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Va Gun Confiscation Looming!

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Every one of these sold helps VCDL. Yet another way to support the resistance.
We have a real shot at stopping/blocking these bills if people show up and get active!

Have you guys contacted every gun range and club in the great state of VA to help spread the word? I keep hearing that many people are unaware of all this stuff. The VCDL is only able to do so much. I’d reach out to all ranges, clubs, hunting clubs, historical societies and so on to get the word out. Keep up the good fight.
We now have state representatives on record suggesting the governor utilize the national guard to enforce new gun laws.

This also goes to show the mentality of those seeking to deny Americans of liberty. They see no problem utilizing our armed forces to strip of us of our rights.

With this mentality, we are no longer headed toward a tyrannical state we have already arrived.

This is absolute proof they are NOT anti gun. Because they wish to call up men WITH GUNS to take away others private property. This is proof they LOATHE the American public. THEY HATE US AND THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE. THEY WILL NOT STOP.
Va. NG full response

I don't think some of the people here understand that every gaurdsman took an oath to uphold the Constitution . I belive following unconstitutional orders would be a violation of duty.

Fuck the governor.
Have you guys contacted every gun range and club in the great state of VA to help spread the word? I keep hearing that many people are unaware of all this stuff. The VCDL is only able to do so much. I’d reach out to all ranges, clubs, hunting clubs, historical societies and so on to get the word out. Keep up the good fight.
VCDL needs volunteers to spread flyers and such.
I posted that earlier as well.
If he is willing to allow the killing of baby's before or after birth, & Fucking over the COTUS I see him trying to kill others, via his orders. Therefore he has proven himself to be a clear an present danger to every citizen born or unborn of this country, an I for one if on a jury would have a duty to see his assailant walk free.
This is absolute proof they are NOT anti gun. Because they wish to call up men WITH GUNS to take away others private property. This is proof they LOATHE the American public. THEY HATE US AND THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE. THEY WILL NOT STOP.

Honestly I think the social wave of people wanting to literally lynch elite pedos is what is doing it. I think more than a few skeletons are set to fall out the closet since Epstein, and they know we will fuck them dead for it when the courts let them all skate. VA is the most gun-toting state in the immediate area around DC which is the center of power and money for the whole nation. You KNOW that town has to have some motherfuckers not above board as far as the elite pedos go, beyond just the Clintons and crew. They are scared we will see them for what they really are, see what our own system and agencies have obliged, condoned, and perpetuated in our good name— and we will not be happy.

That's really just a theory of mine, or I should say it's the path of explanation which leads to the least surprise for me.
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I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed

Problems with the oath :

Soldiers are give orders which they must follow due to their oath, they can't judge if the order is Constitutional or not. They would have to be Constitutional Scholars to do that which the final determination would be in the Supreme Court.

They are supporting and defending the Constitution at the behest of the POTUS, its not like they operate on there own.

You have to hope that they would betray their oath to join the citizens fight if it came to that.

The Heads of the Military if they acted in concert could take over control of the Nation and jail all the politicians. Or a POTUS decides to become a dictator with the aid of the Military. At that point Military gets feed and paid thats why they side with the dictators over the citizens.
Basically because all some folks care about is fucking weed or tranny acceptance or some other fucking irrelevant shit. The word of mouth is pretty much right along the 2A sanctuary lines, in places like the north gun culture is shunned from the metropolitan areas.
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The President's also supposed to be the champion of protecting The Constitution and took an oath, technically the oath would be paradoxical if the POTUS gave an unconstitutional order. You could argue such would amount to failure of his duties and disqualification as POTUS, but I don't know how clear cut that is.
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed

Problems with the oath :

Soldiers are give orders which they must follow due to their oath, they can't judge if the order is Constitutional or not. They would have to be Constitutional Scholars to do that which the final determination would be in the Supreme Court.

They are supporting and defending the Constitution at the behest of the POTUS, its not like they operate on there own.

You have to hope that they would betray their oath to join the citizens fight if it came to that.

The Heads of the Military if they acted in concert could take over control of the Nation and jail all the politicians. Or a POTUS decides to become a dictator with the aid of the Military. At that point Military gets feed and paid thats why they side with the dictators over the citizens.

