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Va Gun Confiscation Looming!

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Death by 1000 cuts, anti-gunners chip away little by little.
That is why we must take the offensive like we are now beginning to do in Va.
I really don't think Virginians are going to allow this for a good while.
That makes me glad, time to vote these idiots out!
They don't belong in a freedom loving state.
They dont belong in America period. Exile their traitorous asses to the middle east or Venezuela.
As much as I hate to say it, I agree with most of what you said. I don't think the percentage of people turning in guns would be that high but I think it would be high.

The part about them wanting people to act out so they can say this is why we need to confiscate is spot on. It would play right into their hand if people were to start shooting and I don't think it will accomplish anything because they wouldn't get to the people that are behind this. My question has always been just who are you going to be fighting in this civil war they speak of?
Evil politicians, people who protect them, people who are willing to enforce these laws, and sympathizers. That was easy.

Just get 6 decent platoons put together and go arrest the Govenor, the AG, and members of the legislature for treason against the Constitution. Have the Sheriffs get a warrant from a Conservative Judge so it's all legal. Have a trial. Found guilty hang them. Probably be the last time anyone try's this un-constitutional treasonous crap again. If you do it right very few people die. It's legal because you have a warrant and LE involved. No reason to start a civil war because a few Constitutional criminals got voted into office. Go get em Virginians!
This is the best answer.
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I agree on most of your statement, however, I respectfully disagree on one point, I believe that they will bend on most of the gun control.
They'll probably switch to background checks because that's less of a hot button issue.
Although I do agree that the elites/liberal left are stupid enough to start a revolution in Va if they proceed to act tough.
I hope you are right. But I doubt it. We have seen their tactics before.
They will pass this shit "so you can see what is in it" and by the time the next election comes around the sheep are fat and happy in their new pasture. Even if they decide to rebel and elect replacements too bad for you. The garbage never gets thrown out.
Laws are like tattoos and taxes. You got it for life.
I am willing to wager if you are.
My hand..... Grandfather and LEO clauses, Virginia's are tattooed.
What are you holding? And what is the bet?
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Not many people can get off work the first day back after a holiday and go out of the way to venture into the liberal sanctuaries of academia for a hearing.

Do you think the other side didn't know that?

These cocksuckers get to choose battle sites and times.

They use that to their advantage.

What else salts the wound is the money they use to do so is ours. We pay for both sides of the fight - prosecution and defense.

Should there be a court case that actually results in damages to the defendant - No problem - the tax payer is on the hook for that too.

Legislators need at least the same liability as cops.

When cops violate civil rights personal liability comes into play.
Is there any doubt these Legislators are criminals? Ignore their illegal laws...you have the 2A Sanctuary resolutions. Let them enact/legislate illegal laws and then try to enforce them when they ram them thru.

Fuck em. I will not comply....Illinois is the same. People who legislate illegal laws and un Constitutional legislation have been served notice that their illegal laws will not be complied with. It's their ball in their court now. If they are not smart enough to catch the drift of what America is thinking then...well, who the fuck is that stupid and arrogant?

They get what they get. They have been served.


From my fellow Citizens in the great county of Culpeper. Anyone that is in Central VA, please consider attending this event. This is the county whose Sheriff has offered to deputize US Citizens to support their 2A rights. (I loved the reference to the 'old oak tree'; oak trees are as American as apple pie and the stars and stripes. May our oaks always stand against all threats, foreign and domestic, and as such remind us to protect our freedoms.)

You are cordially invited to attend Culpeper County 2A's upcoming event in Yowell Meadow Park in Culpeper entitled "A People's Second Amendment Rally: 'Time to Gather Again'" Details are below.

Given the reckless threats, both implicit and explicit, to our liberties, property and persons emanating from Richmond, and, most notably, from one U.S. Congressman, we would be honored to have you join us and stand for the constitutional rights of all Virginia's citizens. Please join us and please confirm that you will do so.

Patrick Heelen

On July 17, 1775, citizens from Culpeper, Fauquier and Orange counties came together in Clayton’s Old Field under a large oak tree, in present day Yowell Meadow Park, to raise a cadre of 350 men to defend themselves and their families from a tyrannical government. Those 350 brave men would go down in history as the Culpeper Minutemen.

