's gotten most of the flaming jokes, and I have no better jokes.

The OP has gotten some good advice sprinkled throughout. Preparedness is a journey and not a destination. Looks like you are just starting out. Think of preparedness in layers around specific likely scenarios. Bugging out is a 5 minute excercize so you should think that way. Your kit has to be with you and ready to go without having to track your stuff down. I know a few who have mutliple bags. One in each car, one in the house, at the office, etc.

Less is more. Food, shelter, safety. Datrex or other high calorie bars are compact and at 3600 calories can keep you going in a pinch. Gotta have water on board plus some purification tablets or a Katadyn pocket filter. Fewer better lights/guns/knives. One pistol 3 mags should be enough, one good small led flashlight, one good knife, good multi tool. Small rollup solar panel to recharge batteries is lightweight and good if you can get common rechargable batteries in your minimum essential battery powered stuff. Comms are good, but take only one - less is more. If you are a real ham, then think about a little rollup jpole made out of 300ohm line. You can hit any repeater if you get it strung up 20 ft in the air. Poncho or other lightweight rainproof gear (frogg toggs, thermal reflective blanket, etc). It sucks to hump it wet in the rain in the cold. Get a good 9mm and more mags. 9mm is more common and you can scavenge for it more easily. Ulitralight AR with iron sights would be my choice but your 7.62x39 is acceptable. Carrying a long gun will make you stick out and instantly be perceived as a threat, FWIW so you may not want to take it depending on the circumstances. Basic first aid kit. If you have prescription needs make sure you have in your kit. Some currency of some kind(s)silver is more readily divisible than a $1700 piece of gold. Some paper currency too. Paper maps was a good suggestion too. You can carry enough for 3-5 days pretty easily and after that you had better become resourcsful or have made it to a secondary location.

Of course this becomes a lot more difficult if you have a family to contend with. Tough dragging 2 toddlers and a wife.....
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LoneWolfUSMC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Love these topics.

All these "bug out" and SHTF kits....

How many have actually taken the time to prepare their minds and bodies for survival.

Ooops. Can't show that in a photo on the internet.

My suggestion is a small kit to cover the basics (water gathering, fire starting, shelter building, food gathering), something for self defense and then LEARN how to live off the land. If you live in a city, learn how to get out without any powered assistance or public transport.

Stay physically fit and train your brain.</div></div>

Ahhh yes! Lets not overlook the obvious. Having a bag full of stuff and falling out on the side of the road after 5 miles is pretty worthless. Good call.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

I know someone so paranoid that he is in Uruguay right now buying his 6th farm there.

He is getting dual citizenship and dual passports and getting his money out of the US.

I tell him that just because he can imagine something, does not mean it is likely.

If you can't quantity probabilities, you are reacting to a perceived threat, not a calculated one.

You don't know what you are talking about, and should loose your thinking licence.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LoneWolfUSMC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Love these topics.

All these "bug out" and SHTF kits....

How many have actually taken the time to prepare their minds and bodies for survival.

Ooops. Can't show that in a photo on the internet.

My suggestion is a small kit to cover the basics (water gathering, fire starting, shelter building, food gathering), something for self defense and then LEARN how to live off the land. If you live in a city, learn how to get out without any powered assistance or public transport.

Stay physically fit and train your brain.</div></div>

+1 on that LoneWolf
Having your wits about you, situational awareness, and the ability to improvise trumps "kits" without fundamental knowledge everytime.

"A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing...."
Miyamoto Musashi - The Book of 5 Rings -
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TexasRedNeck</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Of course this becomes a lot more difficult if you have a family to contend with. Tough dragging 2 toddlers and a wife.....</div></div>

TexasRedNeck brings up a good point. Im thinking if you have a family, their basic needs may get overlooked and actually they should be at the top of the list.

Point is, do you or any of your family have to take medications?

My son use to have asthma, fortunately, he grew out of it. We use to have to go monthly to the dock to get his scripts and it always bothered me from an emergency kit standpoint.
One day, I took him by myself and asked the doc for an extra script. He recommended I do the monthly visit to get the script thing like always. I told him I wanted to go on record in his file that I was requesting emergency back up meds for travel or in the event there was a natural disaster and there was no availability and I was denied my request.
He wrote 90 day scripts for me on the spot.

My friends wife has to take meds for her thyroid. If she did not take it daily, she flat could not get out of bed. She was in the 30 day cycle thing too. She was denied more than a month supply when she requested it. I told her what I said to our doc, she used the same wording with her doc and now gets a 90 day supply.

I do believe that as long as it is not some opiate or other dangerous controlled substance, you may be able to do this with other meds that you have to take on a daily or other cycle. It may or may not work in your circumstance, but it is worth a try.

Also, if possible, have an off the record talk with your doc about the expiration dates for your meds. Some loose potency, but are still worth everything in an emergency situation and some are dangerous. Ask about half dosing, etc.. Know what is the case with that too. That may also be a life saver depending on the situation. All this should be under the premise of "emergency situations only".

Best to all,

Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LoneWolfUSMC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Love these topics.

All these "bug out" and SHTF kits....

How many have actually taken the time to prepare their minds and bodies for survival.

Ooops. Can't show that in a photo on the internet.

My suggestion is a small kit to cover the basics (water gathering, fire starting, shelter building, food gathering), something for self defense and then LEARN how to live off the land. If you live in a city, learn how to get out without any powered assistance or public transport.

Stay physically fit and train your brain. </div></div>

The equipment doesnt matter if your mindset is jacked.
Re: The Start of My Bug Out Kit

Larry, I didn't see any food or first aid supplies. Also 550 cord or nylon rope is useful and easy to carry. A bug out kit is a 3 day basic survival kit if you need to travel from home. I focus on food, water, shelter, and personal protection. Also have a way to boil water or cook without electricity. Living in Florida I have it for hurricanes and just in case.