Hunting & Fishing To all u deer huners out there


Full Member
Mar 3, 2010
Abilene texas
I would like as many opinions on this as possible.

I only like to shoot one "trophy buck" a season the rest of the deer i shoot are management bucks a lots of doe. This year does not have one in particular that i have seen that i automatically say thats him. so After looking through around 10,000 trail cam pics from the last 2 months i think this is the biggest buck that i believe to be mature.

I would love it if you would comment on what your guess is on age and score, its been a tough year for the deer no rain down in texas. Excepts for some promises of some tomorrow (wouldn't u know my first day to get in the stand)

these are all of the same deer heres 4 to give you a descent idea for pictures with more than one deer it is the large 10 point





Re: To all u deer huners out there

It's hard to tell. I am guessing between 160-170, but could be way off without being able to judge the mass.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

Really tuff to say without more angles. He shows signs of being 6.5 and he shows signs of being 4.5. Regardless he is mature for my area, but that is a different story there in Texas on 10,000 acre ranch.

The neck does not show to be as full as I would expect for a 5-6 year old deer, but he does show signs of having a deep chest and belly along with a little sway in his back. He does not legs do not look short for his body like most fully mature deer either.

Do you have any more pics of him you can post? What kind of management plan are you on?

Approx score: 162 3/8
Re: To all u deer huners out there

the ranch is 3000 acres low fenced in throckmorton Tx. The management plant is Managed lands department level 3. our personal policy is for trophy bucks to only shoot 5+ year old deer that score 150ish+ that being said and in regards to the neck, i believe that is due to the drought we are experiencing i have seen deer that i know from personally watching for many years that are 6.5 and there necks look small this year.

heres one more pic that shows his body once again neck looks tiny but then again he is facing away and smalls profile is from and back of a whitetail deer. other than this pic pretty much ever one of them he's facing the camera. damn thing knows he's big and wants to show off haha... arrogant well se how that works out these next few weeks

Re: To all u deer huners out there

It is very hard to tell... he looks on the younger side; but that is before the seasonal swollen neck, scars and hormones that are getting ready to take their toil. Once that Velvet comes off... maybe could get a better call on him.

He's not the oldest out there.. that paunch is starting but not down low where the elders are. The question is what would he be like next year?
Re: To all u deer huners out there

Should be easy if you keep him in that fence.

Hard to say that he's 5+. There is little belly sag.

He's wide but I think he's just about 150 class. Hard to say he's still in velvet.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

I'm not a deer biologist, but he looks to meet your criteria to take him, IMO. Those cattle panels around the feeder are probably to keep hogs out of your feeders, are they not? Good huntin to ya!
Re: To all u deer huners out there

He is 5. The neck is smaller than normal from the drought, plus with the velvet, he has not stated sparring and swelling up those neck muscles yet.

Tines are short, spread is wide, probably in the 150's.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

With the rear view giving a good body shot angle, I'd say he is 4.5. Still has some growing to IMHO.

I still say he is around the 160 mark though of course this is +or- 5 inches...
Re: To all u deer huners out there

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: patriotoutlaw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm not a deer biologist, but he looks to meet your criteria to take him, IMO. Those cattle panels around the feeder are probably to keep hogs out of your feeders, are they not? Good huntin to ya! </div></div>

patirotoutlaw- yes the cattlepanels are for the hogs. this particular area of the ranch is about 250 acres out of the 3000 acres called sanctuary. WE potion feed here, there is also a good bedding area food water and cover. Basically our idea is for them to just feel safe there, only time we go in is to fill the protein feeders. This has proven itself on holding smart mature bucks and allows them to no feel pressured. knowing there home location we can set up accordingly to hunt depending on what the specific bucks pattern is. They all leave pretty much every day. Also when rut comes around its just nice knowing theres big bucks on the property cause at this point they could be headed in any which direction
Re: To all u deer huners out there

Young ones breed older ones do not.

I'd let him breed. All goes back to greed. Is he a nice buck? Hell yes! Could he be of great benefit to the herd for the future if you pass on him? No question about that. If you are the only members hunting this herd and all agree to let him pass. Then you've only increased future success. You've always got the future to look forward to.

just my .02
Re: To all u deer huners out there

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jeffbird</div><div class="ubbcode-body">4 1/2 year old.

