Trudeau's admin does not care about crime stats or the like... He is looking for a way to reduce the chances that His Majesty's men are going to get holes ripped through them when it is time to enforce mandatory vaccinations or welding people shut in their houses...
THIS right here^^^. That's exactly how our U.S. .gov is thinking and they want to put a stop to any chance of them looking like a piece of swiss cheese. As it is written..."The People shall maintain a well equipped militia". They want to run the Constitution and the BOR, thru the shredder. I'm trained, I practice, I have experience, but, they're are many, many, more of you out there, that are WAY more qualified than I. I'm probably going to be good for a mag, or two, before I meet my demise, but it's all about the point, that matters. I swore the oath, four times, throughout my Mil. career and I believe in it. WE either stand, or we will lose it all.
These cuks in office, have squandered trillions of hard earned taxpayer money and for what?? They have done this shit for decades and there is no end in site, especially after all this shit that's been going on. Look at Va., that piece of shit, sat on his throne and enacted/signed, more draconian legislation and laughed about it. Now, the rest of these F's, are attempting to do the same thing. Let's kick the People while they're struggling, or worse, hitting rock bottom.
There's something else that these cuks have in store for us and I group 85% of them, in the same group, Dem. or Rep., makes no difference, A small group of these cuks, has the "Big Picture" and the rest of us, just have pixels. Guns are the #1 priority right now, because that's what makes us better than 3rd World Countries and yes, Canada, you're included here,but, I do believe there is more to come, the cat just hasn't popped his head out of the sack yet.
Canada, I feel for all of you, but, yes, it's coming to America. WE do have The Constitution and The BOR, but, I don't think our .gov gives a rats ass. Mac
ETA: I know this sounds like a rant, but, I think the J.D. is making me think too much. I'll apologize now.