Ok so in a previous thread i had questions about using threaded barrel adapter on my M&P 15 in 300 black out. I purchased the adapter and threaded it on and it is very nice. Everything is constrict and have had no problems with baffle strikes. My problem is that it is still very loud. I have tried both my pistol and 308 can. I have watches a bunch of videos on youtube about different setups, and i know that no video can be an accurate representation of what the can really sounds like but we are not even in the same ballpark. Here is my setup and ammo.
Cans: AWC thundertrap chambered for 308, AWC Jupiter Eye for 40cal
Amm: Remington umc 220gr ot fb
Remington 220gr gr otm
Hornady 208gn amax
All seem to have a distinctive crack and the umc is definitely going supersonic.
Cans: AWC thundertrap chambered for 308, AWC Jupiter Eye for 40cal
Amm: Remington umc 220gr ot fb
Remington 220gr gr otm
Hornady 208gn amax
All seem to have a distinctive crack and the umc is definitely going supersonic.