It is sub moa most of the time if the guy jerking the trigger would get it togetherI have gone all the way out to 1000 with it but it is really hard to see impacts, 800 is not too bad tho. About 6-8 months ago i tried to run a ladder test on the 75gr hpbt and the 80gr amax but didn't really know what i was doing so I put it on hold till I had some more learning under my belt I have been stocking up on components was looking at 80gr stuff but I think I will try the 77 gr berger otm first not sure on power I have cfe 223, blc2, varget, and 4064 to try in that order here is a couple of pic for reference
under 500 yds the 55gr tap does alright
good to hear you are starting to reload. Tons of fun and lots of accuracy to be had as the rifle will realy shine. I would suggest starting with an OCW (optimal charge weight) test first rather than the ladder test but that is just my preference. OCW is easier to do and understand. You can google OWC but here is recent explanation that is well put into words
i have been been using a ton of Varget so far in my 223 for lighter bullets with great luck but have since branched out to other powders. I have some 73gr ELD loaded up with both Varget and H4895 for a trip to the range tomorrow. I also have some 8208 and AR-Comp I am also going to try on the 73gr and the 75gr and 80gr when I get some of those. I already don't like the Varget because of how much you need to compress the powder. The extruded grains are so dam big and Varget is a slower burning powder than the others I listed above.
I also plan to take these out to 1000 yards and you are correct; impacts are a bitch to see and adjust for at that distance. Specially at my range where it's all grass and alsmot not dirt to stir up.