You are talking about Virginia National Guard, not federal troops. If given orders to kick in doors and shoot grandpa its gonna get dicey real fast.
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You are talking about Virginia National Guard, not federal troops. If given orders to kick in doors and shoot grandpa its gonna get dicey real fast.
If that happens,... the amount of outside onsite help the good people of Va will get, will not be your average animal hunter. There will be groups coming that do not nor will not play well with others over this issue. The last thing the Va NG wants to do is start shooting Americans over at POS baby killing governor, circumventing the COTUS,... I assure you that dog will not be allowed to hunt very long,... There is not enough LE an NG in that state to put down what will transpire if they go that route.
The oath you take first upon entering the military is this one, not the re-enlistment oath.
One thing about this that probably isn't being discussed very much is that the anti-gunners from other states are watching the events in Virginia just as much as they are.

Remember that a lot of these people aren't stupid. Some of them are extremely evil but they aren't stupid.

With that said, we have been playing checkers while they play chess. So they will be trying to figure out what to do in their states without pissing people like us off.

We can speculate on their next move but whatever it is, we've always been reactive rather than pro-active for such a long time.

So those of us in very pro-gun states should not rest easy. We need to think about keeping these creeps down (politically speaking) for good.
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Just a question. How could anyone in VA not know about this by now?

Just so people outside of Virginia understand, the reason for this is 100% the media. You can read the bill, right? In there it wipes out the majority of handguns that are currently in the homes of millions of Virginians, it wipes out guns used for hunting across the state. How's that being reported in every local news station, paper, website, and radio station? "They are trying ban assault rifles and HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINES" and "SEVERAL counties have voted to become 2A sanctuary counties". Several? How about over 90? How come you don't mention anything about handguns at all on your NEWS program?

They have started a new tactic and that's to wipe all their websites clean from direct contact with any reporters. You used to be able to find a reporters email address and contact them. Now, you can't. Now, you're directed to their Facebook page.

The message is being distorted by the local media. We need to get on them to keep the message on point. I honestly think the vast majority of these people reporting have never held a gun so they don't even know how to report it accurately, they just report what they are told by their overlords and move on.
I will also add that I was exercising my 2A rights this weekend at a gun show and while waiting for the background check to clear, I asked the dealer how business was and mentioned the ass hats in Richmond. His reponse "Oh, I don't think they are doing to do anything more than 10 round mags".

That was from a dealer. That was terrifying to me. So many people still think this is politics as usual and the legislature is still split, democrat and republican. It's not. It's totally controlled by the democrats, there is no one left to fight but us. Everyone keeps thinking there's someone magical in the House or Senate that's able to broker some sweet deal. It's not there, there is no one.

In reality, they don't follow politics enough to even know the VA Senate flipped by 2 people so they think this is all just business as usual and they'll work it out.
Yeah. It's now time to push them all the way back....we tried giving up bits and forgiving (grudgingly) infringement and where did it get US? They want them all - they want US disarmed by the Military if necessary. Time to push the Anti's back to the line. *NO INFRINGEMENT*!

No mag limits, no registration, no black listed forbidden rifles or pistols. No tax stamp for SBR's or suppressors. We want all of our 2A Right back intact now. We tried it their way. Going forward we will do it the proper, Constitutional Way. The Right of Free Men to be armed shall not be infringed.

The reason that armed rebellion against this tyranny is the only option left is because over the last 30-50 years we (and those before us) have negotiated our 2A rights away piece by piece, not realizing that the left’s appetite for power will NEVER be satisfied. Because we have laid down and excepted new laws that were justified in our minds as “no big deal,” we got steamrolled over a generation or 2 and are now in the position of having nothing left but what the ANTIFA-types refer to as direct action. The politicians and courts will not save you, prepare now while there is time, and don’t accept any deal, compromise or cop-out that further erodes you’re god-given rights. You cannot negotiation or compromise with a group of people whose end goal is to eliminate your beliefs and way of life.
I took a look at the counties having 2A meetings this week and I circled all these counties them in RED. The battlegrounds are Clarke (big $ county), Stafford (on I-95, very close to DC), and Amelia (close to Richmond). Also, decent action around Roanoke but I think those will stand w/ 2A w/o much opposition.

I also circled Fauquier county in green; as they had their meeting last week and 'rescheduled' the vote. This was disappointing because it was a massive turnout and the board appears to support 2A. I was out in Fauquier this weekend - there are a lot of Freedom lovers in this county and I'm sure the county wants to support the 2A. There are also Democratic lawmakers elected to represent Fauquier. Come on Fauquier, let's get a vote on the books!

