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Va Gun Confiscation Looming!

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I feel I can offer some professional insight into this. I am a retired federal agent and teach law and public policy now (Ph.D. in law and policy). You have to realize this is political posturing at its finest. There are too many pieces to this puzzle that make it totally improbable. OK, so even if they pass something restricting certain types of guns etc.. without a grandfather clause, 95% of the people will comply. As much as people like to talk crap on-line about civil war etc.. It is all talk and the politicians know this. Think about it for a moment. Even if you did not sell your items back you would be relegated to keeping them locked in your house. You would literally never be able to take them out in public again or risk being a felon. Most people are not willing to risk racking up numerous felonies and will simply comply. There will be thousands of people who do not turn in anything. BUT and this is the big BUT part--- the government is never going to confiscate them! Think logically about what that would take from a logistics standpoint. Every single law enforcement agency in the state would have to have a list of what they think people own based on your FFL background forms. Then they would have to literally go door to door and ask each person what they own for weapons. So, Joe Blow answers the door and says I sold those years ago, I burned them, I threw em in the lake, I lost them gambling, or whatever other shit he wants to say! LEOs cannot and will not get warrants to enter people's homes then to conduct searches! There is no way in hell this will happen. It is beyond unconstitutional. Do you think there are judges ready to grant tens of thousands of search warrants based on no facts???? If the alleged owner denies owning them there is no PC and no evidence! SBRs and suppressors are another story though. Then, as we are seeing the majority of police Chiefs' and Sheriffs' are not going to even enforce them. So, good luck requesting a door to door assessment. LEOs are far to busy to mess with this crap! They cannot even keep up with calls on a normal day in most parts of the country. Let alone be given some BS such as here is a list of the 10,000 gun owners in the city/county, now go door to door and conduct interviews!!!!! The idea is absurd. I feel the threat of the national guard is intended to incite violence in people. The more people freak out and take up arms just gives the politicians more ground to say,... see these guns freaks are crazy and violent which is more reason to ban them! I am not saying do not be concerned and do not be involved to try to stop it but the fear of some army going around kicking in doors and taking peoples guns is not going to happen. I do not even think the politicians are dumb enough to think it is possible either. It is a scare tactic, like negotiating. They will back down and say, just be glad we did not confiscate them! Do not get me wrong I think these are wild times and we should be worried for sure. BUT it is going to be a slow erosion of rights. It is easier and more palatable for people to lose things slowly. If things in Nov. end badly I do think we are looking at some presidential executive order. But I firmly feel any legislation, including VA will be slower and not so drastic. Or, I can be wrong and they are hoping for people to act out in violence when or if they pass a no grandfather law and mandatory buy back.

