Re: vasectomy
So, my boss was also one who had this done. Except he was "Real Tough". The mill where we worked needed him real bad, and he came back in to work that same day. He had his surgery in the morning, and was back around 3:00pm. Nothing to it.
Ya'll don't know what yer talkin' about, he said.
Sure, I'll help you carry that I-beam, you get the other end, I got this one.
(you see, it is a good thing this took place in the beginning of December, cause when he dropped that I-beam, he was able to run outside and drop his drawers and make 'funny looking snow-angels into his crotch.) He sat there for a while.
Then he went home.
All was better the next day though, cause he was back for 'morning meeting' and gave out the jobs. He lasted till about noon that day. All that walking around to everyones jobs, just checking on things, seemed to give him a 'Tummy ache'.
Was about a few days later, that infection set in. That got fought with for about a week or so, then the right one had to get removed. Yep, you read that right.
He was told to be off for at least a week. But the Mill can't run without me, he figured. I believe he made it 3 days, before he 'just going in to check on things'. Well ya see, it don't always work out like that. Just catch up on this paperwork. And get this copied. And get that sent up. And check on the stockroom for parts. And.... well, you guessed it. Infection wasn't quite cleared up, and it sorta took a liking to the 'other one'.
They tried fighting that one off too. Fought harder even.
Lost it too.
Them ain't Protein Supplements he's on now, so's I'm told. Them're for wimps.
Or, you can listen. And no, I ain't making this up.