Tobacco plants

To those looking to "cash in" on the advent of shortages.
Own the knowledge NOW. Learn everything. Don't just learn to grow it, thats only a very small part of tobacco.
A usable product is much more difficult in the skills department.
"You can just chew the dry leaves." Yes, you sound like an 8 year old Lil Chikn rambling around the tobacco barn snarling up floor sweepings, and thinking it was chewing tobacco.
"You can just smoke the dry leaves." Yes, an extremely pleasurable experience to be sure. Right up there with sniffing the fumes off a burning shithouse.

Learn the ENTIRE art and process from seed to end use.
Site is being a cunt.
Here, you can buy it on Amazon.
I like a good Virginia tobacco for the pipe. But the varieties are so numerous I wouldn't know which one to choose.

My favorite is a Virginia/Perique blend... But I don't have the infrastructure, time, or patience to make my own Perique.