If we continue to hold Prince William, take Stafford, Clarke and Fauquier, I think this thing is resolved in our favor. That is enough voters electing 10 or so Democrats that we need to protect the 2A and stop the Progressives from Arlington and Fairfax and the Richmond burbs that think they run the state right now.

There ain't really no big money in Clarke, there are a lot of productive land owners though. Half the county has more cows than people. Loudoun and Fauq. is where the money is. Still we need all the help we can get to keep the bullshit on the other side of the mountain. Our BOS discussion meeting is tomorrow, if anyone is interested in going feel free to message me.
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Well, provide a reference.

I was in from 1976-2018 and that wasn’t the oath.

And I’ve taken it and given it to hundreds of people.

Exactly. I remember that military personnel were required to protect the POTUS but that was law/regulation. There was no oath that expressly required us to protect the POTUS.

An oath to protect and defend the Constitution covers all the bases. If the POTUS said he was tearing up the Constitution and abolishing congress & the courts then we would have to act accordingly.

An oath that required us to protect the POTUS would be (IMHO) unconstitutional.
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I took 3 different kinds of oaths an do not never recalling to protect POTUS or said office. Two of the oaths said obey the orders of POTUS an officers above me, but the precursor was "All lawful Orders" of same. I have disobeyed many an unlawful order, an I was always cleared of the charge. Just because they are wearing bar's or stars does not make everything coming out of their mouths LAW,...
I can assure you that in years past that is the exact wording used.

You should not asume to know much history if you don't look for it .

I "looked for it" as you assumed maybe someone wouldn't.

Oaths of enlistment throughout history

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

I think you're a bit off in your memory of the language.

Presidential Oath of Office

Oath of Office
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: — "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

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USAF 1977 first oath.
With all due respect I took a second oath in 1979 that was for .gov different entity and that was the last remembered.

I may be mistaken my bad.

However both required protecting the office of or following orders of the president.

I apologize for being more of an ass than normal.

Edit: date corrected to 1979.
Having trouble seeing, tecovering from eye surgery.
Also a cranky bitch due to no trigger time.
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German military oath of 1934:

“I swear by God this holy oath, that I will render to Adolf Hitler, Führer of the German Reich and People, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, unconditional obedience, and that I am ready, as a brave soldier, to risk my life at any time for this oath.”
It’s been this from the founding of the Republic. It was this last Wednesday when I gave the oath to my son as he enlisted in the US Army.

“ "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
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I will also add that I was exercising my 2A rights this weekend at a gun show and while waiting for the background check to clear, I asked the dealer how business was and mentioned the ass hats in Richmond. His reponse "Oh, I don't think they are doing to do anything more than 10 round mags".

That was from a dealer. That was terrifying to me. So many people still think this is politics as usual and the legislature is still split, democrat and republican. It's not. It's totally controlled by the democrats, there is no one left to fight but us. Everyone keeps thinking there's someone magical in the House or Senate that's able to broker some sweet deal. It's not there, there is no one.

In reality, they don't follow politics enough to even know the VA Senate flipped by 2 people so they think this is all just business as usual and they'll work it out.

And, you corrected them on the importance of this and encouraged them to spread the word, correct? If that doesn’t work, I’d just explain how it will affect their business and therefore his livelihood!

And why would we accept that? It's time to take the offensive against these idiots and start rolling back some of this legislation.

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Roanoke is tonight @ 7pm. 215 Church Street Noel C Taylor Municipal Building, Roanoke Virginia, 24011 is the address, they could use all the help they can get.

Pulaski is tonight @ 7pm. (Central Gym) 143 Third St N, Pulaski VA, 24301 is the address.

Helpful list of upcoming 2A events:
This sight is terrific for getting the news out... especially on this tragedy happening in Virginia.
"We just want to register your guns, so we know who has them"
Truly nothing scarier then a dem that feels the need for power. Vote boys... get out and vote.... hold those lines.
Honestly, i think this is not exactly whst it seems. I now believe they are fishing for someone to make an aggressive act so it paints the 2a community in bad color, THEN disarm everyone. Its pushing the envelope to see what kind of reaction it will get and then take it from there. If the community stands together, without doing something dumb, they will back down.

but just in case, keep your mags full, ham radio charged, food stashed and eyes and ears open.
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