Tyson bugs. Get ready.

So this begs a question. How come vegans are okay with eating bugs, but not animals?
They are not. I remember when they threw a fit because something was colored with dye made from beetles. I wonder if there is a section of them that don't eat mushrooms. Mushrooms being oxygen breathing and co2 exhaling like us.
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Bugs take more energy and time to farm than chickens, and about the same as pork. This is about obeying your global masters like the mask. Fuck all that
You have something to back that up or are you just spit balling? I can't imagine bringing up a crop of roaches takes very long or is very hard. You can pretty much cut out the vet and medicine bills. They will eat any waste stream organic matter.
You have something to back that up or are you just spit balling? I can't imagine bringing up a crop of roaches takes very long or is very hard. You can pretty much cut out the vet and medicine bills. They will eat any waste stream organic matter.

ok. Can’t find it the cost data, but look at these co2 savings!
The global warming potential of 1 kg protein production form PBS insect (15.93 kgCO2eq) was lower than the conventional meat sources, such as chicken (18–36 kgCO2eq), pork (21–53 kgCO2eq), and beef (75–170 kgCO2eq)44.

who cares that’s nothing