Tinnitus, Vertigo, Hearing loss -- GET it checked out!!

granite wagon

bottle washer
Full Member
Jun 5, 2021
Have had on & off tinnitus , vertigo , hearing loss & fullness in right ear for several years - was told years ago it was likely Meniere's disease & there was no cure.. It started to get more frequent bout a year ago and toward end of last summer it was daily.. The vertigo got to the point around first of this year that I spend periods of time weekly that I am completely useless.. The tinnitus is now constant and is SCREAMING ..
My first Dr visit about this was in January they sent me for cat scan... In February was diagnosed with cholesteatoma ( a non cancerous growth ) invading my ear & mastoid bone air cells behind my ear..
After a huge mess of trying to find a specialist & then a mess trying to get a referral I am FINALLY meeting a surgeon next week..
Been told surgery is the only option, I will likely be deaf in that ear after ... but hey one ear is better than non.. I will be fine ! GOD is Great !!!

If You have these symptoms --- GET IT CHECKED OUT!!!! these things continue to grow & can eventually cause a brain abscess !!!
I have the rreeeeeee every day. Sometimes it really ramps up and then the migraines come on. Vertigo? Yep, TBI with fucked up ear crystals. 2 years of therapy to get close to normal. If I don’t see another pair of IR goggles again I’ll consider that a victory. I feel like shit every day of the week I just don’t complain to my family because it doesn’t help me.

I need to add that yes, go to the doctor regularly. Buried a friend a couple weeks ago from a heart attack at 46yo. Not your typical looking heart attack victim either.
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I have the rreeeeeee every day. Sometimes it really ramps up and then the migraines come on. Vertigo? Yep, TBI with fucked up ear crystals. 2 years of therapy to get close to normal. If I don’t see another pair of IR goggles again I’ll consider that a victory. I feel like shit every day of the week I just don’t complain to my family because it doesn’t help me.
I am sorry Man! Praying for healing to come Your way !!
I used to have trouble with escalators -remember it first as a tween and actually fell down an escalator. I thought it was all mental - then I had a head CT and it turned out I had a chronic mastoiditis (sinuses behind hears) that was responsible for this.

If You have these symptoms --- GET IT CHECKED OUT!!!! these things continue to grow & can eventually cause a brain abscess !!!

Yeah that brain abscess thing is pretty darn rare (kind of like popping a pimple on the nose has caused a fatal brain infection and ventral venous sinus thromboses), but they are seeing increases in all these bizarre infections like these brain abscesses being being immunocompromised from the you-know-what. I do recommend the surgery though to relieve the symptoms and your suffering - this is a routine surgery for ENTs.
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So many causes, thanks for posting this one. When I had vertigo, it was primarily caused by a candida infection in my gut. Apparently candida releases approx. 57 different compounds, some of which effect the inner ear. Cleaning up my diet helped, but not completely. I then took Candisol, a supplement, which finished the job.
Have had on & off tinnitus , vertigo , hearing loss & fullness in right ear for several years - was told years ago it was likely Meniere's disease & there was no cure.. It started to get more frequent bout a year ago and toward end of last summer it was daily.. The vertigo got to the point around first of this year that I spend periods of time weekly that I am completely useless.. The tinnitus is now constant and is SCREAMING ..
My first Dr visit about this was in January they sent me for cat scan... In February was diagnosed with cholesteatoma ( a non cancerous growth ) invading my ear & mastoid bone air cells behind my ear..
After a huge mess of trying to find a specialist & then a mess trying to get a referral I am FINALLY meeting a surgeon next week..
Been told surgery is the only option, I will likely be deaf in that ear after ... but hey one ear is better than non.. I will be fine ! GOD is Great !!!

If You have these symptoms --- GET IT CHECKED OUT!!!! these things continue to grow & can eventually cause a brain abscess !!!
I was born deaf in one ear so only had the one for 61 years now. Its not so bad especially when you sleep on the good ear its very quiet.