Today, we are facing equally ominous threats from our own state government, including threats to confiscate our arms, threats of economic and legal retaliation against our localities and local elected representatives, and veiled threats of the use of military force against peaceful, law-abiding citizens who have done no wrong. Richmond said it intends to strip of us of our God given rights. We are being threatened. It is time to join together again in defense of our liberties.

Please join us. All citizens are welcome. We are renewing our commitment to the defense of our right to keep and bear arms and to the principles of liberty upon which this great republic was founded. We will meet on the same hallowed ground where the Culpeper Minutemen pledged their lives in defense of liberty and do the same.


Noon Meet at the Yowell Meadow Park Gazebo

12:30 pm Short walk to the monument at the site of the old oak tree where the Culpeper Minutemen mustered for a short prayer and remembrance.

1:00 pm Return to the gazebo to hear from patriots working in the trenches to protect our liberties.

When: Saturday, January 11 th 2020

Where: Yowell Meadow Park N Blue Ridge Ave, Culpeper, VA 22701 (Gazebo behind the park off Gardner Street Entrance)

No Matter the weather we will gather.
The Police should attend when they pass these new laws and anyone who voted yes should be taken into custody to avert civil war over unconstitutional laws. These politicians would be held in a secured location until Virginia can elect new leadership that will protect the constitutional rights of Virginians. Once this process has been completed then the politicians being held shall be tried for treason and sentence carried out in the most public fashion.
My whole family shoots as a group when we are target shooting. Are the police going to come on my land and arrest each one of us that is holding a banned weapon?
Hope so.

I'm not trying to stir the pot but see human nature. For example, Fudds. They don't typically care about black rifles and pistols so it doesn't effect them and they aren't much help. I still got my huntin' rifle.

I hope they stay the course with the rest of you but I won't be surprised if they don't.

Dividing and conquering has always been a tactic to destroy or disable a certain class of people or segment of society to achieve a certain ends.

Just look at why socialism is so popular now. To the person who doesn't have a lot of money, unemployed or to lazy to even look for a job; the concept of taking money from someone, who perceptibly, has too much sounds like a good idea. The mantra of taxing the rich sounds great until you realize that poor people don't create jobs.

On a smaller scale look at the dynamics of a club sometime. For example, there is only so much money for range improvement at a gun club. The trap shooters will argue for the money to be spent on their range. Pistol shooters are upset that the money isn't spent on better lighting for their range. The rifle shooters think that the money could be spent on lengthening the range and raising the backstop. Everyone wants the money spent for their particular shooting venue.

That's why you didn't hear too many trap shooters bitching in states where they want to ban "assault weapons" and "high capacity magazines."

I'm not bad-mouthing all LEOs but if you don't think there isn't an "us against them" mentality among some people who wear a badge then you haven't lived long enough.

Their might be some who will keep their mouths shut when they find out that they can keep their privately owned "assault weapons" because they've been anointed with god-like status of wearer-of-the-golden-badge.

Someone joked with me one time when we were talking politics. He said, "I don't care who the dictator is, as long as he makes me the Chief of Police." My friend was joking but in reality, there are a lot of people that think that way.

Your next door neighbor may be more of a mercenary than you think. He might be willing to turn your ass in if he thought it might benefit his social or economic standing. And he could care less if you were sent to jail for a very long time while he looks in on your wife or daughter occasionally to check on their welfare.

It wasn't just the Gestapo, SS or Einsatzgruppen that did all the work to round up the Jews in Europe. They had some help from everyday people who may have worked at the bakery, factory, clothing store or were a doctor, teacher or maid.

If an ordinary citizen wouldn't have reservations on dropping a dime on you because of your "evil" guns, don't think a cop couldn't take some sort of pleasure in arresting you. I'm not saying they are all like that but think about this.

LEOs are just like the rest of us. They have bills to pay, a mortgage, medical expenses, families to take care of and retirement to worry about. In short; money is a strong incentive to get some people to change their convictions.

In the end, some cops don't give a damn about some redneck down the road who won't give up his AR-15. Some of these LEOs won't go in the redneck's house like they are clearing some rooms in Fallujah. They will get their heavy metal toys and teargas the hell out of the redneck and his family. Deep down the LEO may be thinking; "Sucks to be them. I got three kids and another on the way. I need this job and my pension."

