Re: Vegan vs. Meat Eater
In general:
Life means extracting chemical compounds from your enviroment for their chemical energy or as building material to procreate.
Animals are, however cute and imposing they may be, a viable source for some of these compounds and a tasty source too.
Why should one discriminate against this source?
Plants are living beings too.
Eating only plants because they don't look cute or are strange to us because of their extreme biological differentness seems pretty hypocritical to me, especially if you believe that all life is equal.
Taking a life is an awe-inspiring experience, it makes you understand where the meat your eating comes from and what it's worth. You can't understand this when you are buying meat in the supermarket right next to toilet paper.
Also if you're eating game, the meat does not come out of some meat factory where the animals were incarcerated and agonized before being butchered.
I understand the necessity of industrial meat production, but can't like it.
A clean kill far out of civilization, being part of nature, not an alien invader just observing it, makes you appreciate life and nature much more than talking about how sacred life is to you.
I think the distance to nature the urban lifestyle produces, not only geographicly but in socialisation, alienates many people to the mindset that they are part of nature.
They observe it on tv or when vacating as something that differs from their world, something they arent part of and perceive it simultaneously as something beautiful that has to be preserved like a park has to be managed and maintained.
Killing a part of this beauty is like vandalism, especially a part that seems cute and innocent, is not right and goes against the principles one was taught as a child.
But actually death is an integral part of life and nature, it makes accesible what is needed to create and prolong life and will be given by the consuming being when it ends itself.
Well, I hope it's understandable what I want to express and not too cheesy.
ps: orthography