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Trump is anti-gun.

Wisdom says taking a "vaccine" that doesn't prevent you from catching or spreading a disease is pointless.

Seriously, if someone actually needs a warning sticker not to lean an aluminum ladder agaisnt high voltage lines, do we really want their genetic line to continue?
Abortion can fix that .
Over 60 million innocents have died in the US so women could avoid the consequences of randomly sleeping around.
Where is your angst for them?
Innocent what ?

You seem to have been damaged bad by women . I sure as fuck hope you don't beat on them . Seek help regardless, or stick to packing fudge . :)
Over 60 million innocents have died in the US so women could avoid the consequences of randomly sleeping around.
Where is your angst for them?

I support having legal executions for abortion doctors and 20 years in prison for mothers who make the choice to kill their own children.

Want to be a whore? Ok, but accountability is not going to be optional.
If you don't see stark differences between Biden and Trump, I don't know what to say.

Nobody was held down and had the shot forced on them, it was a personal choice . We chose not to.

He took the advice of what were offered as the best minds in the world at the time. We now know they were in on this WEF action and got very rich doing so, These people committed treason in numbers on never seen before.

I've never understood those with purist ideologies when they themselves don't measure up to the same standards they demand of others.
Yeah, there are stark differences but simultaneously there are sharp, sad parallels. Biden is senile as F and someone else is running the govt. Sure as heck is not him.
If Trump is elected he is already starting down that road to senility and someone else will be running the govt as well.
This pattern we have going of only electing (I am 70) senile rich guys or crooked senile rich guys or gals has to freakin stop.
Biden doesn’t know when anything happened or where he is and Trump thinks we won the Revolutionary war by capturing British airbases. This is a clusterfrack of immense proportions as we toy with WWIII and senile aholes are the ones with fingers on the button.
Yeah, there are stark differences but simultaneously there are sharp, sad parallels. Biden is senile as F and someone else is running the govt. Sure as heck is not him.
If Trump is elected he is already starting down that road to senility and someone else will be running the govt as well.
This pattern we have going of only electing (I am 70) senile rich guys or crooked senile rich guys or gals has to freakin stop.
Biden doesn’t know when anything happened or where he is and Trump thinks we won the Revolutionary war by capturing British airbases. This is a clusterfrack of immense proportions as we toy with WWIII and senile aholes are the ones with fingers on the button.
Trump speaks painful truths so he is hated by people who prefer comforting lies.
And if you wouldn't trade all your earthly possessions for one innocent then what are you really worth other than the daily wipe of shit off your ass?

Do you know how many "innocents" each day die because of our government's lust for power and global domination on behalf of the Elites?
How much outcry did you give over all the brown skinned children that were killed because well they happened to be near someone who we didn't like?

Your privileged lifestyle as a part of the USA is literally resting on the blood of many innocents over the past 400 years.
Trump speaks painful truths so he is hated by people who prefer comforting lies.
And some people fill in the meaning of his words. I just use a dictionary.
I dislike both parties, occupied by people more prone to drinking koolaid than actually recognizing truth. Both Biden and Trump are senile. Biden is just further along. I am 70, and I have managed a retirement home where the average age was 76. The symptoms I see are clear. I have my own issues but they are minor compared to what I am seeing. Biden fans refuse to see the obvious and Trump fans are no different. Trump is getting worse and will likely be in Biden’s shape in a couple or 3 years. Assuming he makes it that long. Biden won’t survive a second term.
Do you know how many "innocents" each day die because of our government's lust for power and global domination on behalf of the Elites?
How much outcry did you give over all the brown skinned children that were killed because well they happened to be near someone who we didn't like?

Your privileged lifestyle as a part of the USA is literally resting on the blood of many innocents over the past 400 years.
And so it is for many countries but they won’t admit it. Everyone seems intent on WWIII now. No one is trying to back away from the precipice. Everyone is edging closer by the day.
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I have no skin in this game, im aussie.

I believe trump said he got taken advantage of in deals, or scammed in business deal ? Any business owner or ceo director has probably had shitty deals over their career. You get better with age.

With trump and covid, he would have been acting on the information he had at hand. I strongly suspect he never was told that covid was made in a lab, and part of a huge plan to (insert your favourite conspiracy theory here).

He acted on information he had, be it good or bad.

