I still don't know what to think about this whole mess.
On one hand:
1. We made promises to Ukraine to protect their sovereignty if they gave up their nukes. If we continue to break our word, as happened in Afghanistan, who will ever ally with us again?
2. Bankrolling Ukraine has exposed Russia for what it is, a 3rd world nation with a horseshit military, and nukes. Nowhere close to a superpower.
3. When China considers taking Taiwan, they HAVE to be looking at the now apparent weakness of their ally Russia and be thinking "shit."
4. There are ordinary people in Ukraine fighting for their freedom, and freedom has always been a cause the U.S. supports.
But on the other hand:
1. We can't afford to bankroll this shit, we have our own financial problems to worry about.
2. Ukraine isn't our ally by any stretch, its a black cesspool of kickbacks and corruption.
3. This is NATO's problem, let NATO handle their own bullshit for once and just do our part.
4. Pissing off Russia drives them to get into bed with China. It's better for the U.S. if China and Russia dislike each other.
5. Nuclear war is bad.
Usually I find issues pretty easy to judge, but this one has been tough. Partly because nobody knows what's true and what is bullshit anymore.