I have been trying to find a high quality factory 12.5" AR15 with good accuracy because it seems to be a perfect compromise in length/ Velocity that would give me good 0-500 yard capability all the while not turning my rifle into a Javelin with a suppressor mounted.
I found Triarc on YouTube and they seem to be making the best "Mini RECCE" i can find.
Any firsthand expirence with Triarc rifles? Grand Thumb had good things to say about them but other than that not a lot of user feedback that I have found.
Any other solid 12.5's i have missed?
Please no build your own recommendations just looking for factory rifles.
I found Triarc on YouTube and they seem to be making the best "Mini RECCE" i can find.
Any firsthand expirence with Triarc rifles? Grand Thumb had good things to say about them but other than that not a lot of user feedback that I have found.
Any other solid 12.5's i have missed?
Please no build your own recommendations just looking for factory rifles.