Venezuelas Communist Dictator Maduro steals election and protesters take to the streets

Funny... I sent the news of the 'sad' death of the Beirut Barracks bombing to a Marine Col. friend of mine the other day.

He said "We call that addition by subtraction."

New term for me! I like it!

By subtracting a shit ton of Commies... we are on the plus side!

By subtracting taxes and regulations... our economy is on the plus side.

By offing a terrorist scum-weasel... we are definitely on the plus side.

This must be the 'new math' they talk about. I like it now! Much better than I did!


From 1965 when I was -21.
I feel pretty comfortable taking the opposite position of Blinken on pretty much any subject.
The thing with Blinken is he genuinely seems like a clueless dope. John Kirby and Jake Sullivan are deeply evil compromised people. But I really do think Blinken is just a hapless moron who has no idea what's going on and just says what they tell him to. Kind of like if Mr. Bean was the foreign secretary of Britain.
Funny... I sent the news of the 'sad' death of the Beirut Barracks bombing to a Marine Col. friend of mine the other day.

He said "We call that addition by subtraction."

New term for me! I like it!

By subtracting a shit ton of Commies... we are on the plus side!

By subtracting taxes and regulations... our economy is on the plus side.

By offing a terrorist scum-weasel... we are definitely on the plus side.

This must be the 'new math' they talk about. I like it now! Much better than I did!

Not "new math" at all. Subtraction of a negative is, mathematically, addition...
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He is well aware of the actual situation at home and in the US. Just whining because he didn’t realize that he is seen as a random consumable by the deep state.

Probably pissed that the US keeps trying to coup him so they can install a government that would open up their oil market to US corporations.

The US State Department/CIA doesn't care about democracy - look at all the despotic regimes we are aligned with. You don't hear them complain about democracy in Saudi Arabia, for example. Or a number of other despotic regimes that just happens to align with our own interests. "Democracy" is only an issue when our government wants to exploit another countries resources, or use it as a proxy against an adversary.

The CIA essentially started as an arm of the government used to protect US corporate interests abroad. Look at what the Dulles brothers did at the onset of the CIA - they coup'ed Iran because they nationalized the oil industry, followed by Guatemala because the government was going to give the land of the United Fruit Company (a big banana producer) back to local farmers.

Same story, different characters.
Biden administration states Maduro lost and there was rampant fraud by him so they recognize his opponent as the rightful winner.Thats ironic since we said the same thing about 2020 and when on Jan 6th we went to address those same concerns many of us were thrown in jail for what amounts to political prosecution something Biden and Co. are very adept at.These mother fuckers have no moral compass at all.
Biden administration states Maduro lost and there was rampant fraud by him so they recognize his opponent as the rightful winner.Thats ironic since we said the same thing about 2020 and when on Jan 6th we went to address those same concerns many of us were thrown in jail for what amounts to political prosecution something Biden and Co. are very adept at.These mother fuckers have no moral compass at all.

This point is pretty salient.

If you apply their same argument for what's currently happening in Venezuela to our 2020 election, then you could make the claim that our 2020 election was fraudulent (based on reaction of protestors).

Our officials regularly make hypocritical statements to justify a position that's most beneficial to them. It's pretty insulting, IMO.
At least they're doing something. We (myself included) just roll over and take it.
Yep. I don’t think America has the stones. I keep hope that im wrong tho and that if it’s as blatant as VZ that we will unite and do something.

Late to the thread. I feel like Venezuela is a foretelling of what is going to happen to America if we’re not careful.

The Democrats are already busy fucking with this election and rigging it. And the Republicans as usual, are doing fuck all about it………

Dear God our side is so weak.
Both sides are two sides of the same coin. If it just fall, let it fall.

U.S. Recognizes Maduro’s Rival as Winner of Venezuelan Election​

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said there was “overwhelming evidence” that Edmundo González had won, despite President Nicolás Maduro’s claim of victory.
Lmao. But but I read months ago that the US had worked a deal with Maduro to ensure a legit election and he would not tamper in any way yo allow the people to vote who they really wanted.

I feel pretty comfortable taking the opposite position of Blinken on pretty much any subject.
The inverse Blinken!

Biden administration states Maduro lost and there was rampant fraud by him so they recognize his opponent as the rightful winner.Thats ironic since we said the same thing about 2020 and when on Jan 6th we went to address those same concerns many of us were thrown in jail for what amounts to political prosecution something Biden and Co. are very adept at.These mother fuckers have no moral compass at all.
You just now realizing this?
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End of the day Rubio and co who think they are entitled to chose governments in americas at will , need couple more million Venezuelan migrants ,as a result of in this case Trumps failed policies, probably Bolton's policies but Trump bought it hook line and sinker when Bolton sold him the idea to steal their oil , and US ended with millions of Venezuelan migrants and no oil

If you take a honest look most mayor Oil producers are effectively socialist -Communist dictatorships are relatively poorly managed but boon in income offsets the corruption and mismanagment , citizens are pulling rent of have no show jobs, most of them also run massive imported foreign labor force to do actual work, Even most effectively managed Norway is a socialist with foreign workers keeping the lights running.
Venezuela is just most effectively sanctioned,Iran flowing close second but geography means Iran and Russia are much harder to sanction than venezuela and unlike venezuela they are much more self-sufficient in terms of industry,agriculture etc.
I remember when traveling south americas cca 15y ago ,venezuela was funding projects in so many south american countires , while not building much industrial capacity domesticaly, was kinda like gulf states prior Gulf war , pre diversification drive that is why sanctions bit so hard.
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Yep. I don’t think America has the stones. I keep hope that im wrong tho and that if it’s as blatant as VZ that we will unite and do something.

Both sides are two sides of the same coin. If it just fall, let it fall.

Lmao. But but I read months ago that the US had worked a deal with Maduro to ensure a legit election and he would not tamper in any way yo allow the people to vote who they really wanted.

The inverse Blinken!

You just now realizing this?
No I knew it before it happened and know its gonna happen again.The Dems will hold the Senate and WH and regain the house and thats the way its gonna be. Until the trouble comes right to people's door they will sit and go along for the ride. Trump will not be allowed back in the WH as sure as God made little green apples.
It's not the first time for a bogus election in Venezuela. There's still people alive that lived in the time of plenty when the country was an economic boom. They have finally hit rock bottom under the socialist program.
The USA is following the same pattern but under a better disguised plan. GW Bush kicked it off with the Patriot Act. The kenyan with destruction of the health care system. Trump was a mistake and the potato was installed to punish the people and get the program back on track.
Do they install the cackling dick sucker to set the stage of gun confiscation and the next phase? Do they let Trump reside over the biggest economic collapse ever?
Either way, it's got to hit rock bottom before the people of the USA to revolt.
doesn't look like they're voting their way out of it.