Remember that when Hitler came to power and the Firearms Act of 1938 went into effect, he didn't ban all guns. If you were a good member of the NAZI party, you could own a gun. It was the non-Aryans who were SOL.

Do a little research on Johann Reichhart. He started out as an executioner for the Weimar Republic. Then when the NAZIs came to power, he was still "just doing his job." In fact, it was he who executed Sophie Sholl and her brother. He had no choice cause he was "just doing his job."

What is just as disgusting about Reichart is that he executed war criminals for the US military. After all, he had plenty of practice.

I'm not bad mouthing all LEOs but like Reichart, there will be plenty that will be "just doing their job."
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Dividing and conquering has always been a tactic to destroy or disable a certain class of people or segment of society to achieve a certain ends.

Just look at why socialism is so popular now. To the person who doesn't have a lot of money, unemployed or to lazy to even look for a job; the concept of taking money from someone, who perceptibly, has too much sounds like a good idea. The mantra of taxing the rich sounds great until you realize that poor people don't create jobs.

On a smaller scale look at the dynamics of a club sometime. For example, there is only so much money for range improvement at a gun club. The trap shooters will argue for the money to be spent on their range. Pistol shooters are upset that the money isn't spent on better lighting for their range. The rifle shooters think that the money could be spent on lengthening the range and raising the backstop. Everyone wants the money spent for their particular shooting venue.

That's why you didn't hear to0 many trap shooters bitching in states where they want to ban "assault weapons" and "high capacity magazines."

I'm not bad-mouthing all LEOs but if you don't think there isn't an "us against them" mentality among some people who wear a badge then you haven't lived long enough.

Their might be some who will keep their mouths shut when they find out that they can keep their privately owned "assault weapons" because they've been anointed with god-like status of wearer-of-the-golden-badge.

Someone joked with me one time when we were talking politics. He said, "I don't care who the dictator is, as long as he makes me the Chief of Police." My friend was joking but in reality, there are a lot of people that think that way.

Your next door neighbor may be more of a mercenary than you think. He might be willing to turn your ass in if he thought it might benefit his social or economic standing. And he could care less if you were sent to jail for a very long time while he looks in on your wife or daughter occasionally to check on their welfare.

It wasn't just the Gestapo, SS or Einsatzgruppen that did all the work to round up the Jews in Europe. They had some help from everyday people who may have worked at the bakery, factory, clothing store or were a doctor, teacher or maid.

If an ordinary citizen wouldn't have reservations on dropping a dime on you because of your "evil" guns, don't think a cop couldn't take some sort of pleasure in arresting you. I'm not saying they are all like that but think about this.

LEOs are just like the rest of us. They have bills to pay, a mortgage, medical expenses, families to take care of and retirement to worry about. In short; money is a strong incentive to get some people to change their convictions.

In the end, some cops don't give a damn about some redneck down the road who won't give up his AR-15. Some of these LEOs won't go in the redneck's house like they are clearing some rooms in Fallujah. They will get their heavy metal toys and teargas the hell out of the redneck and his family. Deep down the LEO may be thinking; "Sucks to be them. I got three kids and another on the way. I need this job and my pension."

Remember that when Hitler came to power and Firearms Act of 1938 went into effect, he didn't ban all guns. If you were a good member of the NAZI party, you could own a gun. It was the non-Aryans who were SOL.

Do a little research on Johann Reichhart. He started out as an executioner for the Weimar Republic. Then when the NAZIs came to power, he was still "just doing his job." In fact, it was he who executed Sophie Sholl and her brother. He had no choice cause he was "just doing his job."

What is just as disgusting about Reichart is that he executed war criminals for the US military. After all, he had plenty of practice.

I'm not bad mouthing all LEOs but like Reichart, there will be plenty that will be "just doing their job."

Well said. I hope and pray that LEOs will stand side by side with law abiding citizens to oppose these laws and demand the VA legislature not enact unconstitutional gun laws. However, as history has shown, it is naïve at best and life threateningly dangerous at worst to assume the powers at be will not have anyone to do evil on their behalf.

