Thermal clip-on compatible options for Zeiss LRP S5 3-18x50

Alignment is going to be dependent on how you have the Zeiss mounted as well as your mounting option of your stock/chassis. Assuming everything is one long pic rail, typically 1.5" tall mounts are pretty close for NV/Thermal use.
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The scope's mounted on a T3X Tac A1 with MPA BA 1.25" rings btw.
So, there really is no optic with a thermal. You have a sensor (think camera) on the front end and a display you are viewing thru your day optic. Your aren't having to collimate optically like you would with a NV unit. However the more centered you are, the better off you are. Most pic rail mounted stuff needs your day optic at about 1.5" to accomplish this.

The A1 has a handguard with full pic rail on the the same plane as the action as near as I can tell so that part is good. It's been my experience with clip on thermals that 3-4x is the sweet spot and 6x is too much zoom. Do you know what thermal you are going to run? Try to check the specs or ask others about the specific unit but I would wager you'll need taller rings to get it to run the way you want it to.
There is the option to hang the thermal off the objective of the LRP with one the fitted mounts and then you have perfect alignment and no worries about different mount heights and can leave day scope mounted as-is...this would be for most any of the clip-ons. One other thing to keep in mind is that most of the images from thermal clip-ons will start to pixelate(sp.?) at around 8-10x, so you will generally be running the slow on the lower end of the magnification range.
I’m not holding my breath on the AR ban getting overturned in Illinois but it’d be nice to have a 6 arc dedicated rifle with a Pulsar scope on it.

Would a 6 arc in bolt be the alternate option if I wanted to have a dedicated coyote hunting rifle?