He's plump from enjoying the protein buffet, but his chest is not below his elbow. At 5 1/2, his chest will be below the elbow, and at 6 1/2 well below the elbow.

Let him walk for a couple of years to spread his genes.

He has good traits that will benefit the future of the ranch. </div></div>

To the O.P.

I'd take this comment from Jeff to the bank.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

I don't believe he is any older than 4.5 and he looks like a solid 160 to 165. Something else to keep in mind it has been a dry year in Texas and horn growth suffers more in a drought. He could be bigger next year.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cocadori</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Young ones breed older ones do not.

I'd let him breed. All goes back to greed. Is he a nice buck? Hell yes! Could he be of great benefit to the herd for the future if you pass on him? No question about that. If you are the only members hunting this herd and all agree to let him pass. Then you've only increased future success. You've always got the future to look forward to.

just my .02 </div></div>

unfortunately i am not the only person hunting. If this was a highfence i would not even be debating this and would shoot on sight. yes i agree that the herd could benefit well from these genes. But, i do not know if i can take another year with the same old shit. (passing on the same deer 5 times for this reason alone only to have a neighbor email me a picture of him hanging bloody on a tripod game hoist)

at this point i think i will just have to get a better look in person. I do believe game cameras are essential tool for scouting but not a great way to make a final age call. like previously mentioned he looks 6.5 in some pics and 4.5 in others. that being said i just need to lay my eyes on him to no only see him in person but also see the way he moves. i believe you can tell a lot by watching a deers movement along with temperament and interactions with other deer in determining age.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

If he survives you'll be pleasantly surprised in a year or two.If it were my ranch I'd let him walk but, with that being said I usually find a reason not to kill a buck on my place either.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

thats a pretty massive rack, i am guessing somewhere's close to 4 years, not too sure on the points, but man, thats a tough call whether to let him walk or put him on a wall....
Re: To all u deer huners out there

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 264win</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My .02 is less experienced than many here.
That said, I would guess age to be 4 1/2 and about a 150-155 </div></div> Yep....
Re: To all u deer huners out there

judging the size of their neck in October in Texas is the worst indicator of maturity, The but is 150+ now the age.....he is large and in has good conditioning so you have to remember he has had protein the drought effects are going to be minimal. Barring itchy trigger fingers its always best to error on the side of youth and call that buck 4.5.

Is this the first time he's showed up
do you have younger pics
do you pics in the day
and as stated, YOU need to see him in person IF he'll let you.....

I call 4.5 but could be convinced as older w/ clarifying additional information.

Here is his score:
MB 50"
IS 22"
G1's 11"
G2's 13"
G3's 15"
G4's 9"
Mass 30"

Total 150" on the money
Re: To all u deer huners out there

It’s hard to say just looking at trail cam pics as deer can be very misleading even in person. I’ve seen a 3 year old buck in Falfurrias, TX pushing in the high 170’s and probably 150+# on the hoof. Several 3 to 3.5 yoa bucks on the same hunt that were shooters in most states but not in Texas, they were maybe 125 class deer at best. I’ve also seen a 6.5 year old buck in San Angelo, TX in the high 120’s and 80# soaking wet while chasing does.

I say 4 - 4.5 yoa max based on the following, slight belly sagging but not the amount I've seen on older deer. The back is still fairly straight, no sagging. Fairly small forearms and short snout. The body mass and antler growth is from the steady diet of protein. Tooth wear trumps all other aging techniques but I doubt you’ll get him to hold still long enough for that right now.

Most protein is used for body growth until about age 3.5, after that, surplus is used for antler growth. While it's definitely a very nice deer, If you can, I'd pass for another year or two, if he makes it that long.

Nice pics, thanks for sharing.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

My guess is about 4.5-5.5 and 150-160". I say that from what looks like a little belly and he has some length on his main beams. Not much body mass though. Probably due to your rough summer.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cocadori</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Should be easy if you keep him in that fence.

Hard to say that he's 5+. There is little belly sag.

