So most of you have probably stumbled upon “sight height” in your ballistic calculator. And many of you probably think its the distance from the center of the scope to the center of the barrel. However, i stumbled upon an article that refutes that information. This picture summarizes the article.
However, when you look up how to find sight height on youtube(yes i know youtube is not the best place for Information).
So which one is right? Are guns scope intersections with barrel angles the same as in the article about airguns? How does this affect bullet trajectory at long range? Could it be possible that my sight height in my calculator(and yours) of 3.5inches is actually 3.44?

Chairgun and “Scope Height”
I hear a lot of people complaining about the ballistic software Chairgun not being in line with their real world results. But in my field target rifle and scope combo’s it has improved to bei…
However, when you look up how to find sight height on youtube(yes i know youtube is not the best place for Information).
So which one is right? Are guns scope intersections with barrel angles the same as in the article about airguns? How does this affect bullet trajectory at long range? Could it be possible that my sight height in my calculator(and yours) of 3.5inches is actually 3.44?