No one will fight this fight for you. You need to show up. You need to be at lobby day. You need to have a voice. We can no longer sit back and assume that the powers at be will balk because some LEOs said they won't enforce or because someone else stood up at a meeting and spoke. That is not enough. We will either use numbers now peacefully to show our resolve, be forced to resort to less peaceful means later, or be subjugated. There are no other outcomes.

The more we lose, the harder it is to win. We lost at the ballot box because of voter apathy. Now the fight is harder. If we lose at lobby day due to apathy, I assure you any means of rolling back infringements becomes harder and more costly. Its easy to saber rattle and use the same old tropes on the internet "come and take it" "from my cold dead hands" etc.

To be willing to die for liberty is noble, to do nothing to defend liberty before the time comes to lay down your life for it is ignorant.

Please stand up peacefully now, in the hopes that we may avert the need to do violence in defense of liberty in the future.
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Why are we still stuck on Us vs Them? It's gonna take all of US to preserve our Rights and stop this shit and all a lot of folks want to do is keep drawing a fucking line in the sand and daring someone to cross it. This is US vs The Politicians....we can go back to hating everyone else when we deal with those fuckers.

Until then please get with yer neighbors and help US come together not push US apart.

Why are we still stuck on Us vs Them? It's gonna take all of US to preserve our Rights and stop this shit and all a lot of folks want to do is keep drawing a fucking line in the sand and daring someone to cross it. This is US vs The Politicians....we can go back to hating everyone else when we deal with those fuckers.

Until then please get with yer neighbors and help US come together not push US apart.


Division of the people is tyranny's greatest ally.
Why are we still stuck on Us vs Them? It's gonna take all of US to preserve our Rights and stop this shit and all a lot of folks want to do is keep drawing a fucking line in the sand and daring someone to cross it. This is US vs The Politicians....we can go back to hating everyone else when we deal with those fuckers.

Until then please get with yer neighbors and help US come together not push US apart.


Remember what I said about money being a powerful motivator to get someone to act in a certain manner?

Remember that LEOs are just like us. They have financial obligations and responsibilities to their families. They want to put their kids through school. They want to keep their pensions.

The tyrants know that. So they have introduced a bill to automatically fire anyone who won't enforce an unconstitutional law. Look at House Bill No. 67 that was prefiled on December 5th.

"Any public safety employee who, in concert with two or more other such employees, for the purpose of obstructing, impeding or suspending any activity or operation of his employing agency or any other governmental agency, strikes or willfully refuses to perform the duties of his employment shall, by such action, be deemed to have terminated his employment and shall thereafter be ineligible for employment in any position or capacity during the next 12 months by the Commonwealth, or any county, city, town or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth, or by any department or agency of any of them."

Twelve months is a long time to be unemployed. Oh and guess what? If you aren't a cop anymore, you can't keep your "assault weapon." It's not evil if the one owning it is wearing a badge. You might get your rifle back if you decide to do what the dictator tells you to do.

If that law goes into effect, don't think that there will be some people wearing a badge that won't think twice about confiscating your guns.
Yeah...I was being rhetorical. If we *really* want to help the Anti's then all we have to do is keep hating on potential allies because they are not *just like us* and stay separated into US vs Them and screeching about Boogaloo's and violence and treason and hanging people. There may come a time for that but we ought to all be, any of US who have seen that shit elsewhere, doing our best to be our best until it's time for that.

You'll know when it comes time for violence and we should all be doing our best to avoid that. I don't get it when people who have seen violence of citizen against citizen advocating for that here in America. It's disgusting and it's not what Americans are made of.

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Division of the people is tyranny's greatest ally.

Bingo and IMO the plan is working thus far with some trade-offs.

You got the 2A sanctuaries...some will say is a win (and I am not saying it isn't but...) to which you have basically legitimized illegal immigrant sanctuaries (not saying its a fair comparison, but it is already part of the debate). If they can do it, we can do it...i liken this trade-off as shorter term versus a long term fundamental change.

You also have 2A supporters (already a skeptical bunch) infighting. On one hand you have the "hang-em high" crowd, then you have the "this must be first done through political process" crowd. IMO, the "political process crowd" is way less likely to get involved if they feel they will be labeled as the former. I could be reading this wrong, so it really is just an observation at this point...

