Hello. hope you all are well.
I have a Leupold Mk4 fixed 10x TMR, its the perfect scope for my rifle.
just one thing that's been bugging me as my other scopes don't seem to be as finiky, (Vortex HST & PST)
at 100 meters when i adjust the parallax it must be set to infinity to eliminate the parallax, however the target image is a blurry blob.
when I adjust the parallax knob for a clean crisp target image, there is LOTS of parallax movement.
at 15ft inside the house, if i turn the parallax knob right down, the scope will focus very clear on say a wall power socket with almost no parallax movement, 15ft is pretty darn close to be able to get a crisp image at 10x
Is this normal with these scopes?
it seems to me that the image focus/parallax range may have been set at the factory for a very close range.
And yes, the eye piece has been set correct to show a clean crisp reticle regardless of focus knob settings.
just trying to see if its just me doing something wrong, as i have never heard of anyone having anything wrong with the older fixed power Leupolds, if its the scope ill just send it in on warranty.
I have a Leupold Mk4 fixed 10x TMR, its the perfect scope for my rifle.
just one thing that's been bugging me as my other scopes don't seem to be as finiky, (Vortex HST & PST)
at 100 meters when i adjust the parallax it must be set to infinity to eliminate the parallax, however the target image is a blurry blob.
when I adjust the parallax knob for a clean crisp target image, there is LOTS of parallax movement.
at 15ft inside the house, if i turn the parallax knob right down, the scope will focus very clear on say a wall power socket with almost no parallax movement, 15ft is pretty darn close to be able to get a crisp image at 10x
Is this normal with these scopes?
it seems to me that the image focus/parallax range may have been set at the factory for a very close range.
And yes, the eye piece has been set correct to show a clean crisp reticle regardless of focus knob settings.
just trying to see if its just me doing something wrong, as i have never heard of anyone having anything wrong with the older fixed power Leupolds, if its the scope ill just send it in on warranty.