PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go on AMAZON and leave reviews!!!
Let's break that down for a moment here, shall we?
Somebody decided to steal a title and create a completely different thing than what the title had encapsulated. Somebody else then said 'what a great idea, let me throw a LOT of money at you'.
Then another somebody decided hey, lets take something that is perfectly good and viable, and FUCK IT UP COMPLETELY TO AN UNRECOGNIZABLE ENTITY. All around that somebody were cheers, pats-on-the-back, and hand-jobs.
Then, two more somebody's got together and 're-wrote' EVERYTHING, so-as-to make it 'currently palatable' as well as "here's what we want YOU to be thinking..." No no no no no.... don't think 'that'.... think 'THIS' instead.... there, doesn't that make you feel all better now,,,, butterflies and unicorns and shit?
A LOT of money went into this, and a lot of effort, and a lot of 'decision making' and a lot of hand-jobs. I have to believe this, because there is nothing but garbage, crap, junk, detritus, and SHIT showing on the screen.
You'd think you were watching the daily news. Or more accurately, "Legislative Television".
As a species, we are doomed.