Not to mention 2A versus LE versus (insert name)...

Seems to me that they may have known exactly what they were doing and have maybe...just maybe...thought this through from a long term perspective.

Now, how do I make that SA a bolt action?
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Yeah...I was being rhetorical. If we *really* want to help the Anti's then all we have to do is keep hating on potential allies because they are not *just like us* and stay separated into US vs Them and screeching about Boogaloo's and violence and treason and hanging people. There may come a time for that but we ought to all be, any of US who have seen that shit elsewhere, doing our best to be our best until it's time for that.

You'll know when it comes time for violence and we should all be doing our best to avoid that. I don't get it when people who have seen violence of citizen against citizen advocating for that here in America. It's disgusting and it's not what Americans are made of.


Well it is a shame to speak, but when violence against another citizen occurs unfortunately some one becomes a victim. I know I for one does not want my family, myself, friends nor any of you to fall prey to this should it happen. But in some cases he who strikes first strikes last.
Not making a anti LEO statement however. Keep in mind, if the new laws ever exempt LEO most those officers standing with you will turn on you and enforce them.
Why the gun grabbers always slip in exemptions for leos and active military. To try to keep them on their side as their stormtroopers.
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Yeah...I was being rhetorical. If we *really* want to help the Anti's then all we have to do is keep hating on potential allies because they are not *just like us* and stay separated into US vs Them and screeching about Boogaloo's and violence and treason and hanging people. There may come a time for that but we ought to all be, any of US who have seen that shit elsewhere, doing our best to be our best until it's time for that.

You'll know when it comes time for violence and we should all be doing our best to avoid that. I don't get it when people who have seen violence of citizen against citizen advocating for that here in America. It's disgusting and it's not what Americans are made of.


Part of why I made my first post today was to get ahead of any of this. Now that I'm not at work I have a few more minutes to add to it. I'm not a police hater but those in Virginia need to keep in mind what could happen if the laws are written to exempt the LEO. In the meantime those working for the 2a need to continue to help facilitate unity with the police and remind them over and over that for the most part law abiding gun owners are typically their strongest supporters. Create bonds before they are able to be broken so that they, the police, realize they are being used by the politicians for their own gain and would/will be tossed out once their usefulness is no longer needed. Its one thing to continue to have your paycheck coming in but its a whole other thing to truly realize that its only for a short time before they are also in that screwed group. And just like the gun owners, you step out of line even a little and its curtains. Nip that in the bud it goes a long way in the future.
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I still say that EVERY LEO in Virginia should be offended by the callous disregard the governor and his minions have for every LEO’s life. They are blatantly and gleefully doing their best to use LEOs to do their political dirty work, and quite frankly are HOPING LEOs ARE KILLED over this to lend credence to the idea that ever single firearm not in a LEOs hand is in the hands of an enemy. THE ONLY ENEMY IS THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL LEFTISTS AND THEIR AGENDA.
I seriously doubt any 18 person team is an assualt team. The more likely guess is it's 18 geeks that will be used to track transactions, facebook posts, instagram, and financial records to find the people they want to target. That's my guess.

Also, his elite protection of State Personel probably aren't too thrilled with him either. His budgets stops them from getting pay increases. So the economy in VA is booming, lowest unemployment in it's history (2.6%) and he locks out pay increases for them. They aren't happy with him either.
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I seriously doubt any 18 person team is an assualt team. The more likely guess is it's 18 geeks that will be used to track transactions, facebook posts, instagram, and financial records to find the people they want to target. That's my guess.

Also, his elite protection of State Personel probably aren't too thrilled with him either. His budgets stops them from getting pay increases. So the economy in VA is booming, lowest unemployment in it's history (2.6%) and he locks out pay increases for them. They aren't happy with him either.
One could assume that the 18 workers under the direction of secretary Moran would coordinate and oversee the collection of banned weapons across the state. Or operate the registration of grandfathered weapons and the most likely fee to go along with it.

Then after that, they can take local LEO's form 4s on file from the mandatory ATF notification of application and start their door to door compliance checks with those names first.
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