So where between elementary school, your Ph.D., and becoming a fed did you miss the lesson on paragraphs? I think your assertions are based on what you've seen in other states, not southern states, and certainly NOT Virginia. I would hold my tongue if I were to expound the lack of principles held by people I clearly don't know the first fucking thing about. This is not a time for soft men, Virtus has no need of your likely inflated critique and impotent point of view. If you want to comply then do so yourself. While I appreciate your sympathy on the matter, we have no need to be dissuaded from staying the course to the end. A man without principles not only lives for nothing, but he will die for nothing as well.
Pray the the left wing commies do not plant an operative within the ranks that would go rouge and start the whole shit show, just to give justifiable reason to enact their will upon us!
I don’t think they care about justification at all.
They feel like they are god now, and we little people are supposed to grovel at their feet and beg forgiveness for ever thinking we had rights to begin with.
I feel I can offer some professional insight into this. I am a retired federal agent and teach law and public policy now (Ph.D. in law and policy). You have to realize this is political posturing at its finest. There are too many pieces to this puzzle that make it totally improbable. OK, so even if they pass something restricting certain types of guns etc.. without a grandfather clause, 95% of the people will comply. As much as people like to talk crap on-line about civil war etc.. It is all talk and the politicians know this. Think about it for a moment. Even if you did not sell your items back you would be relegated to keeping them locked in your house. You would literally never be able to take them out in public again or risk being a felon. Most people are not willing to risk racking up numerous felonies and will simply comply. There will be thousands of people who do not turn in anything. BUT and this is the big BUT part--- the government is never going to confiscate them! Think logically about what that would take from a logistics standpoint. Every single law enforcement agency in the state would have to have a list of what they think people own based on your FFL background forms. Then they would have to literally go door to door and ask each person what they own for weapons. So, Joe Blow answers the door and says I sold those years ago, I burned them, I threw em in the lake, I lost them gambling, or whatever other shit he wants to say! LEOs cannot and will not get warrants to enter people's homes then to conduct searches! There is no way in hell this will happen. It is beyond unconstitutional. Do you think there are judges ready to grant tens of thousands of search warrants based on no facts???? If the alleged owner denies owning them there is no PC and no evidence! SBRs and suppressors are another story though. Then, as we are seeing the majority of police Chiefs' and Sheriffs' are not going to even enforce them. So, good luck requesting a door to door assessment. LEOs are far to busy to mess with this crap! They cannot even keep up with calls on a normal day in most parts of the country. Let alone be given some BS such as here is a list of the 10,000 gun owners in the city/county, now go door to door and conduct interviews!!!!! The idea is absurd. I feel the threat of the national guard is intended to incite violence in people. The more people freak out and take up arms just gives the politicians more ground to say,... see these guns freaks are crazy and violent which is more reason to ban them! I am not saying do not be concerned and do not be involved to try to stop it but the fear of some army going around kicking in doors and taking peoples guns is not going to happen. I do not even think the politicians are dumb enough to think it is possible either. It is a scare tactic, like negotiating. They will back down and say, just be glad we did not confiscate them! Do not get me wrong I think these are wild times and we should be worried for sure. BUT it is going to be a slow erosion of rights. It is easier and more palatable for people to lose things slowly. If things in Nov. end badly I do think we are looking at some presidential executive order. But I firmly feel any legislation, including VA will be slower and not so drastic. Or, I can be wrong and they are hoping for people to act out in violence when or if they pass a no grandfather law and mandatory buy back.

Are you the same hitman (from one of the western states..Colorado perhaps) who shipped me a nice Colt 6920? Enjoyed that a lot but have passed it along to a friend.

A lot of what you said is true, but as CB said, you dont know Virginians. A lot of bloodlines here go back to the early 1600's and its the home of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Henry, and others. Im really proud of my Virginia brothers. Ralph 'Fuctard' Northam didnt offer to 'buy' them back. His threat was "Turn them in, move them out of state, or become a felon." Period. No buyback. If he and AG Herring push this shit it could get interesting...but I dont think they will given that the whole state is against them.

And fuck Ralph Northam.

And you must have learned about paragraphs to get that dissertation. ?
Time to prepare for arival of support from outside your area.

Preperations underway, supplies, med gear , personal protection comms all in work.

This is not for parade but for what comes next.

Need poc for several different areas as access may be corrupted.

Personell gosting and not logged on by sop , .

I'm old and have allready been open in public so not much to hide.

Your shitty governor may think this is a locals only fight, wrong !
One thing that I think is lost on a lot of people who aren't in Virginia or didn't grow up in southern communities is that this about more than the malfunction of legitimate gun safety concerns and the overstepping of majority powers. This is a blatant and merciless attack on a culture. The threat of this legislation has already caused unknown damage and changed the course of homes and lives across Virginia. Once there are red flag laws merely speaking of firearms openly will be potentially disastrous, let alone exercising your 2A rights in any fashion other than under the direct supervision of law enforcement or certified range officer. There is an agenda to tear down the statues in the hearts of the average American if they go against the official statements or the stance of the media engineered status quo. Hunting, self defense, fiscal responsibility, and self reliance in general will further slip into the fold on things considered brutish, primitive, and unnecessary. There is a shift happening in America and gun culture in all forms is being shoved off the cliff.

Virginia is America's battlefield if we ever had one. This is a complicated fight where honor and optics matter, but make no mistake that as sons and daughters of Old Dominion we cannot shun the task of preserving the heritage and sovereignty that established and defines where we all came from and who we are now. It's very likely approaching time to come to terms with what you stand for— either what great men died in fucking droves to establish and preserve so you could enjoy liberty, or living with the constant sting of conscience that you did nothing to secure such a delicate and precious construct from unsufferable harassment. Being a culture war there are many ways to fight, but there is only one definite way to lose and that is if we give up our rights. Virginia will not fall to tyranny, we cannot suffer it for an instant in the smallest measure. If we oblige such an insidious and recursive beast the entire nation will be next in short fucking order, do not be mistaken into thinking just Virginia will sate the hunger of our opposers. I will admit that I am afraid, I feel threatened as a simple law abiding American and I imagine many others feel the same. All the same I refuse to bend a knee to fear, in fact I believe now more than ever in my life that it should be raged against as a point of honor.

