Trump Announces the JFK Files Have Been RELEASED!

Well that was no help. Here’s Groks response

i believe this is somebody's interpretation and not necessarily the real truth.


Nothing would surprise me about Angleton. He was a zealot… and an “interesting” guy. No one will ever know how interesting. He was that interesting!


PS Matt Damon character in The Good Shepherd was based on Angleton. Doesn’t even come close…. But DeNiro was always a retard as a director and producer.
just my initial take-i kinda doubt there will be anything that directly lays out a plot to kill JFK similar to cas6969's take above. if any such ever existed,it is long gone. i don't see any of the likely players committing anything to documentation. so,while what little is found so far is interesting and indicative. i think any findings on the autopsy and ballistic findings remaining are likely to be the smoking gun. the peripheral stuff will be useful LBJ,Nixon,UFOs etc. was LHO a player/shooter or a patsy? role of Ruby?
i bet my take at the end will be the same: could the standard WC findings be possible? yes? most unlikely in the extreme? for sure.