At a guess, and this is purely a personal opinion, he wont take much advice from anyone outside of his most trusted circle.

Didnt Don Jnr try to buy graffs at one point ? Don Jnr may be the actual saviour you are looking for.
Completely unvaccinated actually. Lost my job over that for almost 2 years and was dirt poor. I have a big beef with Trump for his mindless pushing of the vaccines and his claim that he saved millions of people.

Did I say I was going to vote for Biden? No. Make an intelligent argument or accept that you are in truth actually too stupid to be a free man.

I'll almost certainly vote for Trump unless there is some wildly egregious tyrannical act that he does, but I don't think he will.

Did I ever show an inclination to vote for Biden? No.

Whoever they want.

It's a two person race and you are attempting to reduce support for the alternative to Crack daddy.
It's a two person race and you are attempting to reduce support for the alternative to Crack daddy.

Did I say that people shouldn't support him?


I think they should if they want to, but should remember who he is.

It is also fun to see how one factual comment can twist so many tails because so many people have made one man their savior.
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He banned a firearm accessory (bump stocks) by unconstitutional use of an executive order.

It's an election year. All should have their memory refreshed.

View attachment 8374925

Let's see how many Trumptards I have triggered with the the truth. :)
Trump was just the lesser of the two evils the first time, as I found no one who voted for him vs those who voted against the bitch. The second time he seemed to be out smarted, which could have been part of the original plan.

The question that has to linger in everyone that has an IQ above room temp is why would he allow his so called enemy's to continue to hold top power in his administration? Remembering the best place to run a plan is from inside your enemy's camp, course that is assuming its an enemy's camp, an not a shill. Plus you are,... in fact,... in charge!

There were many, many, missed opportunity's during his tenure at the1600 seat, so how could so many fall thru the cracks?

Not saying he is worst than fuck stick, but leopards never change their spots. Once many take off their blinders and dig into him prior to 1600, I don't think they will like what they see. Ballot voting for the lesser of the two evils is how we arrived where we are.

This link is interesting if you remember that years history, or alive to recall. The sub link will give you the history.
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Trump speaks painful truths so he is hated by people who prefer comforting lies.
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Forums that gather those opposed to the Marxist ideology of the globalists are a prime ground for them to try to create havoc in. Gun forums are exactly that. I frequent the lefts feeding grounds as it's important to know what the enemy is up to.
I see many of their tactics and wording being used here.

The louder and angrier their vitriol is, the more likely they are the political left.

Mention Trump, and they come out of the woodwork. At this point in time, you are either for Trump and the concept of MAGA, or you aren't. The other two choices are Marxism, or not voting.
Donald Trump Jr is a huge gun rights activist, and his dad takes his views seriously. People can change. Trump Sr. may have changed more toward his son's viewpoint. We will see.

Personally I think Trump (the dude running for Pres as I am quoting a post with the two of them) is an idiot where it comes to guns.

To make that sound a little nicer lets say he is uninformed, clueless, does not know them like people here or real "gun people" do.

I personally think he listened to his "experts" and did as he was advised. It is clear his experts were not on his side, and he knows this. I wish I could find the video where he said he trusted the wrong people, like his VP.

Personally I think guns in the US is really a pretty small deal when you think of everything else that is on the plate of a pres. You got a couple real shooting wars going on, god knows how many secret squirrel shit going on, then all the domestic issues ranging from the border, abortion, homeless, to things the .gov should be doing like keeping planes from falling out of the air or bits falling off of them and trade. In the grand scheme guns while a hot button for a great many people it is not something that a normal person is likely to know much about. Most people that own guns are not well versed in all the goings on.

So I will mark up this decision as an error, a decision he made after listening to the wrong people.

To the OP, I saw your second post, nice try. You better leave now and try your trolling a little closer to Nov. Not like it matters, you are likely busy filling out mail in votes now for half the people on death row.
I personally think he listened to his "experts" and did as he was advised. It is clear his experts were not on his side, and he knows this. I wish I could find the video where he said he trusted the wrong people, like his VP.

