Time to rebarrel?

Well it’s not like I’m going to donate them to goodwill, and if I shoot out my barrel playing around then who cares I already have a backup.

I'm stuck with something like ~1,500 6.5mm 140 RDF projectiles.

I could never get them to shoot consistently, across a couple of barrels. They were never consistent enough to do sub 1 MOA.
I'm stuck with something like ~1,500 6.5mm 140 RDF projectiles.

I could never get them to shoot consistently, across a couple of barrels. They were never consistent enough to do sub 1 MOA.
Same here with multiple barrels. A few years back a vendor sent me some (because he had the same trouble) and asked me to test them out, which I did and that's exactly the results I had.
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Alright y'all, riddle me this..

I just did some powder testing last night - it was about 92f out when I did this, and I warmed the barrel up with about 9 shots before hand, then let it rest for 10 minutes, and then began, but, how does one choose a node on this graph, if no node exists?

View attachment 8467938

the 91 gr charge had an ES of 5.3 and SD of 2.2 --> which is why I think I chose that weight before.

I'm stumped.

The increase in velocity changes the slowest from 90 to 91, but it doesn't seem significant.
Nodes exist lol? As for you barrel... Looks fine to me but the target doesn't lie. I have barrels that have half the length of the barrel heavily fire checked... Still shoot.

I have one 6.5cm barrel I want to see how far it will go... 5k on it now. Still holding under 1 moa but we are getting close to being toast for my specs.

Pick the speed you want then play with seating. I usually pick a charge somewhere 85% of max to start and .02 off and sent it. 75% of the time that's where I end up leaving it
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I am a long time .338 shooter. I use Retumbo and RL 33 with Berger bullets. The bullet oal differences don't cause many issues. I have shot out 23 .338 barrels. Clean your barrel with Iosso paste on an Iosso .338 brush. Coat the front 1/2 inch of the brush with paste. Push the brush back and forth through the barrel until you can reverse the brush in the bore. Then short stroke the brush back and forth for about 12 inches from the throat forward. Dry patch the paste out of the bore. Run several patches soaked with isopropyl alcohol through the bore and then several dry patches. It usually takes 2 or 3 shots for gun to return to zero. When the barrel is gone, It will not shoot into a 1moa group with the correct elevation on my 1200 yd gong. The elevation will usually be 3 to 5 moa low. My barrels usually need this cleaning at least every 400 rounds. If you are shooting a known solid performing load and it does not return to normal and there are no other changes or issues i would change barrels.
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Nosler RDF. Also known as "Random Damn Flyer".

When are people going to learn that choosing a node by firing 1 or 2 shots on an increasing charge scale does not work?

Something that also puzzles me. Why are people afraid to send a bronze brush through a barrel, but think nothing of pushing CLR through it?
I did 5 shots.

Also for what it's worth, I'll buy bergers again now that they're in stock everywhere. I'm going to shoot through the rest of these RDF's though. Only have about 220 left, and ultimately any day is a good day so long as you get to pull a trigger. I've definitely been cleaning my barrel now too.

Cheers boys.
Nodes (flat velocity over varying charge weights) are a statistical anomaly resulting from too small a data set and do not really exist. Not a single advocate for nodes has ever explained the mechanism where by increasing the amount of propellant does not equate to increasing velocities.
Nodes (flat velocity over varying charge weights) are a statistical anomaly resulting from too small a data set and do not really exist. Not a single advocate for nodes has ever explained the mechanism where by increasing the amount of propellant does not equate to increasing velocities.

Man it must be Sunday as I just witnessed a miracle. We agree on something home skillet!
I did 5 shots.

Also for what it's worth, I'll buy bergers again now that they're in stock everywhere. I'm going to shoot through the rest of these RDF's though. Only have about 220 left, and ultimately any day is a good day so long as you get to pull a trigger. I've definitely been cleaning my barrel now too.

Cheers boys.
On your graph, also plot the maximum velocities and the minimum velocities at each charge weight.


Plot half the ES above and half the ES below the average at each charge weight.


Repeat your test.


Combine the results of the two tests so that you have 10 shots per charge weight and repeat the graphs. If there are any nodes, you should see them better then.
I definitely am going to switch back to Berger going forward. Y'all are right (never said you werent though..) - they just shoot.

This was the 100 y group I shot using berger
300 gr berger 100 y.jpg

This was just meant to be my control group that I would test the RDF against. Of all the seating depths I ran, the below picture is best I could achieve.

300 gr rdf 100 y.jpg

I worked hard trying to get these RDF's to shoot and spent a lot of brain capacity getting there. The Berger is just a better bullet though for my barrel. Especially since I made those bergers maybe 6 months ago when I had a tenth of the reloading practice I have now.

That being said, I'm still going to finish shooting these RDF's. I'm alright with that performance. It will get the job done for these matches coming up. at 500 yards the Nosler group was even 2 tenths of an inch tighter. That distance has a few more variables at play though, and I'm sure with more dedication I could get the groups tighter on the berger. Both 500 yards group were sub MOA anyways.

Cheers boys - really appreciate your input.