We are presently being threatened into silence, to not openly associate and fully speak our minds, to not hold certain truths to be self-evident, and I will not goddamn have it. We are threatened to prepare ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally for a world where we could be attacked in our homes or deprived at a moment's notice of any liberty which the government lords over. We are threatened to consider as reasonable men the unreasonable lengths we may have to go to in the aim of maintaining the final bedrock of what it means to be free in this country. Now is the time to be steady and realize that we as Americans, at some random instance in the future, must lay the path we each choose to walk in regard to this tyranny. If we are to succeed it will be because we persevered, if we lose then it will be because we gave up. Neither course is free of burden, but only one has a happy ending. In the beginning we were all Virginians, and I imagine very soon the patriots of this nation will be such again.
Remember back in 2013 when the Dept of Homeland Security was planning on buying 1.6 Billion rounds of ammunition over the next five years. They said for training purposes of course. They also were shipping out retrofitted MRAP vehicles to police departments around the country. I think they used one in New Jersey recently in the Jewish grocery store shooting to bust in the wall.

I would hate to think what could happen if the dems win the presidency in 2020 and take over leadership of the DHS.
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There are a recognized 2.5 million gun owners in Virginia.

Imagine the “optics” of that number swelling to 10 million as people come to the fight. The Feds would see them coming in real time as the cell phones were tracked all heading to the Virginia.

What happens when somebody from another state shows up armed?
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There has to be a an explicit goal of the March.

Also we need to reach out to the African American communities, churches etc. make sure they are in attendance.

Women should be involved too.

If it’s a bunch of white dudes with rebel flags that will not look good on national news.

Everyone should be flying Virginia flags and American flags. No out of state flags.

We need a list of demands.

Can Northam and the AG be legally removed or arrested?

Can Rural Virginia peacefully secede?
Power, water & food are about to be the first causality's,...

This article is complete and utter garbage and whoever wrote it should have their ass kicked. So ludicrous. Did the author forget that Trump is the commander and chief of the most powerful military in the world. No way blue hats ever step foot on American soil. LOL
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One of the biggest, most overlooked issues is that around 22 state seats in the last election were unopposed Dems. It's a flat out
disgrace that this happened. In my opinion, this makes the GOP complicit in what's happening.

I don’t necessarily disagree with this, and I don’t have a very high Opinion of the VA GOP, but the dems out raised the GOP by over $10 million (~32 to ~21 million).

As an example Bloomberg donated $2.5 million to the NRAs $320k. Outspending the NRA 8 to 1.

You couple that with the fact that federally mandated redistricting gerrymandering many districts to heavily favor the democrats and it quickly becomes a game of desperately trying to utilize your resources most effectively.
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The fact is Bloomberg, the dems, and other would be oligarchs devoted to stripping Americans of liberty are seeking to bring down VA.

If we allow them to succeed here and prove their strategy effective, this will absolutely be coming to a state near you.

Reportedly, Bloomberg has already set his sights on Texas next. With other shifting purple states I’m sure to follow closely behind. Florida, NC, etc.

Trust me when I tell you the fight for VA is the fight for all of us. We have momentum. Will you stand with us?
Instead of writing emotionally charged statements that raises everyone's blood pressure. Let's pause for a moment. Both sides are waiting for the other to back down. All the chest pounding is getting out of hand.

What I am not seeing, are statements about where is there fuel, food, water, and ammo. Have you guys already made preparations for your wives/children to shelter in another state ? Or the fact that your wife is even going to let you participate in this. Leaving them as a widow/no home/fatherless children etc.

Govt will not piss off the population enough to have arms raised against them. This would risk their seat of power, which they are not willing to do. This is where a lesser version will get passed, and then both sides will claim victory. While the facts say some of your rights were chipped away. Neither are any of us willing to remove traitors by any means necessary. I do believe we as citizens need to wait until the laws are passed. Then everyone will need to decide if they will become that lonely island.