So I will mark up this decision as an error, a decision he made after listening to the wrong people.
You're talking about the NRA, the "premier" organization that gun owners send their hard-earned money to for them to protect their 2A rights. You are correct that he isn't well-versed in guns, but he consulted the NRA and trusted them for advice on how to best protect 2A rights. THEY are the ones who told him to "give them bump-stocks" to appease the gun grabbers and make them go away. This is a fact, conveniently left out of the OP, and pretty much this whole discussion.
Imagine candidates that don't fit the mold for every right leaning or left leaning voter. What are the f'n chances........? I can't even find one person on this forum that I completely agree with on all topics, and I am among my own voting peers.

What's your purpose for this thread? Trump EO on bump stocks means we should vote for who?

Some people are just shit starters. Congrats MK20 you earned your SH "shit starter" badge! Your "Look At Me" badge should probably be your next goal, maybe you already have that one???
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He was told outright that they had 20 ways to get him and they did. That you all think that one man is going to save you while sitting back and watching it all like a game of Sunday night football is pitiful.

Instead you should be championing, voting, and sending a legion of incorruptible men and women up into the fray that will represent you and not the highest bidder.

But either you’re too lazy to get involved or don’t value what you have enough.
Forums that gather those opposed to the Marxist ideology of the globalists are a prime ground for them to try to create havoc in. Gun forums are exactly that. I frequent the lefts feeding grounds as it's important to know what the enemy is up to.
I see many of their tactics and wording being used here.

The louder and angrier their vitriol is, the more likely they are the political left.

Mention Trump, and they come out of the woodwork. At this point in time, you are either for Trump and the concept of MAGA, or you aren't. The other two choices are Marxism, or not voting.

Trump is a failure and so is your plan to sit back and do nothing except check a box.

That you call me a socialist is laughable. That others would just let those around them die from their stupidity in the face of evil only earns their just rewards right along with the outright evil ones.

God is going to shake this mother fucker upside down and burn it all to ground. And you sir, if you are as it seems only concerned about your own skin, will shit your pants when you realize the owner is coming back to town and you come to the understanding that you didn’t live up to expectations.
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You do realize that this is the exact statement used by anti-gun activists on every occasion they get? Perhaps you do…
I did not, but now that you mention it, I do. No where did I mean to say someone should give up freedoms for that girl.

What I meant was that one young girls life was worth more to me than the gaggle of shitty lawyer hacks (most not all) put on the bench who’s rulings are more like a box of chocolates where you never know what your going to get.

I am an American. Ain’t nobody taking in my presence what my forefathers fought and died for without more of the same.
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I think people who initially got the vax thought it was needed. As time went on, it became apparent that the usefulness was lacking. Just saying perfectly functioning people can be outwitted from time to time.
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He banned a firearm accessory (bump stocks) by unconstitutional use of an executive order.

It's an election year. All should have their memory refreshed.

View attachment 8374925

Let's see how many Trumptards I have triggered with the the truth. :)
Soooooo??? What, Vote for Biden who flat out says he wants to take away our 2nd amendment/what firearms we can own? Seriously, who dropped u on your fukn head and took you to a neurologist, when you clearly need to see a proctologist? I don’t think ANYONE believes Trump is perfect.. But we KNOW he’s far better than the swamp rats who tickle your last few brain cells. 🤦‍♂️ STFU…
I think people who initially got the vax thought it was needed. As time went on, it became apparent that the usefulness was lacking. Just saying perfectly functioning people can be outwitted from time to time.
This was me. I mistakenly trusted …. Then I got Covid after getting the vax.
My daughter asked me if I got the most recent vax. My reply was this:
First vax, I had no reaction. 2nd vax I had a sore arm and didn’t feel good a few hours later. Then I caught Covid. The 3rd vax made me sick as a dog the entire next day. Then I got Covid the 2nd time. Considering all that, there is no way I am getting it again. Would you like the link to the Harvard research that shows the vax accomplished nothing regarding catching it and stopping the transmission?
Daughter: the vax lessens the severity …..
Me: odd how that happens to mirror the reduced severity of the following mutations. I won’t be getting any more vax.
Then I have seen how the entire “misinformation” attack was not misinformation. Virtually all the designated misinformation turned out to be the gospel’s truth.
Biden and Trump can both suck my appendage.
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Trump is a failure and so is your plan to sit back and do nothing except check a box.

That you call me a socialist is laughable. That others would just let those around them die from their stupidity in the face of evil only earns their just rewards right along with the outright evil ones.

