This is like asking which truck brand is going to be better in 10 years but * a billion.
First, Trump was in charge when the dollar really took a hard effing. Have a look at how much M2 stock has grown (read: money printed):
Free economic data, indicators & statistics. M2 Money Stock from FRED.
No, that's not all time history -- that's just last year you're lookin' at there! Holy fuckballs batman -- I'm not sure Biden has a dick big enough to fuck the whole the last admin dug.
Anyway, obviously we all get it -- we're screwed. Kind of. The thing is we've been having currency wars for a few decades and most people just weren't paying attention. There are so many gears and systems that are involved it's far more complicated than saying which currency will survive on top -- it's really not about surviving at all.
You see, this is not an accident. This is
by design. The Fed has been trying to spur inflation for years.
Think about it like this... you're 30 Trillion dollars in debt... how do you deal with that? You make 30 trillion worth less, obviously. You're not in government so clearly you're too stupid to understand why that's obviously the right thing to do! /sarcasm
I'm not giving financial advice here, don't take it as such -- but I, me personally -- not advice, think
almost anything that is secured is a investment at this point, even debt. By secured I mean a physical asset, particularly assets known to appreciate. Why not, it's the same logic the fed is using and given what we saw last year I'm pretty fuckin' sure they're going to get what they want no matter how fucked the general populace ends up for them to get it.
Me, here's my thought -- and it's a nutty one so feel free to poke fun. I think within 5 years we will have broadband internet via satellite across the country. Service good enough to work from home in the middle of nowhere. People will start migrating away from cities because most of those city jobs are... now work from home. In a similar time I expect we'll see solar meet a point where being completely off any wired grid financially sound.
All that is to say -- I think all this worthless sub $1k an acre land in incredible locations around the country are going to become worth a lot more as people rapidly evacuate shithole cities. So, that's where I've invested my cash -- for the most part. And, a big plus is you can use it to hunt and whatever you want until it's value increases -- if it doesn't who gives an S, you had decades of great fun on great land and you leave it to your kids to enjoy and raise their kids.
Think of it like this... follow the money. More than a year ago the super rich started buying up land in obscure areas. People speculated that it was so they had a place to flee to if things went south and the b00g happened. Was it, though? Is that why, or were they investing. Think about that. They bought billions in land around the country right before the M2 went apeshit. Coincidence?