Someone has to be willing to fire the first shot, knowing they are giving up everything, even their own life. I just don't think we are to that point yet. There is nothing unconstitutional about what they are doing. It's illegal and violates law.
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We need to set up a support coordination network for VA militias. If you know of a VA militia who can help or needs help send me a PM and I will start wrapping my head around what needs to be done and where, who needs to squawk at who and how, and when we might need to consolidate boots on the ground. I'm probably going to be joining one in short order but have been apprehensive to walk into something without solid recommendation, so I'm all ears.

If you're a Virginian and just want to stand against this or help, send me a PM or wait to reach out to the militias I'm hoping to be vetting in the next few days. I'll try to make a thread about it if I can gather anything cohesive enough so we can all be on the same page and you won't have to go through me or anyone else. I don't mean to detract from VCDL or GOA, those are still primary ways to contribute at this stage, but it's time for America to get our house in order in case of the worst.
This article is complete and utter garbage and whoever wrote it should have their ass kicked. So ludicrous. Did the author forget that Trump is the commander and chief of the most powerful military in the world. No way blue hats ever step foot on American soil. LOL
Don't be so short sighted. You are assuming these people are not playing for keeps,...
Don't forget that the gov't is putting chemicals in the water that are turning the frogs gay.....the tale about the UN coming to town to enforce globalist anti-gun agenda theory has been in circulation since at least the early 90's when Congress pushed for and Clinton eventually signed the AWB legislation (so-called Brady bill) with the literal blessing of the NRA. Amusing how the old crack-pot theories keep getting recycled, everything that is old is new again. I think that we should stay focused on the enemy within our own gov't and statehouses, plenty of assholes there without having to make shit up. The truth is bad enough.
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So a bit of good news. Fauquier's board is voting tomorrow (Monday 23 Dec) at 1700 hours. This special meeting picks up where they left off a few weeks ago, when so many great Americans turned out (I think it was the largest 'muster' in the town since 1861, when the town was the RP for Confederate Cav under COL John Mosby).

I stopped for chow on the way home today at Frost Diner in Warrenton (the 'capital' of Fauquier). If you have ever been to Warrenton, you know the place. 24-hour, dining car style, the spot where all the hunters rally before dawn. As the gossip center, these folks know their stuff. The word there was very positive, behind a strong belief that the Board will vote to support the Constitution of Virginia and the US by becoming a 2A Sanctuary. The board is 4 Republicans, 1 Independent.

Fauquier is the 18th largest county in VA. It is wealthy. It has 3 Delegates to the General Assembly; 2 Republicans, 1 Democrat (Elizabeth Guzman). As one of the last counties to outstanding, this is a significant.
I took a look at the county population and its status.
I didn't include the cities here, some of which are 2A sanctuaries but most are not, including the big ones, Richmond, VA Beach, Suffolk, Norfolk, Charlottesville, etc.

