Time of Flight 4.05 seconds.....


Full Member
Mar 25, 2012
4.05 seconds, according "Shooter" my ballistics app, for the 208gr A-max to travel the <span style="font-weight: bold">2163 YARDS</span> to hit my steel plate.


This is the furthest I have ever accurately shot....I use accurately as a loose term. I only landed 50% of my shots once I "found" the target. It took 3 shots to get a dust signature on the hill and another 2 to get my hold over close. I had my Leupold 8.5-25x50 maxed out for elevation, although I dont have a bottomed out zero I still have 89 MOA of up adjustment....I really need to get a different set of rings to make up the other 6 MOA I am lacking.

This was roughly the hold over I was using at this range.

Although I cant claim 1 MOA groups, I will say 2-3 MOA happened. Once I was on target I fired 12 shots and scored 6 hits. The 6 misses were either side of the plate and likely caused by the shooter as there was next to nothing for wind on the range today.

4 in the Center, 1 at the top, and 1 at 7 oclock. The hit on the red plate was from last time I shot this target I just forgot to paint it.



And the winning combo fired from my 300wsm.
67.5gr of H4831sc, in Winchester cases, Remington 9.5 Magnum large rifle primers, and the Hornady 208gr A-max. Velocity is only 2865fps and groups at 100 yards only measure .75" for 3 shots the bullet seems to settle down further out and groups about 1.75" at 500 yards.

Re: Time of Flight 4.05 seconds.....

Fine shooting. Those 208's sure do fly. I was pushing them to 2950 in my 300Wm before switching to the 225 HPBT. You should give them a try. I've had them both out to 2k yds several times.
Yep. Scope looks canted a little in the pic.
Re: Time of Flight 4.05 seconds.....

It does look canted but I think the cant is mostly the way the rifle is in the rest and the fact I was using my cell phone. The rest doesnt open wide enough for my forend at rest so I have to mash it down in there when shooting. I need to pick up a different set of rings a level.

I havent tried the 225's yet I really like the way these 208s fly out of this rifle. I have had these 208s up to 2940fps out of my WSM but repeatable accuracy went away for some reason.
Re: Time of Flight 4.05 seconds.....

Nice shooting. You could also have a custom base made by Cameron Murphy at Murphy Precision to get more elevation. He can do custom cant and height. He does great work with excellent turn around time. I have a custom 45 MOA base on my BAT that he did for me.
Re: Time of Flight 4.05 seconds.....

+1 what Cali_tz said. 50% hits at distances over 2,000 yards is great shooting. From that distance a gnat fart can push you off target.

Re: Time of Flight 4.05 seconds.....

one fun aspect of this distance is you have all day it seems, after the shot, to casually take off your ear muffs, take a drink, and listen for the ring if you hit.
Re: Time of Flight 4.05 seconds.....

Been out chasing elk in the mountains havent had a chance to look at the board.

Right now the rifle has a 50MOA base on it. I would like to make up the diffence with a new set of rings. Ideally I would like to get a 200-250 yards bottomed out zero that way the rifle is still useable for hunting. I will probably end up getting a set of Burris Zee rings, I think you can get up to 20MOA with the inserts. Ill probably get a level also for when I max out the scope and need to hold over.