He's wide but I think he's just about 150 class. Hard to say he's still in velvet. </div></div>

That fence want hold him! Have you ever seen deer jump fences? He could clear that fence if it was double the height. I see deer go in and out of cattle fields as they please.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tikka'd</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would like as many opinions on this as possible.

I only like to shoot one "trophy buck" a season the rest of the deer i shoot are management bucks a lots of doe. This year does not have one in particular that i have seen that i automatically say thats him. so After looking through around 10,000 trail cam pics from the last 2 months i think this is the biggest buck that i believe to be mature.

I would love it if you would comment on what your guess is on age and score, its been a tough year for the deer no rain down in texas. Excepts for some promises of some tomorrow (wouldn't u know my first day to get in the stand)

these are all of the same deer heres 4 to give you a descent idea for pictures with more than one deer it is the large 10 point


It's hard to age this deer. This is a southern state, and deer do not weigh as much in the south, so it is hard to tell the age just by looking at the neck in this picture. Saying this, I have seen 3 year old deer with racks that big, who came from good management, and had good genes. Nice deer.

I don't hunt on ranches with feeders, but I see nothing wrong with it as long as you harvest the meat. I just like a little more challenge.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

We have a ranch not far from there. I'm with Jeffbird at 4 1/2. I don't think he would make 150 though. He is impressive no doubt, but out of velvet I just don't think he would have the mass to get there. That's a perfect example of one you should let grow another couple years. My guess is he's pushing 160 in two years. Why else go to the trouble of management and feed? Age is the biggest part of growing great deer.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

Think he would go over 150 easily. My guess is 4 1/2 years.

I think he is hell of a trophy and would good on the wall anywhere and taste great if you shoot him before the rut.

I think you should harverst him and all of us guessing his age and score put $5 in a hat winner take all.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: scootball</div><div class="ubbcode-body">you need your ass kicked if you dont shoot that beauty </div></div>

I think Scoot votes go ahead and shoot him this year.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

well a little update. as you can see from my other post recently I haven't exactly had an overwhelming amount of time to spend in up in the stand, After having my xterra fully submerged under water, and my cj7 blew out a dana 44. but i did crawl up there saturday evening for the last 4 or so hours of light. I managed to see him only problem is he was 450 something out. i could see him alright but when i bow hunt i don't cary my leupy 12x50s there just to large so i had some little bushel 6x binos and just really couldn't tell shit. accept range through the LRF. but atleast i know he is out there, i have some other management bucks im looking for but would love to in the least get a good close look at him this year.

I knew one day i would regret not adding that 6th pen for 650 yards
Re: To all u deer huners out there

I am with the 150 max club and no more than 4.5 years. Not enough to send lead. Might be a real contender in a few years. I did notice how the location of the comments pretty much dictated the actions. SE is ground check, south and sw say to let it ride another 12 months. Kinda fun to watch.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Azprc</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I did notice how the location of the comments pretty much dictated the actions. SE is ground check, south and sw say to let it ride another 12 months. Kinda fun to watch. </div></div>

just took a look at that, its pretty funny. I got within bow range this weekend but he was hot on a trail. probably could have rushed a shot but couldn't justify shooting him no matter what age he is with his genetics when chasing a doe. i might wait till post rut and reconsider. depending on how he is doing. I have watched a lot of post rut bucks the last couple years and it has become pretty easy to tell after seeing them and then finding there skulls shed hunting which ones are doing alright.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

I'd say he's about 4 1/2 and about 150-155". Most of the deer lost about 10 inches this year in mass alone so I'd say let him live another year or two and he'll be around 165-170, as long as we start gettin some rain.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

You guys are crazy! There's not a state in this country I would hunt and let a free ranging 4.5 year old 150" deer walk. Maybe if I had already killed a bunch like that it could change my mind later on, but how many of the guys saying let him walk have several 150"+ deer on the wall.
Re: To all u deer huners out there

i woulds say i have several but I have a 166 a 151 and now a 152 6/8 on its way dropped it off at the taxidermist (write up and pics are in the DEER HUNTING THREAD). Different deer going to let this guy walk and pray to see him again next year