1Fairfax County - NO VOTE1,150,795
2Prince William County - 2A - but new board threat468,011
3Loudoun County - DENIED406,850
4Chesterfield County - Had meeting, no action348,556
5Henrico County - 2A329,261
6Arlington County - NO VOTE237,521
7Stafford County - 2A149,960
8Spotsylvania County - 2A134,238
9Albemarle County - DENIED108,718
10Hanover County - 2A107,239
11Montgomery County - 2A98,985
12Roanoke County - 2A94,073
13Frederick County - 2A88,355
14Rockingham County - 2A81,244
15Bedford County - 2A78,747
16James City County - 2A76,397
17Augusta County - 2A75,457
18Fauquier County - VOTING 23 DEC!!!70,675
19York County - 2A67,846
20Pittsylvania County - 2A60,949
21Franklin County - 2A56,195
22Campbell County - 2A54,973
23Washington County - 2A54,402
24Culpeper County - 2A51,859
25Henry County - 2A50,953
26Shenandoah County - 2A43,497
27Tazewell County - 2A40,855
28Warren County - 2A40,003
29Prince George County - 2A38,082
30Wise County - 2A38,012
31Gloucester County - 2A37,349
32Isle of Wight County - 2A36,953
33Louisa County - 2A36,778
34Orange County - 2A36,644
35Halifax County - 2A34,120
36Pulaski County - 2A34,066
37Botetourt County - 2A33,277
38Accomack County - 2A32,412
39Amherst County - 2A31,666
40Caroline County - 2A 30,772
41Mecklenburg County - 2A30,650
42Smyth County - 2A30,472
43Carroll County -2A29,636
44Powhatan County- 2A29,189
45Wythe County - 2A28,754
46Dinwiddie County - 2A28,529
47Fluvanna County - 2A26,783
48Russell County - 2A26,748
49King George County - 2A26,575
50Page County - 2A23,933
51Lee County - 2A23,541
52Goochland County - 2A23,244
53Prince Edward County - 2A22,950
54Rockbridge County - 2A22,752
55New Kent County - 2A22,391
56Scott Countym - 2A21,534
57Buchanan County - 2A21,221
58Greene County - 2A19,779
59Westmoreland County - 2A17,830
60Patrick County - 2A17,673
61Southampton County - 2A17,586
62Buckingham County - 2A16,999
63King William County - 2A16,939
64Giles County - 2A 16,844
65Brunswick County - 2A16,384
66Appomattox County - 2A15,841
67Floyd County - 2A15,795
68Grayson County - 2A15,631
69Nottoway County - 2A15,420
70Alleghany County - 2A14,910
71Nelson County - 2A14,836
72Clarke County and Dickenson County - Had Meeting - Didn't vote14,523
73Madison County - 2A13,295
74Amelia County - 2A13,013
75Northumberland County - 2A12,147
76Lunenburg County - 2A12,086
77Charlotte County - 2A11,938
78Northampton County - 2A11,735
79Greensville County - 2A11,627
80Sussex County - 2A11,237
81Essex County - NO ACTION10,919
82Lancaster County - 2A10,783
83Middlesex County - 2A10,769
84Cumberland County - 2A9,809
85Richmond County - 2A9,038
86Mathews County - 2A8,802
87Rappahannock County - 2A7,252
88King and Queen County - 2A7,042
89Charles City County - NOT SURE 6,941
90Surry County - 2A6,474
91Bland County - 2A6,293
92Craig County - 2A5,064
93Bath County - 2A4,292
94Highland County - NO ACTION2,210
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Can Rural Virginia peacefully secede?

Sure. Lemme show you how that looks:

Rural Virginia secedes from Richmond.
They demand that "forces" loyal to Richmond de-ass their counties. Those forces then "hole up" in state owned facilities and demand to be forcibly removed.
When they are removed, no matter if the casualties boil down to a single dead mule*, Richmond will mobilize and the hot war will begin. When the history books are written. You seccesionists will be blamed with starting the whole of all aggressions, and deserving of being subject to scorched Earth warfare.

* This was the entirety of federal troop deaths at Sumter...one dead government mule. Look it up, it's a fact.
Things are so different today than in the old days. We have newer/more effective equipment than ever before.
Optical sights and skills that allow us to make very good hits on small targets past 1500yds.

I sure hope that it never comes to a civil war, for the sake of us all, and especially the wives and children.

War is sometimes necessary but it ain't Hollywood, it is hell, and I pray that we beat this thing with our 2A movement.

Right now, we have hope, a hope that has been lost by many of us for some time. We now see people getting aware, getting active and doing something about the problems.

Let us stand prepared but by all means not too fast to start something that will only end in the bloodiest war this country has ever witnessed, that would be a shame.

It is our responsibility to be wise in our judgments, both legally and morally.

Like the old saying goes, ballot box, soap box, jury box then the ammo box.
Let us not act prematurely.

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Thought some of you guys might want to read the formal resolution that Fauquier Board is voting on tonight. Its a useful summary, sounding very official, and nicely states the background, including some of the important legal precedent.


