Re: To catch a Badger
Trapping a badger is just as hard as trapping a Wolverine, but it can be done.
A dirty hole set, goes as follows.
With desenting gloves on, take fresh meat an wrap chicken wire around a tree at least 3-4 times about 8-12" above the ground. All around the tree bury old style leg traps that are staked down or cabled. Cover them with leaves or very loose dirt. Pour fox piss all over the area, but not on the meat.
The badger will find all the traps an will remember were all are at, but, will be so intent on getting the meat (it can't remove from the tree), it will forget about the traps an where they are, then step on one an get caught. You will have to run the line 5-6 times a day, as it will chew off its leg after about 4 hrs.
The other way is a log trap, with a meat trigger. Build the trap 3ft X 3ft X 3ft high with a solid floor an top, otherwise it will dig out in about 2-4 hrs. Use the top as the falling door. Be very carefull with a trapped Badger, and especially a trapped Wolverine. Both can, an will kill you given the chance when trapped.
I've killed a number of Wolverines in Russia, Korea, Canada, an America, mainly because it was the first animal I ever meet, that was actively, hunting me.