God is going to shake this mother fucker upside down and burn it all to ground. And you sir, if you are as it seems only concerned about your own skin, will shit your pants when you realize the owner is coming back to town and you come to the understanding that you didn’t live up to expectations.
Trump is a failure and so is your plan to sit back and do nothing except check a box.

That you call me a socialist is laughable. That others would just let those around them die from their stupidity in the face of evil only earns their just rewards right along with the outright evil ones.

God is going to shake this mother fucker upside down and burn it all to ground. And you sir, if you are as it seems only concerned about your own skin, will shit your pants when you realize the owner is coming back to town and you come to the understanding that you didn’t live up to expectations.
I didn't call you a socialist, you seem to have assumed that mantle all on your own based on your own. That's a mantle you have taken on yourself it seems. God has nothing to do with this, we're facing a crisis of man's own making. I reject your "preaching" about what God is going to do or my outcome when I stand before him. My concern is AMERICA and the path we are on now. You know nothing of my plans, don't over estimate your intelligence and disregard that of others. I swore an oath at the age of 18 to protect and defend this country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It's an oath that has no expiration. I'm prepared for what I believe is coming to this country. The real question you need to ask yourself is, are YOU?
Donald Trump Jr is a huge gun rights activist, and his dad takes his views seriously. People can change. Trump Sr. may have changed more toward his son's viewpoint. We will see.

Jr is also one of our customers, he bought a rifle from us with a ZCO on it :cool:
Every election - big or small - has always been having to choose the lesser of the evils presented. There is never going to be a candidate that is all things to all people. Choose whoever you think will be the least destructive to your way of life - or your children's. So far, the Obama - oBiden combination has been an absolute fucking disaster. Who wants more of that?
Every election - big or small - has always been having to choose the lesser of the evils presented. There is never going to be a candidate that is all things to all people. Choose whoever you think will be the least destructive to your way of life - or your children's. So far, the Obama - oBiden combination has been an absolute fucking disaster. Who wants more of that?
In my entire life I have never seen candidates such as I have seen in the last 3 (counting the current) elections. This one, for example, features 2 candidates who are very obviously below standard with mental acuity. The 2 senile and deficient, of questionable ethics individuals compare to no elections since 1950. This is a rerun of the last. The one before that featured a known crook vs an individual known to be completely unable to control his mouth (likely main reason he lost his 2nd term election) and was likely to say anything no matter how offensive or outright stupid.
Before that the previous matchups may have been questionable but nothing near what we are watching today.
Then there is Reagan’s 2nd term election. Note the difference from our current 2nd term candidates:
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I see Trump and his appointments of hundreds of conservative justices as the crown jewel in defending the 2A. Leftwing bans of all kinds have been and continue to be struck down. With 3 SCOTUS appointments, we are on the precipice of watching the Chevron Doctrine overturned. This alone will gut the tyranny of every govt agency in being able to make their own "regulations" and enforce them as law. The ATF and EP will be castrated by this, along with the IRS.

Wanna piss and moan over bullshit bumpstocks, go for it. I'll take the bigger victories every single time.

Exactly, I'll take my chances with T over B while enjoying cheaper gas if T wins.
Every election - big or small - has always been having to choose the lesser of the evils presented. There is never going to be a candidate that is all things to all people. Choose whoever you think will be the least destructive to your way of life - or your children's. So far, the Obama - oBiden combination has been an absolute fucking disaster. Who wants more of that?
That is true with one issue only voters, or those who only vote their wallet in all matters. We all bitch about the tit suckers voting for more, yet are those who only vote their wallet, really any different?
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yes, Trump banned bump stocks. Which is actively being overturned in the courts as we speak. Trump, under his stewardship, had the best economy of our lives. We have to live in reality which means we won't get the perfect candidate. Personally, I think Vivek would make a better president, however, there was no way he was going to win. It's Trump or Biden, those are the choices we get. So hold your nose, take a shower after and vote for Trump. He also gave us the most conservative Supreme Court of our lives.
That is true with one issue only voters, or those who only vote their wallet in all matters. We all bitch about the tit suckers voting for more, yet are those who only vote their wallet, really any different?
Wanting to keep the money you worked for and earned is completely different than wanting handouts just for breathing air.
The only perfect candidate that a person could vote for would be themselves. Even then, an honest man would eventually vote to impeach himself out of office.
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