WHEREAS, the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads, “A well
regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and
bear Arms, shall not be infringed”; and

WHEREAS, Article I, Section 13 of the Constitution of Virginia provides “that a well
regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and
safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be
infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and
that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil
power”; and

WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S.
570 (2008), affirmed an individual’s right to possess firearms, unconnected with service in a
militia, for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home; and

WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court in McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742
(2010), affirmed that the right of an individual to “keep and bear arms,” as protected under the
Second Amendment, is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
against the states, and

WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court in United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174
(1939), opined that firearms that are part of ordinary military equipment, or with use that could
contribute to the common defense are protected by the Second Amendment; and

WHEREAS, bills have been introduced in the 2020 General Assembly that would
criminalize the lawful exercise of the right to keep and bear arms under both the United States and
Virginia Constitutions; and

WHEREAS, numerous veterans, members of the military, persons employed in the defense
industry, gunsmiths, law enforcement officers, competitive shooters, recreational shooters, victims
of domestic violence, and other citizens who are gravely concerned about the proposed
infringements upon their constitutional rights have appeared before the Board of Supervisors or
have contacted the Board of Supervisors and outlined the ways in which the proposed legislation
would infringe upon their rights and adversely affect the Virginia economy, their employment,
their security clearances, and their right to defend themselves and their families; and

WHEREAS, the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors strongly condemns statements of
the Governor and members of the General Assembly threatening to withhold funds to localities
that support the constitutional rights of their citizens to keep and bear arms; and

WHEREAS, the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors further condemns threatened
actions by state officials that would place the National Guard or other state agencies and officials
in opposition to local law enforcement and citizens of the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors has also received input from
citizens in support of measures that would advance firearm safety without infringing upon the right
to keep and bear arms and desires to support such measures; and

WHEREAS, the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors wishes to express its strong
commitment to the rights of citizens of Fauquier County to legally keep and bear arms; and

WHEREAS, the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors strongly opposes the passage of
any law that would unconstitutionally restrict the rights of our citizens under either the United
States or Virginia Constitutions; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors this 23rd day of December
2019, That the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors reaffirms it Oath of Office to support and
defend the United States and Virginia Constitutions and stands as a Constitutional County with the
overwhelming number of Constitutional and Sanctuary Counties throughout the Commonwealth
of Virginia that have gone on record expressing their vigorous opposition to legislation which
infringes upon the right to keep and bear arms; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors hereby
acknowledges that the United States Constitution and the Virginia Constitution are the highest law
of the land and vows to vigorously defend its citizens against any law that violates the United
States or Virginia Constitution: and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors hereby modifies
its 2020 legislative agenda to express its strong opposition to any legislation that restores gun rights
to persons convicted of violent felonies and reiterates its strong rejection of any legislative attempts
to undermine or limit the right to keep and bear arms as protected by the United States and Virginia
Constitutions; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors hereby modifies
its 2020 legislative agenda adopted on November 14, 2019, in which the County strongly opposed
any legislative attempts to undermine or limit legal and Constitutional gun ownership in the
County and Commonwealth of Virginia, to express its support for additional firearms safety
measures to include:
• additional funding from the Commonwealth for firearms education in schools and
firearms safety education across the Commonwealth;
• waiving sales tax on gun safes and gun safety locks to help promote such safe gun
handling practices;
• Increased funding for school resource and school security officers;
• strong penalties for adults that allow unsafe access to firearms by children; and
• increased funding from the Commonwealth for mental health screening and services
throughout the Commonwealth; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors will urge its
entire legislative delegation to oppose legislation which infringes upon the fundamental right to keep
and bear arms and will continue to fight against such legislation; and, be it

RESOLVED FINALLY, That the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors hereby directs its
staff to forward a copy of this resolution to the County’s elected representatives in the United
States Congress, Virginia General Assembly and Governor of Virginia.
It would be game on.

If the Republicans take back both houses and keep the White House the pressure better be put on them to repeal NICS, ‘86 machine gun ban, GCA ‘68 and the NFA of 1934.

The SOBs had two years to advance our gun rights and did nothing.

Instead of being defensive we should be going on the offensive.

Pressure needs to be put on Trump to rescind the bump stock ban.
If the Republicans take back both houses and keep the White House the pressure better be put on them to repeal NICS, ‘86 machine gun ban, GCA ‘68 and the NFA of 1934.

The SOBs had two years to advance our gun rights and did nothing.

Instead of being defensive we should be going on the offensive.

Pressure needs to be put on Trump to rescind the bump stock ban.

100% this. If the stand is being taken, take a stand for everything. Make THEM compromise something, instead of us always giving a little.
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